Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307855CF1425E. Excitation of Atoms000.000%
307856CF1425F. Flamingoes of Mystery000.000%
307857CF1425H. Huge Boxes of Animal Toys000.000%
307858CF1425I. Impressive Harvesting of The Orchard000.000%
307859CF1426A. Floor Number000.000%
307860CF1426B. Symmetric Matrix000.000%
307861CF1426C. Increase and Copy000.000%
307862CF1426D. Non-zero Segments000.000%
307863CF1426E. Rock, Paper, Scissors000.000%
307864CF1426F. Number of Subsequences000.000%
307865CF1427A. Avoiding Zero000.000%
307866CF1427B. Chess Cheater000.000%
307867CF1427C. The Hard Work of Paparazzi000.000%
307868CF1427D. Unshuffling a Deck000.000%
307869CF1427E. Xum000.000%
307870CF1427F. Boring Card Game000.000%
307871CF1427G. One Billion Shades of Grey000.000%
307872CF1427H. Prison Break000.000%
307873CF1428A. Box is Pull000.000%
307874CF1428B. Belted Rooms000.000%
307875CF1428C. ABBB000.000%
307876CF1428D. Bouncing Boomerangs000.000%
307877CF1428E. Carrots for Rabbits000.000%
307878CF1428F. Fruit Sequences000.000%
307879CF1428G1. Lucky Numbers (Easy Version)000.000%
307880CF1428G2. Lucky Numbers (Hard Version)000.000%
307881CF1428H. Rotary Laser Lock000.000%
307959CF1442A. Extreme Subtraction000.000%
307960CF1442B. Identify the Operations000.000%
307961CF1442C. Graph Transpositions000.000%
307962CF1442D. Sum000.000%
307963CF1442E. Black, White and Grey Tree000.000%
307964CF1442F. Differentiating Games000.000%
308579CF1542A. Odd Set000.000%
308580CF1542B. Plus and Multiply000.000%
308581CF1542C. Strange Function000.000%
308582CF1542D. Priority Queue000.000%
308583CF1542E1. Abnormal Permutation Pairs (easy version)000.000%
308584CF1542E2. Abnormal Permutation Pairs (hard version)000.000%
308736CF1567A. Domino Disaster000.000%
308737CF1567B. MEXor Mixup000.000%
308738CF1567C. Carrying Conundrum000.000%
308739CF1567D. Expression Evaluation Error000.000%
308740CF1567E. Non-Decreasing Dilemma000.000%
308741CF1567F. One-Four Overload000.000%
309203CF1642A. Hard Way000.000%
309204CF1642B. Power Walking000.000%
309205CF1642C. Great Sequence000.000%
309206CF1642D. Repetitions Decoding000.000%
309207CF1642E. Anonymity Is Important000.000%
309208CF1642F. Two Arrays000.000%
309832CF1742B. Increasing020.000%
309833CF1742C. Stripes020.000%
309834CF1742D. Coprime010.000%
309835CF1742E. Scuza010.000%
309836CF1742F. Smaller020.000%
309837CF1742G. Orray020.000%
309984CF1768A. Greatest Convex000.000%
309985CF1768B. Quick Sort000.000%
309986CF1768C. Elemental Decompress000.000%
309987CF1768D. Lucky Permutation000.000%
309988CF1768E. Partial Sorting000.000%
309989CF1768F. Wonderful Jump000.000%
310167CF1792A. GamingForces000.000%
310168CF1792B. Stand-up Comedian000.000%
310169CF1792C. Min Max Sort000.000%
310170CF1792D. Fixed Prefix Permutations000.000%
310171CF1792E. Divisors and Table000.000%
310172CF1792F1. Graph Coloring (easy version)000.000%
310173CF1792F2. Graph Coloring (hard version)000.000%
400331GYM100142 A The Very Hard One000.000%
400332GYM100142 B Robots and Oil Transportation System000.000%
400333GYM100142 C Symmetry000.000%
400334GYM100142 D The Shortest does not Mean the Simplest000.000%
400335GYM100142 E Watermelons of the Field of Wonder of the Fool's Land000.000%
400336GYM100142 F Martian King000.000%
401083GYM100342 A Brackets000.000%
401084GYM100342 B Car Wash000.000%
401085GYM100342 C Painting Cottages000.000%
401086GYM100342 D Dinner Problem000.000%
401087GYM100342 E Minima000.000%
401088GYM100342 F Move to Front000.000%
401089GYM100342 G TV Show000.000%
401090GYM100342 H Hard Test000.000%
401091GYM100342 I Travel Agency000.000%
401092GYM100342 J Triatrip000.000%
401372GYM100425 A Luggage Distribution000.000%
401373GYM100425 B Passport Control000.000%
401374GYM100425 C Tropical Stonehenge000.000%
401375GYM100425 D Toll Road000.000%
401376GYM100425 E The Street Escalator000.000%
401377GYM100425 F Mexico000.000%
401378GYM100425 G Free Wi-Fi000.000%
401379GYM100425 H Football Bets000.000%
401380GYM100425 I Road to Dragobat000.000%
401666GYM100512 A Abstract Dances000.000%
401667GYM100512 B Betting Fast000.000%
401668GYM100512 C Comparator Networks000.000%
401669GYM100512 D Dynamic LCA000.000%
401670GYM100512 E Equal Hash Codes000.000%