Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302758CF534A. Exam000.000%
302759CF534B. Covered Path000.000%
302760CF534C. Polycarpus' Dice000.000%
302761CF534D. Handshakes000.000%
302762CF534E. Berland Local Positioning System000.000%
302763CF534F. Simplified Nonogram000.000%
302764CF535A. Tavas and Nafas000.000%
302765CF535B. Tavas and SaDDas000.000%
302766CF535C. Tavas and Karafs000.000%
302767CF535D. Tavas and Malekas000.000%
302768CF535E. Tavas and Pashmaks000.000%
302769CF536A. Tavas and Karafs000.000%
302770CF536B. Tavas and Malekas000.000%
302771CF536C. Tavas and Pashmaks000.000%
302772CF536D. Tavas in Kansas000.000%
302773CF536E. Tavas on the Path000.000%
302774CF537A. Antiplagiarism000.000%
302775CF538A. Cutting Banner000.000%
302776CF538B. Quasi Binary000.000%
302777CF538C. Tourist's Notes000.000%
302778CF538D. Weird Chess000.000%
302779CF538E. Demiurges Play Again000.000%
302780CF538F. A Heap of Heaps000.000%
302781CF538G. Berserk Robot 000.000%
302782CF538H. Summer Dichotomy000.000%
302853CF553A. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302854CF553B. Kyoya and Permutation000.000%
302855CF553C. Love Triangles000.000%
302856CF553D. Nudist Beach000.000%
302857CF553E. Kyoya and Train000.000%
303365CF653A. Bear and Three Balls000.000%
303366CF653B. Bear and Compressing000.000%
303367CF653C. Bear and Up-Down000.000%
303368CF653D. Delivery Bears000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303370CF653F. Paper task000.000%
303371CF653G. Move by Prime000.000%
303489CF675A. Infinite Sequence000.000%
303490CF675B. Restoring Painting000.000%
303491CF675C. Money Transfers000.000%
303492CF675D. Tree Construction000.000%
303493CF675E. Trains and Statistic000.000%
303907CF753A. Santa Claus and Candies000.000%
303908CF753B. Interactive Bulls and Cows (Easy)000.000%
303909CF753C. Interactive Bulls and Cows (Hard)000.000%
304473CF853A. Planning000.000%
304474CF853B. Jury Meeting000.000%
304475CF853C. Boredom000.000%
304476CF853D. Michael and Charging Stations000.000%
304477CF853E. Lada Malina000.000%
304723CF901A. Hashing Trees000.000%
304724CF901B. GCD of Polynomials000.000%
304725CF901C. Bipartite Segments000.000%
304726CF901D. Weighting a Tree000.000%
304727CF901E. Cyclic Cipher000.000%
304728CF902A. Visiting a Friend000.000%
304729CF902B. Coloring a Tree000.000%
304730CF902C. Hashing Trees000.000%
304731CF902D. GCD of Polynomials000.000%
304732CF902E. Bipartite Segments000.000%
305008CF953A. 2-3-numbers000.000%
305009CF953B. Add Points000.000%
305010CF953C. Is This a Zebra?000.000%
305011CF953D. Choose Place000.000%
305012CF953E. Merge Equal Elements000.000%
305013CF953F. Mobile Communications000.000%
305014CF953G. Large Bouquets000.000%
305015CF953H. Endless Roses Most Beautiful000.000%
305016CF953I. A Vital Problem000.000%
305017CF953J. Segments000.000%
305548CF1053A. Vasya and Triangle000.000%
305549CF1053B. Vasya and Good Sequences000.000%
305550CF1053C. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305551CF1053D. Linear Congruential Generator000.000%
305552CF1053E. Euler tour000.000%
305671CF1073A. Diverse Substring000.000%
305672CF1073B. Vasya and Books000.000%
305673CF1073C. Vasya and Robot000.000%
305674CF1073D. Berland Fair000.000%
305675CF1073E. Segment Sum000.000%
305676CF1073F. Choosing Two Paths000.000%
305677CF1073G. Yet Another LCP Problem000.000%
305843CF1098A. Sum in the tree000.000%
305844CF1098B. Nice table000.000%
305845CF1098C. Construct a tree000.000%
305846CF1098D. Eels000.000%
305847CF1098E. Fedya the Potter000.000%
305848CF1098F. Ж-function000.000%
305849CF1099A. Snowball000.000%
305850CF1099B. Squares and Segments000.000%
305851CF1099C. Postcard000.000%
305852CF1099D. Sum in the tree000.000%
305853CF1099E. Nice table000.000%
305854CF1099F. Cookies000.000%
305855CF1100A. Roman and Browser000.000%
305856CF1100B. Build a Contest000.000%
305857CF1100C. NN and the Optical Illusion000.000%
305858CF1100D. Dasha and Chess000.000%
305859CF1100E. Andrew and Taxi000.000%
305860CF1100F. Ivan and Burgers000.000%