Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302995CF583A. Asphalting Roads000.000%
302996CF583B. Robot's Task000.000%
303005CF585A. Gennady the Dentist000.000%
303010CF585F. Digits of Number Pi000.000%
303011CF586A. Alena's Schedule000.000%
303012CF586B. Laurenty and Shop000.000%
303013CF586C. Gennady the Dentist000.000%
303029CF590A. Median Smoothing000.000%
303034CF591A. Wizards' Duel000.000%
303035CF591B. Rebranding000.000%
303036CF591C. Median Smoothing000.000%
303039CF592A. PawnChess000.000%
303044CF593A. 2Char000.000%
303051CF594C. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303054CF595A. Vitaly and Night000.000%
303058CF595E. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303059CF596A. Wilbur and Swimming Pool000.000%
303060CF596B. Wilbur and Array000.000%
303068CF598B. Queries on a String010.000%
303073CF599A. Patrick and Shopping000.000%
303074CF599B. Spongebob and Joke000.000%
303078CF600A. Extract Numbers000.000%
303089CF602A. Two Bases000.000%
303090CF602B. Approximating a Constant Range000.000%
303099CF604A. Uncowed Forces000.000%
303109CF606A. Magic Spheres000.000%
303110CF606B. Testing Robots000.000%
303119CF608A. Saitama Destroys Hotel000.000%
303124CF609A. USB Flash Drives000.000%
303125CF609B. The Best Gift000.000%
303126CF609C. Load Balancing000.000%
303131CF610B. Vika and Squares000.000%
303135CF611A. New Year and Days000.000%
303136CF611B. New Year and Old Property000.000%
303137CF611C. New Year and Domino000.000%
303140CF611F. New Year and Cleaning000.000%
303143CF612A. The Text Splitting000.000%
303144CF612B. HDD is Outdated Technology000.000%
303154CF614A. Link/Cut Tree000.000%
303155CF614B. Gena's Code000.000%
303159CF615A. Bulbs000.000%
303163CF615E. Hexagons000.000%
303164CF616A. Comparing Two Long Integers000.000%
303168CF616E. Sum of Remainders000.000%
303172CF617C. Watering Flowers000.000%
303173CF617D. Polyline000.000%
303175CF618A. Slime Combining000.000%
303177CF618C. Constellation000.000%
303182CF620A. Professor GukiZ's Robot000.000%
303183CF620B. Grandfather Dovlet’s calculator000.000%
303188CF621A. Wet Shark and Odd and Even000.000%
303189CF621B. Wet Shark and Bishops000.000%
303193CF622A. Infinite Sequence000.000%
303194CF622B. The Time000.000%
303195CF622C. Not Equal on a Segment000.000%
303209CF625A. Guest From the Past000.000%
303211CF625C. K-special Tables000.000%
303212CF625D. Finals in arithmetic000.000%
303214CF626A. Robot Sequence000.000%
303227CF628A. Tennis Tournament000.000%
303231CF628E. Zbazi in Zeydabad000.000%
303233CF629A. Far Relative’s Birthday Cake000.000%
303249CF630L. Cracking the Code000.000%
303256CF631A. Interview000.000%
303257CF631B. Print Check000.000%
303259CF631D. Messenger000.000%
303269CF633C. Spy Syndrome 2000.000%
303270CF633D. Fibonacci-ish000.000%
303274CF633H. Fibonacci-ish II000.000%
303275CF634A. Island Puzzle000.000%
303276CF634B. XOR Equation000.000%
303281CF635A. Orchestra000.000%
303288CF637A. Voting for Photos000.000%
303290CF637C. Promocodes with Mistakes000.000%
303296CF639A. Bear and Displayed Friends000.000%
303298CF639C. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303310CF641A. Little Artem and Grasshopper000.000%
303311CF641B. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303312CF641C. Little Artem and Dance000.000%
303313CF641D. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303318CF643A. Bear and Colors000.000%
303327CF644C. Hostname Aliases000.000%
303328CF645A. Amity Assessment000.000%
303347CF649D. Дефрагментация памяти000.000%
303354CF651A. Joysticks000.000%
303356CF651C. Watchmen000.000%
303359CF652A. Gabriel and Caterpillar000.000%
303365CF653A. Bear and Three Balls000.000%
303367CF653C. Bear and Up-Down000.000%
303372CF655A. Amity Assessment000.000%
303380CF656B. Scrambled000.000%
303391CF658A. Bear and Reverse Radewoosh000.000%
303392CF658B. Bear and Displayed Friends000.000%
303396CF659A. Round House000.000%
303398CF659C. Tanya and Toys000.000%
303399CF659D. Bicycle Race000.000%
303403CF660A. Co-prime Array000.000%
303404CF660B. Seating On Bus000.000%
303420CF662D. International Olympiad000.000%
303432CF665A. Buses Between Cities000.000%