303140: CF611F. New Year and Cleaning

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New Year and Cleaning


有一个 $h$ 行 $w$ 列的网格。 有一个小机器人,其行走模式可以用一个长度为 $n$ 的字符串 $S$ 描述,其中 $S_i \in \{\texttt{U}, \texttt{D}, \texttt{L}, \texttt{R}\}$,分别表示向上、向下、向左、向右移动一格。 设起点为第 $a$ 行第 $b$ 列的格子。小机器人会重复执行 $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_n, S_1, S_2, \ldots$ 操作,直到其走出网格为止。设小机器人执行的操作数为 $f(a, b)$。 请求出 $\sum_{a = 1}^h \sum_{b = 1}^w f(a, b)$ 的值。 若小机器人执行的操作可能无限循环,请输出 `-1`。


Limak is a little polar bear. His parents told him to clean a house before the New Year's Eve. Their house is a rectangular grid with $ h $ rows and $ w $ columns. Each cell is an empty square. He is a little bear and thus he can't clean a house by himself. Instead, he is going to use a cleaning robot. A cleaning robot has a built-in pattern of $ n $ moves, defined by a string of the length $ n $ . A single move (character) moves a robot to one of four adjacent cells. Each character is one of the following four: 'U' (up), 'D' (down), 'L' (left), 'R' (right). One move takes one minute. A cleaning robot must be placed and started in some cell. Then it repeats its pattern of moves till it hits a wall (one of four borders of a house). After hitting a wall it can be placed and used again. Limak isn't sure if placing a cleaning robot in one cell will be enough. Thus, he is going to start it $ w·h $ times, one time in each cell. Maybe some cells will be cleaned more than once but who cares? Limak asks you one question. How much time will it take to clean a house? Find and print the number of minutes modulo $ 10^{9}+7 $ . It's also possible that a cleaning robot will never stop — then print "-1" (without the quotes) instead. Placing and starting a robot takes no time, however, you must count a move when robot hits a wall. Take a look into samples for further clarification.



The first line contains three integers $ n $ , $ h $ and $ w $ ( $ 1<=n,h,w<=500000 $ ) — the length of the pattern, the number of rows and the number of columns, respectively. The second line contains a string of length $ n $ — the pattern of $ n $ moves. Each character is one of uppercase letters 'U', 'D', 'L' or 'R'.


Print one line with the answer. If a cleaning robot will never stop, print "-1" (without the quotes). Otherwise, print the number of minutes it will take to clean a house modulo $ 10^{9}+7 $ .


输入样例 #1

1 10 2

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 4 6

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

4 1 500000

输出样例 #3



In the first sample house is a grid with $ 10 $ rows and $ 2 $ columns. Starting a robot anywhere in the second column will result in only one move (thus, one minute of cleaning) in which robot will hit a wall — he tried to go right but there is no third column. Starting a robot anywhere in the first column will result in two moves. The total number of minutes is $ 10·1+10·2=30 $ . In the second sample a started robot will try to move "RULRULRULR..." For example, for the leftmost cell in the second row robot will make $ 5 $ moves before it stops because of hitting an upper wall.



有一个 $h$ 行 $w$ 列的网格。 有一个小机器人,其行走模式可以用一个长度为 $n$ 的字符串 $S$ 描述,其中 $S_i \in \{\texttt{U}, \texttt{D}, \texttt{L}, \texttt{R}\}$,分别表示向上、向下、向左、向右移动一格。 设起点为第 $a$ 行第 $b$ 列的格子。小机器人会重复执行 $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_n, S_1, S_2, \ldots$ 操作,直到其走出网格为止。设小机器人执行的操作数为 $f(a, b)$。 请求出 $\sum_{a = 1}^h \sum_{b = 1}^w f(a, b)$ 的值。 若小机器人执行的操作可能无限循环,请输出 `-1`。

