Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301650CF315B. Sereja and Array000.000%
301651CF315C. Sereja and Contest000.000%
301666CF316F1. Suns and Rays000.000%
301668CF316F3. Suns and Rays000.000%
301673CF317B. Ants000.000%
301678CF318B. Strings of Power000.000%
301683CF319B. Psychos in a Line000.000%
301692CF321A. Ciel and Robot000.000%
301699CF322C. Ciel and Robot000.000%
301717CF325A. Square and Rectangles000.000%
301728CF327A. Flipping Game000.000%
301733CF328A. IQ Test000.000%
301740CF330A. Cakeminator000.000%
301743CF330D. Biridian Forest000.000%
301745CF331A1. Oh Sweet Beaverette000.000%
301747CF331B1. Shave Beaver!000.000%
301752CF331D1. Escaping on Beaveractor000.000%
301754CF331D3. Escaping on Beaveractor000.000%
301755CF331E1. Deja Vu000.000%
301757CF332A. Down the Hatch!000.000%
301758CF332B. Maximum Absurdity000.000%
301761CF332E. Binary Key000.000%
301765CF333D. Characteristics of Rectangles000.000%
301767CF334A. Candy Bags000.000%
301770CF334D. Chips000.000%
301778CF336A. Vasily the Bear and Triangle000.000%
301780CF336C. Vasily the Bear and Sequence000.000%
301782CF336E. Vasily the Bear and Painting Square000.000%
301793CF339A. Helpful Maths000.000%
301794CF339B. Xenia and Ringroad000.000%
301800CF340C. Tourist Problem000.000%
301808CF342A. Xenia and Divisors000.000%
301809CF342B. Xenia and Spies000.000%
301814CF343B. Alternating Current000.000%
301818CF344A. Magnets000.000%
301821CF344D. Alternating Current000.000%
301835CF347A. Difference Row000.000%
301836CF347B. Fixed Points000.000%
301845CF349A. Cinema Line000.000%
301846CF349B. Color the Fence000.000%
301847CF349C. Mafia000.000%
301850CF350A. TL000.000%
301852CF350C. Bombs000.000%
301855CF351A. Jeff and Rounding000.000%
301860CF352A. Jeff and Digits000.000%
301861CF352B. Jeff and Periods000.000%
301862CF352C. Jeff and Rounding000.000%
301865CF353A. Domino000.000%
301866CF353B. Two Heaps000.000%
301867CF353C. Find Maximum000.000%
301875CF355A. Vasya and Digital Root000.000%
301876CF355B. Vasya and Public Transport000.000%
301881CF356B. Xenia and Hamming000.000%
301882CF356C. Compartments000.000%
301884CF356E. Xenia and String Problem000.000%
301885CF357A. Group of Students000.000%
301886CF357B. Flag Day000.000%
301890CF358A. Dima and Continuous Line000.000%
301892CF358C. Dima and Containers000.000%
301894CF358E. Dima and Kicks000.000%
301895CF359A. Table000.000%
301900CF360A. Levko and Array Recovery000.000%
301905CF361A. Levko and Table000.000%
301911CF362B. Petya and Staircases000.000%
301912CF362C. Insertion Sort000.000%
301915CF363A. Soroban000.000%
301917CF363C. Fixing Typos000.000%
301919CF363E. Two Circles000.000%
301920CF364A. Matrix000.000%
301925CF365A. Good Number000.000%
301926CF365B. The Fibonacci Segment000.000%
301930CF366A. Dima and Guards000.000%
301931CF366B. Dima and To-do List000.000%
301934CF366E. Dima and Magic Guitar000.000%
301935CF367A. Sereja and Algorithm 000.000%
301940CF368A. Sereja and Coat Rack000.000%
301942CF368C. Sereja and Algorithm 000.000%
301944CF368E. Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers000.000%
301945CF369A. Valera and Plates000.000%
301946CF369B. Valera and Contest000.000%
301951CF370B. Berland Bingo000.000%
301953CF370D. Broken Monitor000.000%
301955CF371A. K-Periodic Array000.000%
301958CF371D. Vessels000.000%
301965CF373A. Collecting Beats is Fun000.000%
301966CF373B. Making Sequences is Fun000.000%
301970CF374A. Inna and Pink Pony000.000%
301972CF374C. Inna and Dima000.000%
301974CF374E. Inna and Babies000.000%
301976CF375B. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301979CF375E. Red and Black Tree000.000%
301980CF376A. Lever000.000%
301981CF376B. I.O.U.000.000%
301983CF376D. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301991CF378B. Semifinals000.000%
301995CF379A. New Year Candles000.000%
301996CF379B. New Year Present000.000%
302003CF380B. Sereja and Tree000.000%
302007CF381A. Sereja and Dima000.000%
302008CF381B. Sereja and Stairs000.000%