Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303200CF623B. Array GCD000.000%
303201CF623C. Electric Charges000.000%
303202CF623D. Birthday000.000%
303203CF623E. Transforming Sequence000.000%
303349CF650A. Watchmen000.000%
303350CF650B. Image Preview000.000%
303351CF650C. Table Compression000.000%
303352CF650D. Zip-line000.000%
303353CF650E. Clockwork Bomb000.000%
303422CF663A. Rebus000.000%
303423CF663B. International Olympiad000.000%
303424CF663C. Graph Coloring000.000%
303425CF663D. To Hack or not to Hack000.000%
303426CF663E. Binary Table000.000%
303438CF666A. Reberland Linguistics000.000%
303439CF666B. World Tour000.000%
303440CF666C. Codeword000.000%
303441CF666D. Chain Reaction000.000%
303442CF666E. Forensic Examination000.000%
303466CF671A. Recycling Bottles000.000%
303467CF671B. Robin Hood000.000%
303468CF671C. Ultimate Weirdness of an Array000.000%
303469CF671D. Roads in Yusland000.000%
303470CF671E. Organizing a Race000.000%
303510CF679A. Bear and Prime 100000.000%
303511CF679B. Bear and Tower of Cubes000.000%
303512CF679C. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303513CF679D. Bear and Chase000.000%
303514CF679E. Bear and Bad Powers of 42000.000%
303541CF685A. Robbers' watch000.000%
303542CF685B. Kay and Snowflake000.000%
303543CF685C. Optimal Point000.000%
303544CF685D. Kay and Eternity000.000%
303545CF685E. Travelling Through the Snow Queen's Kingdom000.000%
303551CF687A. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303552CF687B. Remainders Game000.000%
303553CF687C. The Values You Can Make000.000%
303554CF687D. Dividing Kingdom II000.000%
303555CF687E. TOF000.000%
303596CF696A. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303597CF696B. Puzzles000.000%
303598CF696C. PLEASE000.000%
303599CF696D. Legen...000.000%
303600CF696E. ...Wait for it...000.000%
303601CF696F. ...Dary!000.000%
303608CF698A. Vacations000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303610CF698C. LRU000.000%
303611CF698D. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303612CF698E. Cron000.000%
303613CF698F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303620CF700A. As Fast As Possible000.000%
303621CF700B. Connecting Universities000.000%
303622CF700C. Break Up000.000%
303623CF700D. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303624CF700E. Cool Slogans000.000%
303642CF704A. Thor000.000%
303643CF704B. Ant Man000.000%
303644CF704C. Black Widow000.000%
303645CF704D. Captain America000.000%
303646CF704E. Iron Man000.000%
303662CF708A. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303663CF708B. Recover the String000.000%
303664CF708C. Centroids000.000%
303665CF708D. Incorrect Flow000.000%
303666CF708E. Student's Camp000.000%
303688CF713A. Sonya and Queries000.000%
303689CF713B. Searching Rectangles000.000%
303690CF713C. Sonya and Problem Wihtout a Legend000.000%
303691CF713D. Animals and Puzzle000.000%
303692CF713E. Sonya Partymaker000.000%
303698CF715A. Plus and Square Root000.000%
303699CF715B. Complete The Graph000.000%
303700CF715C. Digit Tree000.000%
303701CF715D. Create a Maze000.000%
303702CF715E. Complete the Permutations000.000%
303717CF718A. Efim and Strange Grade000.000%
303718CF718C. Sasha and Array000.000%
303719CF718D. Andrew and Chemistry000.000%
303720CF718E. Matvey's Birthday000.000%
303815CF736A. Tennis Championship000.000%
303816CF736B. Taxes000.000%
303817CF736C. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303818CF736D. Permutations000.000%
303819CF736E. Chess Championship000.000%
303832CF739A. Alyona and mex000.000%
303833CF739B. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303834CF739C. Alyona and towers000.000%
303835CF739D. Recover a functional graph000.000%
303836CF739E. Gosha is hunting000.000%
303842CF741A. Arpa's loud Owf and Mehrdad's evil plan000.000%
303843CF741B. Arpa's weak amphitheater and Mehrdad's valuable Hoses000.000%
303844CF741C. Arpa’s overnight party and Mehrdad’s silent entering000.000%
303845CF741D. Arpa’s letter-marked tree and Mehrdad’s Dokhtar-kosh paths000.000%
303846CF741E. Arpa’s abnormal DNA and Mehrdad’s deep interest000.000%
303857CF744A. Hongcow Builds A Nation000.000%
303858CF744B. Hongcow's Game000.000%
303859CF744C. Hongcow Buys a Deck of Cards000.000%
303860CF744D. Hongcow Draws a Circle000.000%
303861CF744E. Hongcow Masters the Cyclic Shift000.000%