Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304132CF793E. Problem of offices000.000%
304133CF793F. Julia the snail000.000%
304134CF793G. Oleg and chess000.000%
304135CF794A. Bank Robbery000.000%
304144CF795C. Maximum Number000.000%
304145CF795D. Lie or Truth000.000%
304152CF795K. Stepan and Vowels000.000%
304154CF796A. Buying A House000.000%
304155CF796B. Find The Bone000.000%
304160CF797A. k-Factorization000.000%
304161CF797B. Odd sum000.000%
304162CF797C. Minimal string000.000%
304171CF799A. Carrot Cakes000.000%
304172CF799B. T-shirt buying000.000%
304173CF799C. Fountains000.000%
304194CF802G. Fake News (easy)000.000%
304203CF803A. Maximal Binary Matrix000.000%
304205CF803C. Maximal GCD000.000%
304208CF803F. Coprime Subsequences000.000%
304211CF804B. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304219CF805D. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304228CF807A. Is it rated?000.000%
304229CF807B. T-Shirt Hunt000.000%
304234CF808A. Lucky Year000.000%
304235CF808B. Average Sleep Time000.000%
304237CF808D. Array Division000.000%
304241CF809A. Do you want a date?000.000%
304246CF810A. Straight «A»000.000%
304248CF810C. Do you want a date?000.000%
304251CF811A. Vladik and Courtesy000.000%
304252CF811B. Vladik and Complicated Book000.000%
304253CF811C. Vladik and Memorable Trip000.000%
304256CF812A. Sagheer and Crossroads000.000%
304259CF812D. Sagheer and Kindergarten000.000%
304261CF813A. The Contest000.000%
304267CF814A. An abandoned sentiment from past000.000%
304269CF814C. An impassioned circulation of affection000.000%
304272CF815A. Karen and Game000.000%
304276CF815E. Karen and Neighborhood000.000%
304277CF816A. Karen and Morning000.000%
304278CF816B. Karen and Coffee000.000%
304279CF816C. Karen and Game000.000%
304282CF817A. Treasure Hunt000.000%
304283CF817B. Makes And The Product000.000%
304285CF817D. Imbalanced Array000.000%
304288CF818A. Diplomas and Certificates000.000%
304289CF818B. Permutation Game000.000%
304290CF818C. Sofa Thief000.000%
304291CF818D. Multicolored Cars000.000%
304296CF819B. Mister B and PR Shifts000.000%
304300CF820A. Mister B and Book Reading000.000%
304303CF820D. Mister B and PR Shifts000.000%
304305CF821A. Okabe and Future Gadget Laboratory000.000%
304310CF822A. I'm bored with life000.000%
304311CF822B. Crossword solving000.000%
304312CF822C. Hacker, pack your bags!000.000%
304316CF823A. High Load000.000%
304318CF823C. Bamboo Partition000.000%
304323CF825A. Binary Protocol000.000%
304324CF825B. Five-In-a-Row000.000%
304325CF825C. Multi-judge Solving000.000%
304326CF825D. Suitable Replacement000.000%
304327CF825E. Minimal Labels000.000%
304331CF827B. High Load000.000%
304336CF828A. Restaurant Tables000.000%
304337CF828B. Black Square000.000%
304339CF828D. High Load000.000%
304343CF830B. Cards Sorting000.000%
304344CF830C. Bamboo Partition000.000%
304346CF830E. Perpetual Motion Machine000.000%
304347CF831A. Unimodal Array000.000%
304348CF831B. Keyboard Layouts000.000%
304354CF832B. Petya and Exam000.000%
304355CF832C. Strange Radiation000.000%
304361CF833D. Red-Black Cobweb000.000%
304363CF834A. The Useless Toy000.000%
304364CF834B. The Festive Evening000.000%
304370CF835C. Star sky000.000%
304374CF837A. Text Volume000.000%
304375CF837B. Flag of Berland000.000%
304376CF837C. Two Seals000.000%
304378CF837E. Vasya's Function000.000%
304381CF838A. Binary Blocks000.000%
304382CF838B. Diverging Directions000.000%
304383CF838C. Future Failure000.000%
304384CF838D. Airplane Arrangements000.000%
304385CF838E. Convex Countour000.000%
304386CF838F. Expected Earnings000.000%
304387CF839A. Arya and Bran000.000%
304388CF839B. Game of the Rows000.000%
304397CF841A. Generous Kefa000.000%
304407CF843A. Sorting by Subsequences000.000%
304408CF843B. Interactive LowerBound000.000%
304409CF843C. Upgrading Tree000.000%
304410CF843D. Dynamic Shortest Path000.000%
304411CF843E. Maximum Flow000.000%
304412CF844A. Diversity000.000%
304413CF844B. Rectangles000.000%
304414CF844C. Sorting by Subsequences000.000%
304415CF844D. Interactive LowerBound000.000%