Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
310865CF1901F. Landscaping000.000%
310866CF1902A. Binary Imbalance000.000%
310872CF1903A. Halloumi Boxes000.000%
310883CF1904D2. Set To Max (Hard Version)000.000%
310885CF1904F. Beautiful Tree000.000%
310886CF1905A. Constructive Problems000.000%
310905CF1907A. Rook000.000%
310910CF1907F. Shift and Reverse000.000%
310912CF1909A. Distinct Buttons000.000%
310925CF1910D. Remove and Add000.000%
310952CF1913A. Rating Increase000.000%
310957CF1913F. Palindromic Problem000.000%
310958CF1914A. Problemsolving Log000.000%
310959CF1914B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
310967CF1915A. Odd One Out020.000%
310968CF1915B. Not Quite Latin Square020.000%
310969CF1915C. Can I Square?040.000%
310970CF1915D. Unnatural Language Processing020.000%
310971CF1915E. Romantic Glasses020.000%
310972CF1915F. Greetings030.000%
310973CF1915G. Bicycles020.000%
310974CF1916A. 2023000.000%
310983CF1917A. Least Product000.000%
310989CF1918A. Brick Wall000.000%
310990CF1918B. Minimize Inversions000.000%
310991CF1918C. XOR-distance000.000%
310992CF1918D. Blocking Elements000.000%
310993CF1918E. ace5 and Task Order000.000%
310994CF1918F. Caterpillar on a Tree000.000%
310995CF1918G. Permutation of Given000.000%
310996CF1919A. Wallet Exchange000.000%
310997CF1919B. Plus-Minus Split000.000%
311002CF1919F2. Wine Factory (Hard Version)000.000%
311005CF1920A. Satisfying Constraints000.000%
311012CF1921A. Square000.000%
311013CF1921B. Arranging Cats000.000%
311019CF1922A. Tricky Template000.000%
311023CF1922E. Increasing Subsequences000.000%
311025CF1923A. Moving Chips000.000%
311028CF1923D. Slimes000.000%
311037CF1925A. We Got Everything Covered!000.000%
311043CF1926A. Vlad and the Best of Five000.000%
311044CF1926B. Vlad and Shapes000.000%
311045CF1926C. Vlad and a Sum of Sum of Digits000.000%
311046CF1926D. Vlad and Division000.000%
311047CF1926E. Vlad and an Odd Ordering000.000%
311048CF1926F. Vlad and Avoiding X000.000%
311049CF1926G. Vlad and Trouble at MIT000.000%
311050CF1927A. Make it White000.000%
311057CF1928A. Rectangle Cutting000.000%
311058CF1928B. Equalize000.000%
311059CF1928C. Physical Education Lesson000.000%
311060CF1928D. Lonely Mountain Dungeons000.000%
311061CF1928E. Modular Sequence000.000%
311062CF1928F. Digital Patterns000.000%
311063CF1929A. Sasha and the Beautiful Array000.000%
311064CF1929B. Sasha and the Drawing000.000%
311069CF1930A. Maximise The Score000.000%
311072CF1930D1. Sum over all Substrings (Easy Version)000.000%
311079CF1931A. Recovering a Small String000.000%
311080CF1931B. Make Equal000.000%
311086CF1932A. Thorns and Coins000.000%
311093CF1933A. Turtle Puzzle: Rearrange and Negate000.000%
311094CF1933B. Turtle Math: Fast Three Task000.000%
311100CF1934A. Too Min Too Max000.000%
311106CF1935A. Entertainment in MAC000.000%
311108CF1935C. Messenger in MAC000.000%
311109CF1935D. Exam in MAC000.000%
311111CF1935F. Andrey's Tree000.000%
311118CF1937A. Shuffle Party000.000%
311145CF1941A. Rudolf and the Ticket000.000%
311150CF1941F. Rudolf and Imbalance000.000%
311152CF1942A. Farmer John's Challenge000.000%
311153CF1942B. Bessie and MEX000.000%
311154CF1942C1. Bessie's Birthday Cake (Easy Version)000.000%
311155CF1942C2. Bessie's Birthday Cake (Hard Version)000.000%
311156CF1942D. Learning to Paint000.000%
311157CF1942E. Farm Game000.000%
311158CF1942F. Farmer John's Favorite Function000.000%
311159CF1942G. Bessie and Cards000.000%
311160CF1942H. Farmer John's Favorite Intern000.000%
311165CF1943D2. Counting Is Fun (Hard Version)000.000%
311169CF1944A. Destroying Bridges000.000%
311175CF1944F2. Counting Is Fun (Hard Version)000.000%
311176CF1945A. Setting up Camp000.000%
311184CF1946A. Median of an Array000.000%
311190CF1948A. Special Characters000.000%
311191CF1948B. Array Fix000.000%
311192CF1948C. Arrow Path000.000%
311193CF1948D. Tandem Repeats?000.000%
311194CF1948E. Clique Partition000.000%
311195CF1948F. Rare Coins000.000%
311196CF1948G. MST with Matching000.000%
311207CF1949K. Make Triangle000.000%
311208CF1950A. Stair, Peak, or Neither?0100.000%
311209CF1950B. Upscaling040.000%
311210CF1950C. Clock Conversion040.000%
311238CF1954D. Colored Balls000.000%
311241CF1955A. Yogurt Sale000.000%
311242CF1955B. Progressive Square000.000%