Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303056CF595C. Warrior and Archer000.000%
303057CF595D. Max and Bike000.000%
303058CF595E. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303062CF596D. Wilbur and Trees000.000%
303063CF596E. Wilbur and Strings000.000%
303069CF598C. Nearest vectors000.000%
303071CF598E. Chocolate Bar000.000%
303072CF598F. Cut Length000.000%
303077CF599E. Sandy and Nuts000.000%
303081CF600D. Area of Two Circles' Intersection000.000%
303082CF600E. Lomsat gelral000.000%
303083CF600F. Edge coloring of bipartite graph000.000%
303085CF601B. Lipshitz Sequence000.000%
303086CF601C. Kleofáš and the n-thlon000.000%
303087CF601D. Acyclic Organic Compounds000.000%
303088CF601E. A Museum Robbery000.000%
303092CF602D. Lipshitz Sequence000.000%
303093CF602E. Kleofáš and the n-thlon000.000%
303096CF603C. Lieges of Legendre000.000%
303097CF603D. Ruminations on Ruminants000.000%
303103CF604E. Lieges of Legendre000.000%
303106CF605C. Freelancer's Dreams000.000%
303107CF605D. Board Game000.000%
303108CF605E. Intergalaxy Trips000.000%
303113CF606E. Freelancer's Dreams000.000%
303116CF607C. Marbles000.000%
303117CF607D. Power Tree000.000%
303123CF608E. Marbles000.000%
303127CF609D. Gadgets for dollars and pounds000.000%
303128CF609E. Minimum spanning tree for each edge000.000%
303129CF609F. Frogs and mosquitoes000.000%
303133CF610D. Vika and Segments000.000%
303134CF610E. Alphabet Permutations000.000%
303138CF611D. New Year and Ancient Prophecy000.000%
303139CF611E. New Year and Three Musketeers000.000%
303140CF611F. New Year and Cleaning000.000%
303141CF611G. New Year and Cake000.000%
303147CF612E. Square Root of Permutation000.000%
303148CF612F. Simba on the Circle000.000%
303151CF613C. Necklace000.000%
303152CF613D. Kingdom and its Cities000.000%
303158CF614E. Necklace000.000%
303161CF615C. Running Track000.000%
303162CF615D. Multipliers000.000%
303163CF615E. Hexagons000.000%
303168CF616E. Sum of Remainders000.000%
303169CF616F. Expensive Strings000.000%
303174CF617E. XOR and Favorite Number000.000%
303178CF618D. Hamiltonian Spanning Tree000.000%
303179CF618E. Robot Arm000.000%
303185CF620D. Professor GukiZ and Two Arrays000.000%
303186CF620E. New Year Tree000.000%
303187CF620F. Xors on Segments000.000%
303191CF621D. Rat Kwesh and Cheese000.000%
303192CF621E. Wet Shark and Blocks000.000%
303197CF622E. Ants in Leaves000.000%
303198CF622F. The Sum of the k-th Powers000.000%
303200CF623B. Array GCD000.000%
303201CF623C. Electric Charges000.000%
303202CF623D. Birthday000.000%
303207CF624D. Array GCD000.000%
303208CF624E. Electric Charges000.000%
303212CF625D. Finals in arithmetic000.000%
303213CF625E. Frog Fights000.000%
303218CF626E. Simple Skewness000.000%
303219CF626F. Group Projects000.000%
303223CF627C. Package Delivery000.000%
303224CF627D. Preorder Test000.000%
303230CF628D. Magic Numbers000.000%
303231CF628E. Zbazi in Zeydabad000.000%
303232CF628F. Bear and Fair Set000.000%
303235CF629C. Famil Door and Brackets000.000%
303236CF629D. Babaei and Birthday Cake000.000%
303237CF629E. Famil Door and Roads000.000%
303252CF630O. Arrow000.000%
303253CF630P. Area of a Star000.000%
303259CF631D. Messenger000.000%
303260CF631E. Product Sum000.000%
303264CF632D. Longest Subsequence000.000%
303265CF632E. Thief in a Shop000.000%
303266CF632F. Magic Matrix000.000%
303270CF633D. Fibonacci-ish000.000%
303271CF633E. Startup Funding000.000%
303272CF633F. The Chocolate Spree000.000%
303273CF633G. Yash And Trees000.000%
303278CF634D. Package Delivery000.000%
303279CF634E. Preorder Test000.000%
303285CF635E. Package Delivery000.000%
303286CF635F. Preorder Test000.000%
303298CF639C. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303299CF639D. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303300CF639E. Bear and Paradox000.000%
303304CF640C. Array Sum000.000%
303305CF640D. Maximal Difference000.000%
303306CF640E. Divisibility Check000.000%
303308CF640G. Hungarian Notation000.000%
303309CF640H. Rotate Matrix000.000%
303313CF641D. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303314CF641E. Little Artem and Time Machine000.000%
303316CF641G. Little Artem and Graph000.000%