305849: CF1099A. Snowball

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## Description 有一个重量为 $w$ 的雪球正在高度为 $h$ 的地方向下滚动。每秒它的高度会减少 $1$。同时在高度 $i$ 的位置它的重量会增加 $i$(包括初始位置) 同时在滚动的路线上有 $2$ 块石头,第 $i$ 块石头的高度为 $h_i$,即雪球会在 $h_i$ 的位置碰到第 $i$ 块雪球。碰到石块后雪球的重量会减少 $u_i$。 注意如果雪球的重量变成一个非正数,我们认为雪球仍然是存在的,并且依然在向下滚动。如果雪球在某一秒的重量变成负数,那么我们认为它的重量变成了 $0$。会在下一秒继续增加重量。 请求出在高度 $0$ 雪球的重量 ## Input 三行每行两个整数。 第一行是雪球的初始重量和高度 $w,h$ 下面两行每行是一个石块对雪球的减重和它的高度 $u_i,h_i$ ## Output 输出一行一个数字代表答案 ## Hint $0~\leq~w,h,u_1,u_2~\leq~100~,~0~\leq~h_1,h_2~\leq~h~,~h_1~\neq~h_2$


Today's morning was exceptionally snowy. Meshanya decided to go outside and noticed a huge snowball rolling down the mountain! Luckily, there are two stones on that mountain. Initially, snowball is at height $ h $ and it has weight $ w $ . Each second the following sequence of events happens: snowball's weights increases by $ i $ , where $ i $ — is the current height of snowball, then snowball hits the stone (if it's present at the current height), then snowball moves one meter down. If the snowball reaches height zero, it stops. There are exactly two stones on the mountain. First stone has weight $ u_1 $ and is located at height $ d_1 $ , the second one — $ u_2 $ and $ d_2 $ respectively. When the snowball hits either of two stones, it loses weight equal to the weight of that stone. If after this snowball has negative weight, then its weight becomes zero, but the snowball continues moving as before. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF1099A/f7b26ae9a77b6104710900b83e2e840423f8f72b.png)Find the weight of the snowball when it stops moving, that is, it reaches height 0.



First line contains two integers $ w $ and $ h $ — initial weight and height of the snowball ( $ 0 \le w \le 100 $ ; $ 1 \le h \le 100 $ ). Second line contains two integers $ u_1 $ and $ d_1 $ — weight and height of the first stone ( $ 0 \le u_1 \le 100 $ ; $ 1 \le d_1 \le h $ ). Third line contains two integers $ u_2 $ and $ d_2 $ — weight and heigth of the second stone ( $ 0 \le u_2 \le 100 $ ; $ 1 \le d_2 \le h $ ; $ d_1 \ne d_2 $ ). Notice that stones always have different heights.


Output a single integer — final weight of the snowball after it reaches height 0.


输入样例 #1

4 3
1 1
1 2

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4 3
9 2
0 1

输出样例 #2



In the first example, initially a snowball of weight 4 is located at a height of 3, there are two stones of weight 1, at a height of 1 and 2, respectively. The following events occur sequentially: - The weight of the snowball increases by 3 (current height), becomes equal to 7. - The snowball moves one meter down, the current height becomes equal to 2. - The weight of the snowball increases by 2 (current height), becomes equal to 9. - The snowball hits the stone, its weight decreases by 1 (the weight of the stone), becomes equal to 8. - The snowball moves one meter down, the current height becomes equal to 1. - The weight of the snowball increases by 1 (current height), becomes equal to 9. - The snowball hits the stone, its weight decreases by 1 (the weight of the stone), becomes equal to 8. - The snowball moves one meter down, the current height becomes equal to 0. Thus, at the end the weight of the snowball is equal to 8.



## Description 有一个重量为 $w$ 的雪球正在高度为 $h$ 的地方向下滚动。每秒它的高度会减少 $1$。同时在高度 $i$ 的位置它的重量会增加 $i$(包括初始位置) 同时在滚动的路线上有 $2$ 块石头,第 $i$ 块石头的高度为 $h_i$,即雪球会在 $h_i$ 的位置碰到第 $i$ 块雪球。碰到石块后雪球的重量会减少 $u_i$。 注意如果雪球的重量变成一个非正数,我们认为雪球仍然是存在的,并且依然在向下滚动。如果雪球在某一秒的重量变成负数,那么我们认为它的重量变成了 $0$。会在下一秒继续增加重量。 请求出在高度 $0$ 雪球的重量 ## Input 三行每行两个整数。 第一行是雪球的初始重量和高度 $w,h$ 下面两行每行是一个石块对雪球的减重和它的高度 $u_i,h_i$ ## Output 输出一行一个数字代表答案 ## Hint $0~\leq~w,h,u_1,u_2~\leq~100~,~0~\leq~h_1,h_2~\leq~h~,~h_1~\neq~h_2$

