Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308716CF1562C. Rings000.000%
308717CF1562D1. Two Hundred Twenty One (easy version)000.000%
308718CF1562D2. Two Hundred Twenty One (hard version)000.000%
308719CF1562E. Rescue Niwen!000.000%
308720CF1562F. Tubular Bells000.000%
308721CF1563A. Charmed by the Game000.000%
308722CF1563B. Up the Strip000.000%
308723CF1563C. Bottom-Tier Reversals000.000%
308724CF1563D. Top-Notch Insertions000.000%
308725CF1563E. Down Below000.000%
308726CF1563F. Strange Sort000.000%
308727CF1566A. Median Maximization000.000%
308728CF1566B. MIN-MEX Cut000.000%
308729CF1566C. MAX-MEX Cut000.000%
308730CF1566D1. Seating Arrangements (easy version) 000.000%
308731CF1566D2. Seating Arrangements (hard version) 000.000%
308732CF1566E. Buds Re-hanging000.000%
308733CF1566F. Points Movement000.000%
308734CF1566G. Four Vertices000.000%
308735CF1566H. Xor-quiz000.000%
308736CF1567A. Domino Disaster000.000%
308737CF1567B. MEXor Mixup000.000%
308738CF1567C. Carrying Conundrum000.000%
308739CF1567D. Expression Evaluation Error000.000%
308740CF1567E. Non-Decreasing Dilemma000.000%
308741CF1567F. One-Four Overload000.000%
308742CF1569A. Balanced Substring000.000%
308743CF1569B. Chess Tournament000.000%
308744CF1569C. Jury Meeting000.000%
308745CF1569D. Inconvenient Pairs000.000%
308746CF1569E. Playoff Restoration000.000%
308747CF1569F. Palindromic Hamiltonian Path000.000%
309006CF1611A. Make Even000.000%
309007CF1611B. Team Composition: Programmers and Mathematicians000.000%
309008CF1611C. Polycarp Recovers the Permutation000.000%
309009CF1611D. Weights Assignment For Tree Edges000.000%
309010CF1611E1. Escape The Maze (easy version)000.000%
309011CF1611E2. Escape The Maze (hard version)000.000%
309012CF1611F. ATM and Students000.000%
309013CF1611G. Robot and Candies000.000%
309275CF1656A. Good Pairs000.000%
309276CF1656B. Subtract Operation000.000%
309277CF1656C. Make Equal With Mod000.000%
309278CF1656D. K-good000.000%
309279CF1656E. Equal Tree Sums000.000%
309280CF1656F. Parametric MST000.000%
309281CF1656G. Cycle Palindrome000.000%
309282CF1656H. Equal LCM Subsets000.000%
309283CF1656I. Neighbour Ordering000.000%
310180CF1794A. Prefix and Suffix Array000.000%
310181CF1794B. Not Dividing000.000%
310182CF1794C. Scoring Subsequences000.000%
310183CF1794D. Counting Factorizations000.000%
310184CF1794E. Labeling the Tree with Distances000.000%
310588CF1856A. Tales of a Sort000.000%
310589CF1856B. Good Arrays000.000%
310590CF1856C. To Become Max000.000%
310591CF1856D. More Wrong000.000%
310592CF1856E1. PermuTree (easy version)000.000%
310593CF1856E2. PermuTree (hard version)000.000%
310775CF1886A. Sum of Three000.000%
310776CF1886B. Fear of the Dark000.000%
310777CF1886C. Decreasing String000.000%
310778CF1886D. Monocarp and the Set000.000%
310779CF1886E. I Wanna be the Team Leader000.000%
310780CF1886F. Diamond Theft000.000%
311249CF1956A. Nene's Game000.000%
311250CF1956B. Nene and the Card Game000.000%
311251CF1956C. Nene's Magical Matrix000.000%
311252CF1956D. Nene and the Mex Operator000.000%
311253CF1956E1. Nene vs. Monsters (Easy Version)000.000%
311254CF1956E2. Nene vs. Monsters (Hard Version)000.000%
311255CF1956F. Nene and the Passing Game000.000%
402934GYM100956 A Random Points on the Circle000.000%
402935GYM100956 B Lines000.000%
402936GYM100956 C Fraction Factory000.000%
402937GYM100956 D Greedy Game000.000%
402938GYM100956 E Odd Grammar000.000%
402939GYM100956 F Colored Path000.000%
402940GYM100956 G Pencil of Wishing000.000%
402941GYM100956 H Points000.000%
402942GYM100956 I Set Intersection000.000%
402943GYM100956 J Sort It!000.000%
402944GYM100956 K Two Strings000.000%
402945GYM100956 L Triangle000.000%
403413GYM101156 A Area000.000%
403414GYM101156 B Fill the Triangle000.000%
403415GYM101156 C Gary000.000%
403416GYM101156 D K-th sequence000.000%
403417GYM101156 E Longest Increasing Subsequences000.000%
403418GYM101156 F Polyomino Packing000.000%
403419GYM101156 G Non-Attacking Queens000.000%
403420GYM101156 H Vugluscr and Mouse000.000%
403421GYM101156 I Fleet Vulnerability000.000%
403422GYM101156 J Exclusive OR000.000%
403423GYM101156 K Seven-segment Display000.000%
403424GYM101156 L Super 2048000.000%
403425GYM101156 M Addition000.000%
403426GYM101156 N Cut Tiles000.000%
404574GYM101556 A Succession000.000%