Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303244CF630G. Challenge Pennants000.000%
303245CF630H. Benches000.000%
303246CF630I. Parking Lot000.000%
303247CF630J. Divisibility000.000%
303248CF630K. Indivisibility000.000%
303249CF630L. Cracking the Code000.000%
303250CF630M. Turn000.000%
303251CF630N. Forecast000.000%
303252CF630O. Arrow000.000%
303253CF630P. Area of a Star000.000%
303254CF630Q. Pyramids000.000%
303255CF630R. Game000.000%
303268CF633B. A Trivial Problem000.000%
303275CF634A. Island Puzzle000.000%
303280CF634F. Orchestra000.000%
303282CF635B. Island Puzzle000.000%
303301CF639F. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303302CF640A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303315CF641F. Little Artem and 2-SAT000.000%
303316CF641G. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303317CF642A. Scheduler for Invokers000.000%
303343CF648E. Собери число000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%
303366CF653B. Bear and Compressing000.000%
303390CF657E. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303397CF659B. Qualifying Contest000.000%
303402CF659G. Fence Divercity000.000%
303407CF660E. Different Subsets For All Tuples000.000%
303409CF661A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303434CF665C. Simple Strings000.000%
303441CF666D. Chain Reaction000.000%
303447CF667E. Chain Reaction000.000%
303452CF668E. Little Artem and 2-SAT000.000%
303453CF668F. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303461CF670C. Cinema000.000%
303465CF670F. Restore a Number000.000%
303470CF671E. Organizing a Race000.000%
303477CF673B. Problems for Round000.000%
303493CF675E. Trains and Statistic000.000%
303502CF677D. Vanya and Treasure000.000%
303503CF677E. Vanya and Balloons000.000%
303521CF681B. Economy Game000.000%
303539CF683J. The Hero with Bombs000.000%
303567CF690A2. Collective Mindsets (medium)000.000%
303572CF690C1. Brain Network (easy)000.000%
303580CF690F1. Tree of Life (easy)000.000%
303594CF695F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303595CF695G. Cool Slogans000.000%
303600CF696E. ...Wait for it...000.000%
303601CF696F. ...Dary!000.000%
303613CF698F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303624CF700E. Cool Slogans000.000%
303646CF704E. Iron Man000.000%
303658CF707B. Bakery000.000%
303664CF708C. Centroids000.000%
303671CF709E. Centroids000.000%
303682CF711E. ZS and The Birthday Paradox000.000%
303690CF713C. Sonya and Problem Wihtout a Legend000.000%
303692CF713E. Sonya Partymaker000.000%
303697CF714E. Sonya and Problem Wihtout a Legend000.000%
303699CF715B. Complete The Graph000.000%
303704CF716B. Complete the Word000.000%
303706CF716D. Complete The Graph000.000%
303718CF718C. Sasha and Array000.000%
303720CF718E. Matvey's Birthday000.000%
303724CF719E. Sasha and Array000.000%
303736CF722A. Broken Clock000.000%
303747CF723F. st-Spanning Tree000.000%
303761CF725G. Messages on a Tree000.000%
303774CF730A. Toda 2000.000%
303775CF730B. Minimum and Maximum000.000%
303776CF730C. Bulmart000.000%
303777CF730D. Running Over The Bridges000.000%
303778CF730E. Award Ceremony000.000%
303779CF730F. Ber Patio000.000%
303780CF730G. Car Repair Shop000.000%
303781CF730H. Delete Them000.000%
303782CF730I. Olympiad in Programming and Sports000.000%
303783CF730J. Bottles000.000%
303784CF730K. Roads Orientation Problem000.000%
303785CF730L. Expression Queries000.000%
303797CF732F. Tourist Reform000.000%
303825CF737F. Dirty plates000.000%
303836CF739E. Gosha is hunting000.000%
303837CF740A. Alyona and copybooks000.000%
303876CF747C. Servers000.000%
303885CF748F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303892CF750B. New Year and North Pole000.000%
303906CF752F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303917CF755C. PolandBall and Forest000.000%
303954CF761B. Dasha and friends000.000%
303962CF762D. Maximum path000.000%
303998CF768G. The Winds of Winter000.000%
304004CF770B. Maximize Sum of Digits000.000%
304011CF771E. Bear and Rectangle Strips000.000%
304012CF771F. Bear and Isomorphic Points000.000%
304015CF772C. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304022CF773E. Blog Post Rating000.000%
304028CF774E. Big Number and Remainder000.000%
304032CF774I. Composing Of String000.000%