303836: CF739E. Gosha is hunting

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Gosha is hunting


你要抓神奇宝贝! 现在一共有 $n$ 只神奇宝贝。 你有 $a$ 个『宝贝球』和 $b$ 个『超级球』。 『宝贝球』抓到第 $i$ 只神奇宝贝的概率是 $p_i$,『超级球』抓到的概率则是 $u_i$。 不能往同一只神奇宝贝上使用超过一个同种的『球』,但是可以往同一只上既使用『宝贝球』又使用『超级球』(都抓到算一个)。 请合理分配每个球抓谁,使得你抓到神奇宝贝的总个数期望最大,并输出这个值。 $n \leq 2000$。


Gosha is hunting. His goal is to catch as many Pokemons as possible. Gosha has $ a $ Poke Balls and $ b $ Ultra Balls. There are $ n $ Pokemons. They are numbered $ 1 $ through $ n $ . Gosha knows that if he throws a Poke Ball at the $ i $ -th Pokemon he catches it with probability $ p_{i} $ . If he throws an Ultra Ball at the $ i $ -th Pokemon he catches it with probability $ u_{i} $ . He can throw at most one Ball of each type at any Pokemon. The hunting proceeds as follows: at first, Gosha chooses no more than $ a $ Pokemons at which he will throw Poke Balls and no more than $ b $ Pokemons at which he will throw Ultra Balls. After that, he throws the chosen Balls at the chosen Pokemons. If he throws both Ultra Ball and Poke Ball at some Pokemon, he is caught if and only if he is caught by any of these Balls. The outcome of a throw doesn't depend on the other throws. Gosha would like to know what is the expected number of the Pokemons he catches if he acts in an optimal way. In other words, he would like to know the maximum possible expected number of Pokemons can catch.



The first line contains three integers $ n $ , $ a $ and $ b $ ( $ 2<=n<=2000 $ , $ 0<=a,b<=n $ ) — the number of Pokemons, the number of Poke Balls and the number of Ultra Balls. The second line contains $ n $ real values $ p_{1},p_{2},...,p_{n} $ ( $ 0<=p_{i}<=1 $ ), where $ p_{i} $ is the probability of catching the $ i $ -th Pokemon if Gosha throws a Poke Ball to it. The third line contains $ n $ real values $ u_{1},u_{2},...,u_{n} $ ( $ 0<=u_{i}<=1 $ ), where $ u_{i} $ is the probability of catching the $ i $ -th Pokemon if Gosha throws an Ultra Ball to it. All the probabilities are given with exactly three digits after the decimal separator.


Print the maximum possible expected number of Pokemons Gosha can catch. The answer is considered correct if it's absolute or relative error doesn't exceed $ 10^{-4} $ .


输入样例 #1

3 2 2
1.000 0.000 0.500
0.000 1.000 0.500

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4 1 3
0.100 0.500 0.500 0.600
0.100 0.500 0.900 0.400

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

3 2 0
0.412 0.198 0.599
0.612 0.987 0.443

输出样例 #3




你要抓神奇宝贝! 现在一共有 $n$ 只神奇宝贝。 你有 $a$ 个『宝贝球』和 $b$ 个『超级球』。 『宝贝球』抓到第 $i$ 只神奇宝贝的概率是 $p_i$,『超级球』抓到的概率则是 $u_i$。 不能往同一只神奇宝贝上使用超过一个同种的『球』,但是可以往同一只上既使用『宝贝球』又使用『超级球』(都抓到算一个)。 请合理分配每个球抓谁,使得你抓到神奇宝贝的总个数期望最大,并输出这个值。 $n \leq 2000$。

