Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
305192CF987F. AND Graph000.000%
305197CF988E. Divisibility by 25000.000%
305202CF989D. A Shade of Moonlight000.000%
305221CF992E. Nastya and King-Shamans000.000%
305225CF993D. Compute Power000.000%
305233CF994F. Compute Power000.000%
305237CF995D. Game000.000%
305245CF996F. Game000.000%
305248CF997C. Sky Full of Stars000.000%
305255CF998E. Sky Full of Stars000.000%
305379CF1017F. The Neutral Zone000.000%
305399CF1025A. Doggo Recoloring000.000%
305400CF1025B. Weakened Common Divisor000.000%
305401CF1025C. Plasticine zebra000.000%
305402CF1025D. Recovering BST000.000%
305403CF1025E. Colored Cubes000.000%
305404CF1025F. Disjoint Triangles000.000%
305405CF1025G. Company Acquisitions000.000%
305432CF1030F. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305471CF1037F. Maximum Reduction000.000%
305495CF1041F. Ray in the tube000.000%
305507CF1043F. Make It One000.000%
305515CF1045A. Last chance000.000%
305550CF1053C. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305565CF1055E. Segments on the Line000.000%
305573CF1056F. Write The Contest000.000%
305584CF1058F. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305628CF1065F. Up and Down the Tree000.000%
305676CF1073F. Choosing Two Paths000.000%
305695CF1076F. Summer Practice Report000.000%
305754CF1085F. Rock-Paper-Scissors Champion000.000%
305759CF1086D. Rock-Paper-Scissors Champion000.000%
305767CF1087F. Rock-Paper-Scissors Champion000.000%
305768CF1088A. Ehab and another construction problem000.000%
305769CF1088B. Ehab and subtraction000.000%
305770CF1088C. Ehab and a 2-operation task000.000%
305771CF1088D. Ehab and another another xor problem000.000%
305772CF1088E. Ehab and a component choosing problem000.000%
305773CF1088F. Ehab and a weird weight formula000.000%
305832CF1096E. The Top Scorer000.000%
305840CF1097F. Alex and a TV Show000.000%
305858CF1100D. Dasha and Chess000.000%
305860CF1100F. Ivan and Burgers000.000%
305927CF1111E. Tree000.000%
305933CF1112F. Power Tree000.000%
305972CF1117F. Crisp String000.000%
305973CF1117G. Recursive Queries000.000%
306042CF1137C. Museums Tour000.000%
306050CF1138E. Museums Tour000.000%
306057CF1139F. Dish Shopping000.000%
306103CF1146F. Leaf Partition000.000%
306294CF1174E. Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem000.000%
306301CF1175F. The Number of Subpermutations000.000%
306334CF1181E1. A Story of One Country (Easy)000.000%
306376CF1186E. Vus the Cossack and a Field000.000%
306383CF1187F. Expected Square Beauty000.000%
306384CF1187G. Gang Up000.000%
306386CF1188A2. Add on a Tree: Revolution000.000%
306388CF1188C. Array Beauty000.000%
306395CF1189D2. Add on a Tree: Revolution000.000%
306397CF1189F. Array Beauty000.000%
306429CF1195F. Geometers Anonymous Club000.000%
306447CF1198E. Rectangle Painting 2000.000%
306538CF1211G. King's Path000.000%
306588CF1218E. Product Tuples000.000%
306613CF1221E. Game With String000.000%
306623CF1225A. Forgetting Things000.000%
306624CF1225B1. TV Subscriptions (Easy Version)000.000%
306625CF1225B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version)000.000%
306626CF1225C. p-binary000.000%
306627CF1225D. Power Products000.000%
306628CF1225E. Rock Is Push000.000%
306629CF1225F. Tree Factory000.000%
306630CF1225G. To Make 1000.000%
306645CF1228F. One Node is Gone000.000%
306680CF1236E. Alice and the Unfair Game000.000%
306699CF1239B. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306743CF1246D. Tree Factory000.000%
306752CF1247F. Tree Factory000.000%
306757CF1248D2. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306769CF1250A. Berstagram000.000%
306770CF1250B. The Feast and the Bus000.000%
306771CF1250C. Trip to Saint Petersburg000.000%
306772CF1250D. Conference Problem000.000%
306773CF1250E. The Coronation000.000%
306774CF1250F. Data Center000.000%
306775CF1250G. Discarding Game000.000%
306776CF1250H. Happy Birthday000.000%
306777CF1250I. Show Must Go On000.000%
306778CF1250J. The Parade000.000%
306779CF1250K. Projectors000.000%
306780CF1250L. Divide The Students000.000%
306781CF1250M. SmartGarden000.000%
306782CF1250N. Wires000.000%
306783CF1251A. Broken Keyboard000.000%
306784CF1251B. Binary Palindromes000.000%
306785CF1251C. Minimize The Integer000.000%
306786CF1251D. Salary Changing000.000%
306787CF1251E1. Voting (Easy Version)000.000%
306788CF1251E2. Voting (Hard Version)000.000%