Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306452CF1199D. Welfare State000.000%
306455CF1200A. Hotelier000.000%
306458CF1200D. White Lines000.000%
306459CF1200E. Compress Words000.000%
306460CF1200F. Graph Traveler000.000%
306461CF1201A. Important Exam000.000%
306463CF1201C. Maximum Median000.000%
306464CF1201D. Treasure Hunting000.000%
306468CF1202B. You Are Given a Decimal String...000.000%
306469CF1202C. You Are Given a WASD-string...000.000%
306472CF1202F. You Are Given Some Letters...000.000%
306473CF1203A. Circle of Students000.000%
306475CF1203C. Common Divisors000.000%
306476CF1203D1. Remove the Substring (easy version)000.000%
306477CF1203D2. Remove the Substring (hard version)020.000%
306481CF1204A. BowWow and the Timetable000.000%
306489CF1205C. Palindromic Paths000.000%
306494CF1206B. Make Product Equal One000.000%
306497CF1206E. Palindromic Paths000.000%
306499CF1207A. There Are Two Types Of Burgers000.000%
306500CF1207B. Square Filling000.000%
306504CF1207F. Remainder Problem000.000%
306507CF1208B. Uniqueness000.000%
306509CF1208D. Restore Permutation000.000%
306510CF1208E. Let Them Slide000.000%
306513CF1208H. Red Blue Tree000.000%
306514CF1209A. Paint the Numbers000.000%
306515CF1209B. Koala and Lights000.000%
306516CF1209C. Paint the Digits000.000%
306517CF1209D. Cow and Snacks000.000%
306518CF1209E1. Rotate Columns (easy version)000.000%
306519CF1209E2. Rotate Columns (hard version)000.000%
306520CF1209F. Koala and Notebook000.000%
306522CF1209G2. Into Blocks (hard version)000.000%
306523CF1209H. Moving Walkways000.000%
306532CF1211A. Three Problems000.000%
306533CF1211B. Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland000.000%
306537CF1211F. kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin...000.000%
306541CF1212A. Wrong Subtraction000.000%
306542CF1212B. Two-gram000.000%
306550CF1213B. Bad Prices000.000%
306552CF1213D1. Equalizing by Division (easy version)000.000%
306555CF1213F. Unstable String Sort000.000%
306557CF1214A. Optimal Currency Exchange000.000%
306565CF1215A. Yellow Cards000.000%
306566CF1215B. The Number of Products000.000%
306572CF1216B. Shooting000.000%
306582CF1217E. Sum Queries?000.000%
306595CF1219C. Periodic integer number000.000%
306599CF1219G. Harvester000.000%
306602CF1220A. Cards000.000%
306616CF1223A. CME000.000%
306617CF1223B. Strings Equalization000.000%
306618CF1223C. Save the Nature000.000%
306619CF1223D. Sequence Sorting000.000%
306620CF1223E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306621CF1223F. Stack Exterminable Arrays000.000%
306622CF1223G. Wooden Raft000.000%
306623CF1225A. Forgetting Things000.000%
306624CF1225B1. TV Subscriptions (Easy Version)000.000%
306625CF1225B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version)000.000%
306626CF1225C. p-binary000.000%
306627CF1225D. Power Products000.000%
306628CF1225E. Rock Is Push000.000%
306629CF1225F. Tree Factory000.000%
306630CF1225G. To Make 1000.000%
306631CF1227A. Math Problem000.000%
306632CF1227B. Box000.000%
306633CF1227C. Messy000.000%
306634CF1227D1. Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version)000.000%
306635CF1227D2. Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version)000.000%
306636CF1227E. Arson In Berland Forest000.000%
306637CF1227F1. Wrong Answer on test 233 (Easy Version)000.000%
306638CF1227F2. Wrong Answer on test 233 (Hard Version)000.000%
306639CF1227G. Not Same000.000%
306640CF1228A. Distinct Digits000.000%
306641CF1228B. Filling the Grid000.000%
306642CF1228C. Primes and Multiplication000.000%
306643CF1228D. Complete Tripartite000.000%
306645CF1228F. One Node is Gone000.000%
306653CF1230A. Dawid and Bags of Candies000.000%
306654CF1230B. Ania and Minimizing000.000%
306659CF1231A. Dawid and Bags of Candies000.000%
306660CF1231B. Ania and Minimizing000.000%
306667CF1234B1. Social Network (easy version)000.000%
306668CF1234B2. Social Network (hard version)000.000%
306669CF1234C. Pipes000.000%
306673CF1235A3. Shuffled Images000.000%
306674CF1235B3. Shuffled Images000.000%
306675CF1235C3. Shuffled Images000.000%
306678CF1236C. Labs000.000%
306679CF1236D. Alice and the Doll000.000%
306682CF1237A. Balanced Rating Changes000.000%
306685CF1237C2. Balanced Removals (Harder)000.000%
306686CF1237D. Balanced Playlist000.000%
306691CF1238A. Prime Subtraction000.000%
306696CF1238F. The Maximum Subtree000.000%
306699CF1239B. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306700CF1239C. Queue in the Train000.000%
306702CF1239E. Turtle000.000%