Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304038CF776B. Sherlock and his girlfriend000.000%
304039CF776C. Molly's Chemicals000.000%
304040CF776D. The Door Problem000.000%
304041CF776E. The Holmes Children000.000%
304042CF776F. Sherlock's bet to Moriarty000.000%
304043CF776G. Sherlock and the Encrypted Data000.000%
304905CF932A. Palindromic Supersequence000.000%
304906CF932B. Recursive Queries000.000%
304907CF932C. Permutation Cycle000.000%
304908CF932D. Tree000.000%
304909CF932E. Team Work000.000%
304910CF932F. Escape Through Leaf000.000%
304911CF932G. Palindrome Partition000.000%