Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
311042CF1925F. Fractal Origami000.000%
311043CF1926A. Vlad and the Best of Five000.000%
311044CF1926B. Vlad and Shapes000.000%
311045CF1926C. Vlad and a Sum of Sum of Digits000.000%
311046CF1926D. Vlad and Division000.000%
311047CF1926E. Vlad and an Odd Ordering000.000%
311048CF1926F. Vlad and Avoiding X000.000%
311049CF1926G. Vlad and Trouble at MIT000.000%
311050CF1927A. Make it White000.000%
311051CF1927B. Following the String000.000%
311052CF1927C. Choose the Different Ones!000.000%
311053CF1927D. Find the Different Ones!000.000%
311054CF1927E. Klever Permutation000.000%
311055CF1927F. Microcycle000.000%
311056CF1927G. Paint Charges000.000%
311057CF1928A. Rectangle Cutting000.000%
311058CF1928B. Equalize000.000%
311059CF1928C. Physical Education Lesson000.000%
311060CF1928D. Lonely Mountain Dungeons000.000%
311061CF1928E. Modular Sequence000.000%
311062CF1928F. Digital Patterns000.000%
311063CF1929A. Sasha and the Beautiful Array000.000%
311064CF1929B. Sasha and the Drawing000.000%
311065CF1929C. Sasha and the Casino000.000%
311066CF1929D. Sasha and a Walk in the City000.000%
311067CF1929E. Sasha and the Happy Tree Cutting000.000%
311068CF1929F. Sasha and the Wedding Binary Search Tree000.000%
311079CF1931A. Recovering a Small String000.000%
311080CF1931B. Make Equal000.000%
311081CF1931C. Make Equal Again000.000%
311082CF1931D. Divisible Pairs000.000%
311083CF1931E. Anna and the Valentine's Day Gift000.000%
311084CF1931F. Chat Screenshots000.000%
311085CF1931G. One-Dimensional Puzzle000.000%
311086CF1932A. Thorns and Coins000.000%
311087CF1932B. Chaya Calendar000.000%
311088CF1932C. LR-remainders000.000%
311089CF1932D. Card Game000.000%
311090CF1932E. Final Countdown000.000%
311091CF1932F. Feed Cats000.000%
311092CF1932G. Moving Platforms000.000%
311093CF1933A. Turtle Puzzle: Rearrange and Negate000.000%
311094CF1933B. Turtle Math: Fast Three Task000.000%
311095CF1933C. Turtle Fingers: Count the Values of k000.000%
311096CF1933D. Turtle Tenacity: Continual Mods000.000%
311097CF1933E. Turtle vs. Rabbit Race: Optimal Trainings000.000%
311098CF1933F. Turtle Mission: Robot and the Earthquake000.000%
311099CF1933G. Turtle Magic: Royal Turtle Shell Pattern000.000%
401547GYM100492 A Average Convex Hull000.000%
401548GYM100492 B Binary Suffix Array000.000%
401549GYM100492 C Collision Detection000.000%
401550GYM100492 D Dual Cure000.000%
401551GYM100492 E Elections000.000%
401552GYM100492 F Free of Squares000.000%
401553GYM100492 G Gas Transportation000.000%
401554GYM100492 H Handsome Division000.000%
401555GYM100492 I In Touch000.000%
401556GYM100492 J Jumbo World000.000%
401954GYM100592 A Boomerang000.000%
401955GYM100592 B Lunch Scheduling000.000%
401956GYM100592 C Gentrification000.000%
401957GYM100592 D Fox Rocks000.000%
402187GYM100692 A Pegman000.000%
402188GYM100692 B Kiddie Pool000.000%
402189GYM100692 C Bilingual000.000%
402190GYM100692 D Drum Decorator000.000%
402487GYM100792 A Anagrams000.000%
402488GYM100792 B Banana Brain's Bracelet
402489GYM100792 C Colder-Hotter000.000%
402490GYM100792 D Delay Time
402491GYM100792 E Entertainment000.000%
402492GYM100792 F Flow Management000.000%
402493GYM100792 G Garden Gathering
402494GYM100792 H Hashing000.000%
402495GYM100792 I Illegal or Not?000.000%
402496GYM100792 J Jealousy000.000%
402497GYM100792 K King's Rout000.000%
402498GYM100792 L Locomotive
402847GYM100920 A Automorphism000.000%
402848GYM100920 B Laser Billiards000.000%
402849GYM100920 C Smart Dog000.000%
402850GYM100920 D Expression000.000%
402851GYM100920 E Paint000.000%
402852GYM100920 F Parliament000.000%
402853GYM100920 G Sequences000.000%
402854GYM100920 H Squares000.000%
402855GYM100920 I Tables000.000%
402856GYM100920 J Triangle000.000%
402857GYM100923 A Por Costel and Azerah000.000%
402858GYM100923 B Por Costel and the Algorithm000.000%
402859GYM100923 C Por Costel and Bujor000.000%
402860GYM100923 D Por Costel and the Censorship Committee000.000%
402861GYM100923 E Por Costel and the Cipher000.000%
402862GYM100923 F Por Costel and the Alien Invasion000.000%
402863GYM100923 G Por Costel and the Orchard000.000%
402864GYM100923 H Por Costel and the Match000.000%
402865GYM100923 I Por Costel and the Pairs000.000%
402866GYM100923 J Por Costel and Pinball000.000%
402867GYM100923 K Por Costel and the Firecracker000.000%
402868GYM100923 L Por Costel and the Semipalindromes000.000%