Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303175CF618A. Slime Combining000.000%
303176CF618B. Guess the Permutation000.000%
303177CF618C. Constellation000.000%
303178CF618D. Hamiltonian Spanning Tree000.000%
303179CF618E. Robot Arm000.000%
303180CF618F. Double Knapsack000.000%
303181CF618G. Combining Slimes000.000%
303736CF722A. Broken Clock000.000%
303737CF722B. Verse Pattern000.000%
303738CF722C. Destroying Array000.000%
303739CF722D. Generating Sets000.000%
303740CF722E. Research Rover000.000%
303741CF722F. Cyclic Cipher000.000%
303748CF724A. Checking the Calendar000.000%
303749CF724B. Batch Sort000.000%
303750CF724C. Ray Tracing000.000%
303751CF724D. Dense Subsequence000.000%
303752CF724E. Goods transportation000.000%
303753CF724F. Uniformly Branched Trees000.000%
303754CF724G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph000.000%
303928CF757A. Gotta Catch Em' All!000.000%
303929CF757B. Bash's Big Day000.000%
303930CF757C. Felicity is Coming!000.000%
303931CF757D. Felicity's Big Secret Revealed000.000%
303932CF757E. Bash Plays with Functions000.000%
303933CF757F. Team Rocket Rises Again000.000%
303934CF757G. Can Bash Save the Day?000.000%
303975CF765A. Neverending competitions000.000%
303976CF765B. Code obfuscation000.000%
303977CF765C. Table Tennis Game 2000.000%
303978CF765D. Artsem and Saunders000.000%
303979CF765E. Tree Folding000.000%
303980CF765F. Souvenirs000.000%
303981CF765G. Math, math everywhere000.000%
303992CF768A. Oath of the Night's Watch000.000%
303993CF768B. Code For 1000.000%
303994CF768C. Jon Snow and his Favourite Number000.000%
303995CF768D. Jon and Orbs000.000%
303996CF768E. Game of Stones000.000%
303997CF768F. Barrels and boxes000.000%
303998CF768G. The Winds of Winter000.000%
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304038CF776B. Sherlock and his girlfriend000.000%
304039CF776C. Molly's Chemicals000.000%
304040CF776D. The Door Problem000.000%
304041CF776E. The Holmes Children000.000%
304042CF776F. Sherlock's bet to Moriarty000.000%
304043CF776G. Sherlock and the Encrypted Data000.000%
304559CF868A. Bark to Unlock000.000%
304560CF868B. Race Against Time000.000%
304561CF868C. Qualification Rounds000.000%
304562CF868D. Huge Strings000.000%
304563CF868E. Policeman and a Tree000.000%
304564CF868F. Yet Another Minimization Problem000.000%
304565CF868G. El Toll Caves000.000%
304794CF914A. Perfect Squares000.000%
304795CF914B. Conan and Agasa play a Card Game000.000%
304796CF914C. Travelling Salesman and Special Numbers000.000%
304797CF914D. Bash and a Tough Math Puzzle000.000%
304798CF914E. Palindromes in a Tree000.000%
304799CF914F. Substrings in a String000.000%
304800CF914G. Sum the Fibonacci000.000%
304801CF914H. Ember and Storm's Tree Game000.000%
304905CF932A. Palindromic Supersequence000.000%
304906CF932B. Recursive Queries000.000%
304907CF932C. Permutation Cycle000.000%
304908CF932D. Tree000.000%
304909CF932E. Team Work000.000%
304910CF932F. Escape Through Leaf000.000%
304911CF932G. Palindrome Partition000.000%
305066CF960A. Check the string000.000%
305067CF960B. Minimize the error000.000%
305068CF960C. Subsequence Counting000.000%
305069CF960D. Full Binary Tree Queries000.000%
305070CF960E. Alternating Tree000.000%
305071CF960F. Pathwalks000.000%
305072CF960G. Bandit Blues000.000%
305073CF960H. Santa's Gift000.000%