Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303912CF754C. Vladik and chat000.000%
303913CF754D. Fedor and coupons000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303921CF755G. PolandBall and Many Other Balls000.000%
303925CF756D. Bacterial Melee000.000%
303926CF756E. Byteland coins000.000%
303928CF757A. Gotta Catch Em' All!000.000%
303929CF757B. Bash's Big Day000.000%
303930CF757C. Felicity is Coming!000.000%
303931CF757D. Felicity's Big Secret Revealed000.000%
303932CF757E. Bash Plays with Functions000.000%
303933CF757F. Team Rocket Rises Again000.000%
303934CF757G. Can Bash Save the Day?000.000%
303935CF758A. Holiday Of Equality000.000%
303936CF758B. Blown Garland000.000%
303937CF758C. Unfair Poll000.000%
303938CF758D. Ability To Convert000.000%
303939CF758E. Broken Tree000.000%
303940CF758F. Geometrical Progression000.000%
303941CF759A. Pavel and barbecue000.000%
303942CF759B. Travel Card000.000%
303943CF759C. Nikita and stack000.000%
303944CF759D. Bacterial Melee000.000%
303945CF759E. Byteland coins000.000%
303946CF759F. Long number000.000%
303947CF760A. Petr and a calendar000.000%
303948CF760B. Frodo and pillows000.000%
303949CF760C. Pavel and barbecue000.000%
303950CF760D. Travel Card000.000%
303951CF760E. Nikita and stack000.000%
303952CF760F. Bacterial Melee000.000%
303953CF761A. Dasha and Stairs000.000%
303954CF761B. Dasha and friends000.000%
303955CF761C. Dasha and Password000.000%
303956CF761D. Dasha and Very Difficult Problem000.000%
303957CF761E. Dasha and Puzzle000.000%
303958CF761F. Dasha and Photos000.000%
303959CF762A. k-th divisor000.000%
303960CF762B. USB vs. PS/2000.000%
303961CF762C. Two strings000.000%
303962CF762D. Maximum path000.000%
303963CF762E. Radio stations000.000%
303964CF762F. Tree nesting000.000%
303965CF763A. Timofey and a tree000.000%
303966CF763B. Timofey and rectangles000.000%
303967CF763C. Timofey and remoduling000.000%
303968CF763D. Timofey and a flat tree000.000%
303969CF763E. Timofey and our friends animals000.000%
303970CF764A. Taymyr is calling you000.000%
303971CF764B. Timofey and cubes000.000%
303972CF764C. Timofey and a tree000.000%
303973CF764D. Timofey and rectangles000.000%
303974CF764E. Timofey and remoduling000.000%
303975CF765A. Neverending competitions000.000%
303976CF765B. Code obfuscation000.000%
303977CF765C. Table Tennis Game 2000.000%
303978CF765D. Artsem and Saunders000.000%
303979CF765E. Tree Folding000.000%
303980CF765F. Souvenirs000.000%
303981CF765G. Math, math everywhere000.000%
303982CF766A. Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence000.000%
303983CF766B. Mahmoud and a Triangle000.000%
303984CF766C. Mahmoud and a Message000.000%
303985CF766D. Mahmoud and a Dictionary000.000%
303986CF766E. Mahmoud and a xor trip000.000%
303987CF767A. Snacktower000.000%
303988CF767B. The Queue000.000%
303989CF767C. Garland000.000%
303990CF767D. Cartons of milk000.000%
303991CF767E. Change-free000.000%
303992CF768A. Oath of the Night's Watch000.000%
303993CF768B. Code For 1000.000%
303994CF768C. Jon Snow and his Favourite Number000.000%
303995CF768D. Jon and Orbs000.000%
303996CF768E. Game of Stones000.000%
303997CF768F. Barrels and boxes000.000%
303998CF768G. The Winds of Winter000.000%
304005CF770C. Online Courses In BSU000.000%
304007CF771A. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304010CF771D. Bear and Company000.000%
304019CF773B. Dynamic Problem Scoring000.000%
304023CF773F. Test Data Generation000.000%
304032CF774I. Composing Of String000.000%
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304038CF776B. Sherlock and his girlfriend000.000%
304039CF776C. Molly's Chemicals000.000%
304040CF776D. The Door Problem000.000%
304041CF776E. The Holmes Children000.000%
304042CF776F. Sherlock's bet to Moriarty000.000%
304043CF776G. Sherlock and the Encrypted Data000.000%
304044CF777A. Shell Game000.000%
304045CF777B. Game of Credit Cards000.000%
304046CF777C. Alyona and Spreadsheet000.000%
304047CF777D. Cloud of Hashtags000.000%
304048CF777E. Hanoi Factory000.000%
304049CF778A. String Game000.000%
304050CF778B. Bitwise Formula000.000%
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304052CF778D. Parquet Re-laying000.000%
304053CF778E. Selling Numbers000.000%