Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102533[AtCoder]ABC253 D - FizzBuzz Sum Hard000.000%
102534[AtCoder]ABC253 E - Distance Sequence000.000%
102535[AtCoder]ABC253 F - Operations on a Matrix000.000%
102536[AtCoder]ABC253 G - Swap Many Times000.000%
102537[AtCoder]ABC253 Ex - We Love Forest000.000%
103530[Atcoder]ABC353 A - Buildings090.000%
103531[Atcoder]ABC353 B - AtCoder Amusement Park080.000%
103532[Atcoder]ABC353 C - Sigma Problem0150.000%
103533[Atcoder]ABC353 D - Another Sigma Problem 0160.000%
103534[Atcoder]ABC353 E - Yet Another Sigma Problem 060.000%
103535[Atcoder]ABC353 F - Tile Distance000.000%
103536[Atcoder]ABC353 G - Merchant Takahashi000.000%
103537[Atcoder]ABC353 404 Not Found - AtCoder000.000%
201485[AtCoder]ARC148 F - 998244353 → 1000000007000.000%
201530[AtCoder]ARC153 A - AABCDDEFE000.000%
201531[AtCoder]ARC153 B - Grid Rotations000.000%
201532[AtCoder]ARC153 C - ± Increasing Sequence000.000%
201533[AtCoder]ARC153 D - Sum of Sum of Digits000.000%
201534[AtCoder]ARC153 E - Deque Minimization000.000%
201535[AtCoder]ARC153 F - Tri-Colored Paths000.000%
300275CF53A. Autocomplete000.000%
300276CF53B. Blog Photo000.000%
300277CF53C. Little Frog000.000%
300278CF53D. Physical Education000.000%
300279CF53E. Dead Ends000.000%
300295CF57A. Square Earth?000.000%
300296CF57B. Martian Architecture000.000%
300297CF57C. Array000.000%
300298CF57D. Journey000.000%
300299CF57E. Chess000.000%
300800CF153A. A + B000.000%
300801CF153B. Binary notation000.000%
300802CF153C. Caesar Cipher000.000%
300803CF153D. Date Change000.000%
300804CF153E. Euclidean Distance000.000%
301341CF251A. Points on Line000.000%
301342CF251B. Playing with Permutations000.000%
301343CF251C. Number Transformation000.000%
301344CF251D. Two Sets000.000%
301345CF251E. Tree and Table000.000%
301346CF252A. Little Xor000.000%
301347CF252B. Unsorting Array000.000%
301348CF252C. Points on Line000.000%
301349CF252D. Playing with Permutations000.000%
301350CF252E. Number Transformation000.000%
301351CF253A. Boys and Girls000.000%
301352CF253B. Physics Practical000.000%
301353CF253C. Text Editor000.000%
301354CF253D. Table with Letters - 2000.000%
301355CF253E. Printer000.000%
301865CF353A. Domino000.000%
301866CF353B. Two Heaps000.000%
301867CF353C. Find Maximum000.000%
301868CF353D. Queue000.000%
301869CF353E. Antichain000.000%
302295CF442A. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302296CF442B. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302297CF442C. Artem and Array 000.000%
302298CF442D. Adam and Tree000.000%
302299CF442E. Gena and Second Distance000.000%
302300CF443A. Anton and Letters000.000%
302301CF443B. Kolya and Tandem Repeat000.000%
302302CF443C. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302303CF443D. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302304CF443E. Artem and Array 000.000%
302351CF453A. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302352CF453B. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%
302353CF453C. Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration000.000%
302354CF453D. Little Pony and Elements of Harmony000.000%
302355CF453E. Little Pony and Lord Tirek000.000%
302728CF530A. Quadratic equation000.000%
302729CF530B. String inside out000.000%
302730CF530C. Diophantine equation000.000%
302731CF530D. Set subtraction000.000%
302732CF530E. Sum and product000.000%
302733CF530F. Jumping frogs000.000%
302734CF530G. Levenshtein distance000.000%
302735CF530H. Points in triangle000.000%
302736CF530I. Different variables000.000%
302737CF531A. Quadratic equation000.000%
302738CF531B. String inside out000.000%
302739CF531C. Diophantine equation000.000%
302740CF531D. Set subtraction000.000%
302741CF531E. Sum and product000.000%
302742CF531F. Jumping frogs000.000%
302743CF531G. Levenshtein distance000.000%
302744CF531H. Points in triangle000.000%
302745CF531I. Different variables000.000%
302746CF532A. Berland Miners000.000%
302747CF532B. Work Group000.000%
302748CF532C. Board Game000.000%
302749CF532D. Landmarks000.000%
302750CF532E. Correcting Mistakes000.000%
302751CF532F. Encoding000.000%
302752CF533A. Berland Miners000.000%
302753CF533B. Work Group000.000%
302754CF533C. Board Game000.000%
302755CF533D. Landmarks000.000%
302756CF533E. Correcting Mistakes000.000%
302757CF533F. Encoding000.000%