Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
101393[AtCoder]ABC139 D - ModSum000.000%
300024CF6E. Exposition000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300059CF13E. Holes000.000%
300076CF17B. Hierarchy000.000%
300089CF19E. Fairy000.000%
300115CF25D. Roads not only in Berland000.000%
300125CF27D. Ring Road 2000.000%
300128CF28B. pSort000.000%
300171CF36E. Two Paths000.000%
300227CF45B. School000.000%
300311CF60B. Serial Time!000.000%
300313CF60D. Savior000.000%
300391CF74C. Chessboard Billiard000.000%
300399CF76A. Gift000.000%
300407CF77C. Beavermuncher-0xFF000.000%
300429CF81E. Pairs000.000%
300449CF85E. Guard Towers000.000%
300458CF87D. Beautiful Road000.000%
300477CF91C. Ski Base000.000%
300484CF92E. Ski Base000.000%
300499CF95E. Lucky Country000.000%
300509CF97E. Leaders000.000%
300541CF103B. Cthulhu000.000%
300547CF104C. Cthulhu000.000%
300553CF105D. Entertaining Geodetics000.000%
300572CF109C. Lucky Tree000.000%
300582CF111C. Petya and Spiders000.000%
300652CF124C. Prime Permutation000.000%
300747CF141E. Clearing Up000.000%
300793CF151D. Quantity of Strings000.000%
300838CF160D. Edges in MST000.000%
300868CF165D. Beard Graph000.000%
300929CF177C1. Party000.000%
300930CF177C2. Party000.000%
300990CF187C. Weak Memory000.000%
301010CF190E. Counter Attack000.000%
301035CF195E. Building Forest000.000%
301040CF196E. Opening Portals000.000%
301131CF209C. Trails and Glades000.000%
301140CF212D. Cutting a Fence000.000%
301162CF217A. Ice Skating000.000%
301166CF217E. Alien DNA000.000%
301169CF218C. Ice Skating000.000%
301221CF228E. The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions000.000%
301389CF260D. Black and White Tree000.000%
301469CF277A. Learning Languages000.000%
301476CF278C. Learning Languages000.000%
301548CF292D. Connected Components000.000%
301643CF313E. Ilya and Two Numbers000.000%
301720CF325D. Reclamation000.000%
301721CF325E. The Red Button000.000%
301880CF356A. Knight Tournament000.000%
301894CF358E. Dima and Kicks000.000%
301913CF362D. Fools and Foolproof Roads000.000%
301933CF366D. Dima and Trap Graph000.000%
301958CF371D. Vessels000.000%
301974CF374E. Inna and Babies000.000%
302106CF400D. Dima and Bacteria000.000%
302155CF409H. A + B Strikes Back000.000%
302253CF433D. Nanami's Digital Board000.000%
302256CF434B. Nanami's Digital Board000.000%
302267CF436C. Dungeons and Candies000.000%
302274CF437D. The Child and Zoo000.000%
302277CF438B. The Child and Zoo000.000%
302293CF441D. Valera and Swaps000.000%
302309CF444E. DZY Loves Planting000.000%
302311CF445B. DZY Loves Chemistry000.000%
302349CF452E. Three strings000.000%
302363CF455C. Civilization000.000%
302370CF456E. Civilization000.000%
302396CF461D. Appleman and Complicated Task000.000%
302422CF466E. Information Graph000.000%
302429CF468B. Two Sets000.000%
302450CF471E. MUH and Lots and Lots of Segments000.000%
302454CF472D. Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem000.000%
302537CF490B. Queue000.000%
302586CF500B. New Year Permutation000.000%
302589CF500E. New Year Domino000.000%
302593CF501B. Misha and Changing Handles000.000%
302603CF505B. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302610CF506D. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302657CF515B. Drazil and His Happy Friends000.000%
302664CF516D. Drazil and Morning Exercise000.000%
302821CF547B. Mike and Feet000.000%
302855CF553C. Love Triangles000.000%
302862CF554E. Love Triangles000.000%
302903CF566D. Restructuring Company000.000%
302931CF571D. Campus000.000%
303082CF600E. Lomsat gelral000.000%
303087CF601D. Acyclic Organic Compounds000.000%
303095CF603B. Moodular Arithmetic000.000%
303098CF603E. Pastoral Oddities000.000%
303102CF604D. Moodular Arithmetic000.000%
303128CF609E. Minimum spanning tree for each edge000.000%
303226CF627F. Island Puzzle000.000%
303351CF650C. Table Compression000.000%
303353CF650E. Clockwork Bomb000.000%
303358CF651E. Table Compression000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%