Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
5872BZOJ1872:[Beijing2009 WinterCamp]电子竞技
6872BZOJ2872: 优莱卡
7872BZOJ3872: [Poi2014]Ant colony
304582CF872A. Search for Pretty Integers000.000%
304583CF872B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums000.000%
304584CF872C. Maximum splitting000.000%
304585CF872D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304586CF872E. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
310375CF1824A. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310376CF1824B1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310377CF1824B2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310378CF1824C. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310379CF1824D. LuoTianyi and the Function000.000%
310380CF1824E. LuoTianyi and Cartridge000.000%
310381CF1825A. LuoTianyi and the Palindrome String000.000%
310382CF1825B. LuoTianyi and the Table000.000%
310383CF1825C. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310384CF1825D1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310385CF1825D2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310386CF1825E. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310692CF1872A. Two Vessels000.000%
310693CF1872B. The Corridor or There and Back Again000.000%
310694CF1872C. Non-coprime Split000.000%
310695CF1872D. Plus Minus Permutation000.000%
310696CF1872E. Data Structures Fan000.000%
310697CF1872F. Selling a Menagerie000.000%
310698CF1872G. Replace With Product000.000%