Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308982CF1608A. Find Array000.000%
308983CF1608B. Build the Permutation000.000%
308984CF1608C. Game Master000.000%
308985CF1608D. Dominoes000.000%
308986CF1608E. The Cells on the Paper000.000%
308987CF1608F. MEX counting000.000%
308988CF1608G. Alphabetic Tree000.000%
309006CF1611A. Make Even000.000%
309007CF1611B. Team Composition: Programmers and Mathematicians000.000%
309008CF1611C. Polycarp Recovers the Permutation000.000%
309009CF1611D. Weights Assignment For Tree Edges000.000%
309010CF1611E1. Escape The Maze (easy version)000.000%
309011CF1611E2. Escape The Maze (hard version)000.000%
309012CF1611F. ATM and Students000.000%
309013CF1611G. Robot and Candies000.000%
309027CF1614A. Divan and a Store000.000%
309028CF1614B. Divan and a New Project 000.000%
309029CF1614C. Divan and bitwise operations000.000%
309030CF1614D1. Divan and Kostomuksha (easy version)000.000%
309031CF1614D2. Divan and Kostomuksha (hard version)000.000%
309032CF1614E. Divan and a Cottage000.000%
309235CF1648A. Weird Sum000.000%
309236CF1648B. Integral Array000.000%
309237CF1648C. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309238CF1648D. Serious Business000.000%
309239CF1648E. Air Reform000.000%
309240CF1648F. Two Avenues000.000%
309241CF1649A. Game000.000%
309242CF1649B. Game of Ball Passing000.000%
309243CF1649C. Weird Sum000.000%
309244CF1649D. Integral Array000.000%
309245CF1649E. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309246CF1649F. Serious Business000.000%
309411CF1675A. Food for Animals000.000%
309412CF1675B. Make It Increasing000.000%
309413CF1675C. Detective Task000.000%
309414CF1675D. Vertical Paths000.000%
309415CF1675E. Replace With the Previous, Minimize000.000%
309416CF1675F. Vlad and Unfinished Business000.000%
309417CF1675G. Sorting Pancakes000.000%
309877CF1750A. Indirect Sort000.000%
309878CF1750B. Maximum Substring000.000%
309879CF1750C. Complementary XOR000.000%
309880CF1750D. Count GCD000.000%
309881CF1750E. Bracket Cost000.000%
309882CF1750F. Majority000.000%
309883CF1750G. Doping000.000%
309884CF1750H. BinaryStringForces000.000%
309885CF1751A. Task Scheduling and Data Assignment000.000%
309886CF1752A. Parameterized Branch Instruction Stream Generation000.000%
309887CF1753A1. Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)000.000%
309888CF1753A2. Make Nonzero Sum (hard version)000.000%
309889CF1753B. Factorial Divisibility000.000%
309890CF1753C. Wish I Knew How to Sort000.000%
309891CF1753D. The Beach000.000%
309892CF1753E. N Machines000.000%
309893CF1753F. Minecraft Series000.000%
309894CF1754A. Technical Support000.000%
309895CF1754B. Kevin and Permutation000.000%
309896CF1754C1. Make Nonzero Sum (easy version)000.000%
309897CF1754C2. Make Nonzero Sum (hard version)000.000%
309898CF1754D. Factorial Divisibility000.000%
309899CF1754E. Wish I Knew How to Sort000.000%
309900CF1754F. The Beach000.000%
309901CF1755A. Elections000.000%
309902CF1755B. Make it Divisible by 25000.000%
309903CF1755C. Save More Mice000.000%
309904CF1755D. Gardener and Tree000.000%
309905CF1755E. Sleeping Schedule000.000%
309906CF1755F. Half of Same000.000%
309907CF1758A. SSeeeeiinngg DDoouubbllee000.000%
309908CF1758B. XOR = Average000.000%
309909CF1758C. Almost All Multiples000.000%
309910CF1758D. Range = √Sum000.000%
309911CF1758E. Tick, Tock000.000%
309912CF1758F. Decent Division000.000%
309913CF1759A. Yes-Yes?000.000%
309914CF1759B. Lost Permutation000.000%
309915CF1759C. Thermostat000.000%
309916CF1759D. Make It Round000.000%
309917CF1759E. The Humanoid000.000%
309918CF1759F. All Possible Digits000.000%
309919CF1759G. Restore the Permutation000.000%
310040CF1775A1. Gardener and the Capybaras (easy version)000.000%
310041CF1775A2. Gardener and the Capybaras (hard version)000.000%
310042CF1775B. Gardener and the Array000.000%
310043CF1775C. Interesting Sequence000.000%
310044CF1775D. Friendly Spiders000.000%
310045CF1775E. The Human Equation000.000%
310046CF1775F. Laboratory on Pluto000.000%
401181GYM100375 D Wild Card: Subway000.000%
401182GYM100375 E Wild Card: Bus000.000%
401183GYM100375 F Windrunner at Your Service000.000%
401184GYM100375 G What is the Answer?000.000%
401185GYM100375 H We Admit No Defeat000.000%
401186GYM100375 I Wex-Wex-Wex000.000%
401187GYM100375 J Warlock-2 (High)000.000%
401188GYM100375 K World of Dota: Cross 2 (High)000.000%
401189GYM100375 L Wild Card: Plane (High)000.000%
402391GYM100753 A A Journey to Greece000.000%