Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301191CF222E. Decoding Genome000.000%
302751CF532F. Encoding000.000%
302757CF533F. Encoding000.000%
303566CF690A1. Collective Mindsets (easy)000.000%
303567CF690A2. Collective Mindsets (medium)000.000%
303568CF690A3. Collective Mindsets (hard)000.000%
303569CF690B1. Recover Polygon (easy)000.000%
303570CF690B2. Recover Polygon (medium)000.000%
303571CF690B3. Recover Polygon (hard)000.000%
303572CF690C1. Brain Network (easy)000.000%
303573CF690C2. Brain Network (medium)000.000%
303574CF690C3. Brain Network (hard)000.000%
303575CF690D1. The Wall (easy)000.000%
303576CF690D2. The Wall (medium)000.000%
303577CF690D3. The Wall (hard)000.000%
303578CF690E1. Photographs (I)000.000%
303579CF690E2. Photographs (II)000.000%
303580CF690F1. Tree of Life (easy)000.000%
303581CF690F2. Tree of Life (medium)000.000%
303582CF690F3. Tree of Life (hard)000.000%
303593CF695E. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303623CF700D. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303868CF746B. Decoding000.000%
303875CF747B. Mammoth's Genome Decoding000.000%
304188CF802A. Heidi and Library (easy)000.000%
304189CF802B. Heidi and Library (medium)000.000%
304190CF802C. Heidi and Library (hard)000.000%
304191CF802D. Marmots (easy)000.000%
304192CF802E. Marmots (medium)000.000%
304193CF802F. Marmots (hard)000.000%
304194CF802G. Fake News (easy)000.000%
304195CF802H. Fake News (medium)000.000%
304196CF802I. Fake News (hard)000.000%
304197CF802J. Send the Fool Further! (easy)000.000%
304198CF802K. Send the Fool Further! (medium)000.000%
304199CF802L. Send the Fool Further! (hard)000.000%
304200CF802M. April Fools' Problem (easy)000.000%
304201CF802N. April Fools' Problem (medium)000.000%
304202CF802O. April Fools' Problem (hard)000.000%
305044CF958A1. Death Stars (easy)000.000%
305045CF958A2. Death Stars (medium)000.000%
305046CF958A3. Death Stars (hard)000.000%
305047CF958B1. Maximum Control (easy)000.000%
305048CF958B2. Maximum Control (medium)000.000%
305049CF958C1. Encryption (easy)000.000%
305050CF958C2. Encryption (medium)000.000%
305051CF958C3. Encryption (hard)000.000%
305052CF958D1. Hyperspace Jump (easy)000.000%
305053CF958D2. Hyperspace Jump (hard)000.000%
305054CF958E1. Guard Duty (easy)000.000%
305055CF958E2. Guard Duty (medium)000.000%
305056CF958E3. Guard Duty (hard)000.000%
305057CF958F1. Lightsabers (easy)000.000%
305058CF958F2. Lightsabers (medium)000.000%
305059CF958F3. Lightsabers (hard)000.000%
305184CF986D. Perfect Encoding000.000%
305269CF1001A. Generate plus state or minus state000.000%
305270CF1001B. Generate Bell state000.000%
305271CF1001C. Generate GHZ state000.000%
305272CF1001D. Distinguish plus state and minus state000.000%
305273CF1001E. Distinguish Bell states000.000%
305274CF1001F. Distinguish multi-qubit basis states000.000%
305275CF1001G. Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x000.000%
305276CF1001H. Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x000.000%
305277CF1001I. Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm000.000%
305278CF1002A1. Generate superposition of all basis states000.000%
305279CF1002A2. Generate superposition of zero state and a basis state000.000%
305280CF1002A3. Generate superposition of two basis states000.000%
305281CF1002A4. Generate W state000.000%
305282CF1002B1. Distinguish zero state and W state000.000%
305283CF1002B2. Distinguish GHZ state and W state000.000%
305284CF1002B3. Distinguish four 2-qubit states000.000%
305285CF1002B4. Distinguish four 2-qubit states - 2000.000%
305286CF1002C1. Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum error000.000%
305287CF1002C2. Distinguish zero state and plus state without errors000.000%
305288CF1002D1. Oracle for f(x) = b * x mod 2000.000%
305289CF1002D2. Oracle for f(x) = b * x + (1 - b) * (1 - x) mod 2000.000%
305290CF1002D3. Oracle for majority function000.000%
305291CF1002E1. Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm000.000%
305292CF1002E2. Another array reconstruction algorithm000.000%
305948CF1115G1. AND oracle000.000%
305949CF1115G2. OR oracle000.000%
305950CF1115G3. Palindrome checker oracle000.000%
305951CF1115U1. Anti-diagonal unitary000.000%
305952CF1115U2. Chessboard unitary000.000%
305953CF1115U3. Block unitary000.000%
305954CF1116A1. Generate state |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩000.000%
305955CF1116A2. Generate equal superposition of four basis states000.000%
305956CF1116B1. Distinguish three-qubit states000.000%
305957CF1116B2. Not A, not B or not C?000.000%
305958CF1116C1. Alternating bits oracle000.000%
305959CF1116C2. "Is the bit string periodic?" oracle000.000%
305960CF1116C3. "Is the number of ones divisible by 3?" oracle000.000%
305961CF1116D1. Block diagonal matrix000.000%
305962CF1116D2. Pattern of increasing blocks000.000%
305963CF1116D3. X-wing fighter000.000%
305964CF1116D4. TIE fighter000.000%
305965CF1116D5. Creeper000.000%
305966CF1116D6. Hessenberg matrix000.000%
306264CF1170D. Decoding of Integer Sequences000.000%