Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309381CF1670F. Jee, You See?000.000%
309382CF1671A. String Building000.000%
309383CF1671B. Consecutive Points Segment000.000%
309384CF1671C. Dolce Vita000.000%
309385CF1671D. Insert a Progression000.000%
309386CF1671E. Preorder000.000%
309387CF1671F. Permutation Counting000.000%
309388CF1672A. Log Chopping000.000%
309389CF1672B. I love AAAB000.000%
309390CF1672C. Unequal Array000.000%
309391CF1672D. Cyclic Rotation000.000%
309392CF1672E. notepad.exe000.000%
309393CF1672F1. Array Shuffling000.000%
309394CF1672F2. Checker for Array Shuffling000.000%
309395CF1672G. Cross Xor000.000%
309396CF1672H. Zigu Zagu000.000%
309397CF1672I. PermutationForces000.000%
309398CF1673A. Subtle Substring Subtraction000.000%
309399CF1673B. A Perfectly Balanced String?000.000%
309400CF1673C. Palindrome Basis000.000%
309401CF1673D. Lost Arithmetic Progression000.000%
309402CF1673E. Power or XOR?000.000%
309403CF1673F. Anti-Theft Road Planning000.000%
309404CF1674A. Number Transformation020.000%
309405CF1674B. Dictionary010.000%
309406CF1674C. Infinite Replacement000.000%
309407CF1674D. A-B-C Sort000.000%
309408CF1674E. Breaking the Wall000.000%
309409CF1674F. Desktop Rearrangement000.000%
309410CF1674G. Remove Directed Edges000.000%
309411CF1675A. Food for Animals000.000%
309412CF1675B. Make It Increasing000.000%
309413CF1675C. Detective Task000.000%
309414CF1675D. Vertical Paths000.000%
309415CF1675E. Replace With the Previous, Minimize000.000%
309416CF1675F. Vlad and Unfinished Business000.000%
309417CF1675G. Sorting Pancakes000.000%
309418CF1676A. Lucky?0140.000%
309419CF1676B. Equal Candies0130.000%
309420CF1676C. Most Similar Words0110.000%
309421CF1676D. X-Sum0190.000%
309422CF1676E. Eating Queries0230.000%
309423CF1676F. Longest Strike0280.000%
309424CF1676G. White-Black Balanced Subtrees090.000%
309425CF1676H1. Maximum Crossings (Easy Version)040.000%
309426CF1676H2. Maximum Crossings (Hard Version)0190.000%
309427CF1677A. Tokitsukaze and Strange Inequality000.000%
309428CF1677B. Tokitsukaze and Meeting000.000%
309429CF1677C. Tokitsukaze and Two Colorful Tapes000.000%
309430CF1677D. Tokitsukaze and Permutations000.000%
309431CF1677E. Tokitsukaze and Beautiful Subsegments000.000%
309432CF1677F. Tokitsukaze and Gems000.000%
309433CF1678A. Tokitsukaze and All Zero Sequence000.000%
309434CF1678B1. Tokitsukaze and Good 01-String (easy version)000.000%
309435CF1678B2. Tokitsukaze and Good 01-String (hard version)000.000%
309436CF1678C. Tokitsukaze and Strange Inequality000.000%
309437CF1678D. Tokitsukaze and Meeting000.000%
309438CF1678E. Tokitsukaze and Two Colorful Tapes000.000%
309439CF1678F. Tokitsukaze and Permutations000.000%
309440CF1679A. AvtoBus000.000%
309441CF1679B. Stone Age Problem000.000%
309442CF1679C. Rooks Defenders000.000%
309443CF1679D. Toss a Coin to Your Graph...000.000%
309444CF1679E. Typical Party in Dorm000.000%
309445CF1679F. Formalism for Formalism000.000%
309978CF1767A. Cut the Triangle000.000%
309979CF1767B. Block Towers000.000%
309980CF1767C. Count Binary Strings000.000%
309981CF1767D. Playoff000.000%
309982CF1767E. Algebra Flash000.000%
309983CF1767F. Two Subtrees000.000%
401476GYM100467 A A Numbers Game000.000%
401477GYM100467 B Boolean equation system000.000%
401478GYM100467 C The City Day000.000%
401479GYM100467 D Polylines000.000%
401480GYM100467 E Zombies, zombies, zombies...000.000%
402153GYM100676 A A. Relational Operator000.000%
402154GYM100676 B B. Three Angles000.000%
402155GYM100676 C C. Memory is Full000.000%
402156GYM100676 D D. Sudoku000.000%
402157GYM100676 E E. Time Limit Exceeded?000.000%
402158GYM100676 F F. Palindrome000.000%
402159GYM100676 G G. Training Camp000.000%
402160GYM100676 H H. Capital City000.000%
402753GYM100867 A Alice's Certification000.000%
402754GYM100867 B Baliset000.000%
402755GYM100867 C Central Square000.000%
402756GYM100867 D Dozor000.000%
402757GYM100867 E Expression000.000%
402758GYM100867 F File Sorting000.000%
402759GYM100867 G Game of Xunix000.000%
402760GYM100867 H Hi-Wi-Fi000.000%
402761GYM100867 I Irrationality000.000%
402762GYM100867 J Jth Diagonal000.000%
403915GYM101367 A Orthogonal Circles000.000%
403916GYM101367 B Necessary Coins000.000%
403917GYM101367 C Optimal Dartboard000.000%
403918GYM101367 D Heavy Disc000.000%
403919GYM101367 E Deducing Grammar000.000%
403920GYM101367 F Hexagonal Walkaround000.000%