Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302677CF520A. Pangram000.000%
302678CF520B. Two Buttons000.000%
302679CF520C. DNA Alignment000.000%
302680CF520D. Cubes000.000%
302681CF520E. Pluses everywhere000.000%
302682CF521A. DNA Alignment000.000%
302683CF521B. Cubes000.000%
302684CF521C. Pluses everywhere000.000%
302685CF521D. Shop000.000%
302686CF521E. Cycling City000.000%
302697CF524C. The Art of Dealing with ATM000.000%
302701CF525A. Vitaliy and Pie000.000%
302702CF525B. Pasha and String000.000%
302703CF525C. Ilya and Sticks000.000%
302704CF525D. Arthur and Walls000.000%
302705CF525E. Anya and Cubes000.000%
302713CF527A. Playing with Paper000.000%
302714CF527B. Error Correct System000.000%
302715CF527C. Glass Carving000.000%
302716CF527D. Clique Problem000.000%
302717CF527E. Data Center Drama000.000%
302718CF528A. Glass Carving000.000%
302719CF528B. Clique Problem000.000%
302720CF528C. Data Center Drama000.000%
302721CF528D. Fuzzy Search000.000%
302723CF529A. And Yet Another Bracket Sequence000.000%
302724CF529B. Group Photo 2 (online mirror version)000.000%
302725CF529C. Rooks and Rectangles000.000%
302726CF529D. Social Network000.000%
302727CF529E. The Art of Dealing with ATM000.000%
302758CF534A. Exam000.000%
302759CF534B. Covered Path000.000%
302760CF534C. Polycarpus' Dice000.000%
302761CF534D. Handshakes000.000%
302762CF534E. Berland Local Positioning System000.000%
302763CF534F. Simplified Nonogram000.000%
302764CF535A. Tavas and Nafas000.000%
302765CF535B. Tavas and SaDDas000.000%
302766CF535C. Tavas and Karafs000.000%
302767CF535D. Tavas and Malekas000.000%
302768CF535E. Tavas and Pashmaks000.000%
302769CF536A. Tavas and Karafs000.000%
302770CF536B. Tavas and Malekas000.000%
302771CF536C. Tavas and Pashmaks000.000%
302772CF536D. Tavas in Kansas000.000%
302773CF536E. Tavas on the Path000.000%
302774CF537A. Antiplagiarism000.000%
302786CF540D. Bad Luck Island000.000%
302810CF545A. Toy Cars000.000%
302821CF547B. Mike and Feet000.000%
302828CF548D. Mike and Feet000.000%
302830CF549A. Face Detection000.000%
302831CF549B. Looksery Party000.000%
302832CF549C. The Game Of Parity000.000%
302833CF549D. Haar Features000.000%
302834CF549E. Sasha Circle000.000%
302835CF549F. Yura and Developers000.000%
302836CF549G. Happy Line000.000%
302837CF549H. Degenerate Matrix000.000%
302841CF550D. Regular Bridge000.000%
302850CF552C. Vanya and Scales000.000%
302851CF552D. Vanya and Triangles000.000%
302853CF553A. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302854CF553B. Kyoya and Permutation000.000%
302855CF553C. Love Triangles000.000%
302856CF553D. Nudist Beach000.000%
302857CF553E. Kyoya and Train000.000%
302858CF554A. Kyoya and Photobooks000.000%
302859CF554B. Ohana Cleans Up000.000%
302860CF554C. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302861CF554D. Kyoya and Permutation000.000%
302862CF554E. Love Triangles000.000%
302868CF556A. Case of the Zeros and Ones000.000%
302875CF557C. Arthur and Table000.000%
302880CF558C. Amr and Chemistry000.000%
302883CF559A. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302884CF559B. Equivalent Strings000.000%
302885CF559C. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302886CF559D. Randomizer000.000%
302887CF559E. Gerald and Path000.000%
302896CF562D. Restructuring Company000.000%
302903CF566D. Restructuring Company000.000%
302907CF567A. Lineland Mail000.000%
302914CF568B. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302918CF569A. Music000.000%
302919CF569B. Inventory000.000%
302920CF569C. Primes or Palindromes?000.000%
302921CF569D. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302922CF569E. New Language000.000%
302933CF572A. Arrays000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302958CF576B. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302959CF576C. Points on Plane000.000%
302960CF576D. Flights for Regular Customers000.000%
302961CF576E. Painting Edges000.000%
302962CF577A. Multiplication Table000.000%
302963CF577B. Modulo Sum000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302965CF577D. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302966CF577E. Points on Plane000.000%