303318: CF643A. Bear and Colors

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Bear and Colors


Limak 有 $n$ 个球,从左到右编号依次为 $1 \dots n$。同时又有 $n$ 种颜色,从编号依次为 $1 \dots n$。第 $i$ 个球的编号为 $t_i$。 对于球中每一个固定的段(含有连续元素的集合),可以定义一个**主要颜色**,即此段中出现次数最多的颜色。在可以有多种主要颜色的情况下,选择编号最小的。 现有 $\dfrac{n(n + 1)}{2}$ 个不为空的段。对于每个颜色,你需要输出此颜色作为主要颜色的次数。


Bear Limak has $ n $ colored balls, arranged in one long row. Balls are numbered $ 1 $ through $ n $ , from left to right. There are $ n $ possible colors, also numbered $ 1 $ through $ n $ . The $ i $ -th ball has color $ t_{i} $ . For a fixed interval (set of consecutive elements) of balls we can define a dominant color. It's a color occurring the biggest number of times in the interval. In case of a tie between some colors, the one with the smallest number (index) is chosen as dominant. There are ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF643A/e72cbeaa17cceea137ec85134680a8c41a08d995.png) non-empty intervals in total. For each color, your task is to count the number of intervals in which this color is dominant.



The first line of the input contains a single integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=5000 $ ) — the number of balls. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ t_{1},t_{2},...,t_{n} $ ( $ 1<=t_{i}<=n $ ) where $ t_{i} $ is the color of the $ i $ -th ball.


Print $ n $ integers. The $ i $ -th of them should be equal to the number of intervals where $ i $ is a dominant color.


输入样例 #1

1 2 1 2

输出样例 #1

7 3 0 0 

输入样例 #2

1 1 1

输出样例 #2

6 0 0 


In the first sample, color $ 2 $ is dominant in three intervals: - An interval $ [2,2] $ contains one ball. This ball's color is $ 2 $ so it's clearly a dominant color. - An interval $ [4,4] $ contains one ball, with color $ 2 $ again. - An interval $ [2,4] $ contains two balls of color $ 2 $ and one ball of color $ 1 $ . There are $ 7 $ more intervals and color $ 1 $ is dominant in all of them.



Limak 有 $n$ 个球,从左到右编号依次为 $1 \dots n$。同时又有 $n$ 种颜色,从编号依次为 $1 \dots n$。第 $i$ 个球的编号为 $t_i$。 对于球中每一个固定的段(含有连续元素的集合),可以定义一个**主要颜色**,即此段中出现次数最多的颜色。在可以有多种主要颜色的情况下,选择编号最小的。 现有 $\dfrac{n(n + 1)}{2}$ 个不为空的段。对于每个颜色,你需要输出此颜色作为主要颜色的次数。

