Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302294CF441E. Valera and Number000.000%
302295CF442A. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302296CF442B. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302297CF442C. Artem and Array 000.000%
302298CF442D. Adam and Tree000.000%
302299CF442E. Gena and Second Distance000.000%
302300CF443A. Anton and Letters000.000%
302301CF443B. Kolya and Tandem Repeat000.000%
302302CF443C. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302303CF443D. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302304CF443E. Artem and Array 000.000%
302305CF444A. DZY Loves Physics000.000%
302306CF444B. DZY Loves FFT000.000%
302307CF444C. DZY Loves Colors000.000%
302308CF444D. DZY Loves Strings000.000%
302309CF444E. DZY Loves Planting000.000%
302310CF445A. DZY Loves Chessboard000.000%
302311CF445B. DZY Loves Chemistry000.000%
302312CF445C. DZY Loves Physics000.000%
302313CF445D. DZY Loves FFT000.000%
302314CF445E. DZY Loves Colors000.000%
302325CF448A. Rewards000.000%
302326CF448B. Suffix Structures000.000%
302327CF448C. Painting Fence000.000%
302328CF448D. Multiplication Table000.000%
302329CF448E. Divisors000.000%
302330CF449A. Jzzhu and Chocolate000.000%
302331CF449B. Jzzhu and Cities000.000%
302332CF449C. Jzzhu and Apples000.000%
302333CF449D. Jzzhu and Numbers000.000%
302334CF449E. Jzzhu and Squares000.000%
302335CF450A. Jzzhu and Children000.000%
302336CF450B. Jzzhu and Sequences000.000%
302337CF450C. Jzzhu and Chocolate000.000%
302338CF450D. Jzzhu and Cities000.000%
302339CF450E. Jzzhu and Apples000.000%
302340CF451A. Game With Sticks000.000%
302341CF451B. Sort the Array000.000%
302342CF451C. Predict Outcome of the Game000.000%
302343CF451D. Count Good Substrings000.000%
302344CF451E. Devu and Flowers000.000%
302351CF453A. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302352CF453B. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%
302353CF453C. Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration000.000%
302354CF453D. Little Pony and Elements of Harmony000.000%
302355CF453E. Little Pony and Lord Tirek000.000%
302356CF454A. Little Pony and Crystal Mine000.000%
302357CF454B. Little Pony and Sort by Shift000.000%
302358CF454C. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302359CF454D. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%
302360CF454E. Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration000.000%
302430CF468C. Hack it!000.000%
302437CF469E. Hack it!000.000%
302509CF484E. Sign on Fence000.000%
302596CF501E. Misha and Palindrome Degree000.000%
302599CF504C. Misha and Palindrome Degree000.000%
302620CF508D. Tanya and Password000.000%
302701CF525A. Vitaliy and Pie000.000%
302702CF525B. Pasha and String000.000%
302703CF525C. Ilya and Sticks000.000%
302704CF525D. Arthur and Walls000.000%
302705CF525E. Anya and Cubes000.000%
302721CF528D. Fuzzy Search000.000%
302736CF530I. Different variables000.000%
302745CF531I. Different variables000.000%
302802CF543C. Remembering Strings000.000%
302809CF544E. Remembering Strings000.000%
302847CF551E. GukiZ and GukiZiana000.000%
302866CF555D. Case of a Top Secret000.000%
302897CF562E. Max and Min000.000%
302906CF566G. Max and Min000.000%
302930CF571C. CNF 2000.000%
302937CF572E. CNF 2000.000%
302983CF580E. Kefa and Watch000.000%
303005CF585A. Gennady the Dentist000.000%
303006CF585B. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303007CF585C. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303008CF585D. Lizard Era: Beginning000.000%
303009CF585E. Present for Vitalik the Philatelist 000.000%
303010CF585F. Digits of Number Pi000.000%
303011CF586A. Alena's Schedule000.000%
303012CF586B. Laurenty and Shop000.000%
303013CF586C. Gennady the Dentist000.000%
303014CF586D. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303015CF586E. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303016CF586F. Lizard Era: Beginning000.000%
303050CF594B. Max and Bike000.000%
303052CF594D. REQ000.000%
303057CF595D. Max and Bike000.000%
303063CF596E. Wilbur and Strings000.000%
303107CF605D. Board Game000.000%
303116CF607C. Marbles000.000%
303123CF608E. Marbles000.000%
303129CF609F. Frogs and mosquitoes000.000%
303134CF610E. Alphabet Permutations000.000%
303140CF611F. New Year and Cleaning000.000%
303151CF613C. Necklace000.000%
303158CF614E. Necklace000.000%
303179CF618E. Robot Arm000.000%
303209CF625A. Guest From the Past000.000%