Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102253[AtCoder]ABC225 D - Play Train000.000%
102254[AtCoder]ABC225 E - 7000.000%
102255[AtCoder]ABC225 F - String Cards000.000%
102256[AtCoder]ABC225 G - X000.000%
102257[AtCoder]ABC225 H - Social Distance 2000.000%
102500[AtCoder]ABC250 A - Adjacent Squares000.000%
102501[AtCoder]ABC250 B - Enlarged Checker Board000.000%
102502[AtCoder]ABC250 C - Adjacent Swaps000.000%
102503[AtCoder]ABC250 D - 250-like Number000.000%
102504[AtCoder]ABC250 E - Prefix Equality000.000%
102505[AtCoder]ABC250 F - One Fourth000.000%
102506[AtCoder]ABC250 G - Stonks000.000%
102507[AtCoder]ABC250 Ex - Trespassing Takahashi000.000%
102510[AtCoder]ABC251 A - Six Characters010.000%
102511[AtCoder]ABC251 B - At Most 3 (Judge ver.)000.000%
102512[AtCoder]ABC251 C - Poem Online Judge000.000%
102513[AtCoder]ABC251 D - At Most 3 (Contestant ver.)000.000%
102514[AtCoder]ABC251 E - Takahashi and Animals000.000%
102515[AtCoder]ABC251 F - Two Spanning Trees000.000%
102516[AtCoder]ABC251 G - Intersection of Polygons000.000%
102517[AtCoder]ABC251 Ex - Fill Triangle000.000%
102520[AtCoder]ABC252 A - ASCII code000.000%
102521[AtCoder]ABC252 B - Takahashi's Failure000.000%
102522[AtCoder]ABC252 C - Slot Strategy000.000%
102523[AtCoder]ABC252 D - Distinct Trio000.000%
102524[AtCoder]ABC252 E - Road Reduction000.000%
102525[AtCoder]ABC252 F - Bread000.000%
102526[AtCoder]ABC252 G - Pre-Order000.000%
102527[AtCoder]ABC252 Ex - K-th beautiful Necklace000.000%
102530[AtCoder]ABC253 A - Median?000.000%
102531[AtCoder]ABC253 B - Distance Between Tokens000.000%
102532[AtCoder]ABC253 C - Max - Min Query000.000%
102533[AtCoder]ABC253 D - FizzBuzz Sum Hard000.000%
102534[AtCoder]ABC253 E - Distance Sequence000.000%
102535[AtCoder]ABC253 F - Operations on a Matrix000.000%
102536[AtCoder]ABC253 G - Swap Many Times000.000%
102537[AtCoder]ABC253 Ex - We Love Forest000.000%
102540[AtCoder]ABC254 A - Last Two Digits000.000%
102541[AtCoder]ABC254 B - Practical Computing000.000%
102542[AtCoder]ABC254 C - K Swap000.000%
102543[AtCoder]ABC254 D - Together Square000.000%
102544[AtCoder]ABC254 E - Small d and k000.000%
102545[AtCoder]ABC254 F - Rectangle GCD000.000%
102546[AtCoder]ABC254 G - Elevators000.000%
102547[AtCoder]ABC254 Ex - Multiply or Divide by 2000.000%
102550[AtCoder]ABC255 A - You should output ARC, though this is ABC.000.000%
102551[AtCoder]ABC255 B - Light It Up000.000%
102552[AtCoder]ABC255 C - ±1 Operation 1 000.000%
102553[AtCoder]ABC255 D - ±1 Operation 2000.000%
102554[AtCoder]ABC255 E - Lucky Numbers000.000%
102555[AtCoder]ABC255 F - Pre-order and In-order010.000%
102556[AtCoder]ABC255 G - Constrained Nim000.000%
102557[AtCoder]ABC255 Ex - Range Harvest Query000.000%
102560[AtCoder]ABC256 A - 2^N000.000%
102561[AtCoder]ABC256 B - Batters000.000%
102562[AtCoder]ABC256 C - Filling 3x3 array000.000%
102563[AtCoder]ABC256 D - Union of Interval000.000%
102564[AtCoder]ABC256 E - Takahashi's Anguish000.000%
102565[AtCoder]ABC256 F - Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Sum000.000%
102566[AtCoder]ABC256 G - Black and White Stones000.000%
102567[AtCoder]ABC256 Ex - I like Query Problem000.000%
102570[AtCoder]ABC257 A - A to Z String 2142070.000%
102571[AtCoder]ABC257 B - 1D Pawn121392.308%
102572[AtCoder]ABC257 C - Robot Takahashi 82630.769%
102573[AtCoder]ABC257 D - Jumping Takahashi 242416.667%
102574[AtCoder]ABC257 E - Addition and Multiplication 252321.739%
102575[AtCoder]ABC257 F - Teleporter Setting 1323.125%
102576[AtCoder]ABC257 G - Prefix Concatenation000.000%
102577[AtCoder]ABC257 Ex - Dice Sum 2000.000%
102580[AtCoder]ABC258 A - When?000.000%
102581[AtCoder]ABC258 B - Number Box000.000%
102582[AtCoder]ABC258 C - Rotation000.000%
102583[AtCoder]ABC258 D - Trophy000.000%
102584[AtCoder]ABC258 E - Packing Potatoes000.000%
102585[AtCoder]ABC258 F - Main Street000.000%
102586[AtCoder]ABC258 G - Triangle000.000%
102587[AtCoder]ABC258 Ex - Odd Steps000.000%
102590[AtCoder]ABC259 A - Growth Record000.000%
102591[AtCoder]ABC259 B - Counterclockwise Rotation000.000%
102592[AtCoder]ABC259 C - XX to XXX000.000%
102593[AtCoder]ABC259 D - Circumferences000.000%
102594[AtCoder]ABC259 E - LCM on Whiteboard000.000%
102595[AtCoder]ABC259 F - Select Edges000.000%
102596[AtCoder]ABC259 G - Grid Card Game000.000%
102597[AtCoder]ABC259 Ex - Yet Another Path Counting000.000%
103250[Atcoder]ABC325 A - Takahashi san060.000%
103251[Atcoder]ABC325 B - World Meeting020.000%
103252[Atcoder]ABC325 C - Sensors020.000%
103253[Atcoder]ABC325 D - Printing Machine040.000%
103254[Atcoder]ABC325 E - Our clients, please wait a moment030.000%
103255[Atcoder]ABC325 F - Sensor Optimization Dilemma 000.000%
103256[Atcoder]ABC325 G - offence000.000%
103257[Atcoder]ABC325 404 Not Found - AtCoder000.000%
201250[AtCoder]ARC125 A - Dial Up000.000%
201251[AtCoder]ARC125 B - Squares000.000%
201252[AtCoder]ARC125 C - LIS to Original Sequence000.000%
201253[AtCoder]ARC125 D - Unique Subsequence000.000%
201254[AtCoder]ARC125 E - Snack000.000%
201255[AtCoder]ARC125 F - Tree Degree Subset Sum000.000%
300068CF15D. Map000.000%