Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
310239CF1802E. Music Festival000.000%
310240CF1802F. The way home000.000%
310241CF1802G. Gasoline prices000.000%
310257CF1806A. Walking Master000.000%
310258CF1806B. Mex Master000.000%
310259CF1806C. Sequence Master000.000%
310260CF1806D. DSU Master000.000%
310261CF1806E. Tree Master000.000%
310262CF1806F1. GCD Master (easy version)000.000%
310263CF1806F2. GCD Master (hard version)000.000%
310264CF1807A. Plus or Minus000.000%
310265CF1807B. Grab the Candies000.000%
310266CF1807C. Find and Replace000.000%
310267CF1807D. Odd Queries000.000%
310268CF1807E. Interview000.000%
310269CF1807F. Bouncy Ball000.000%
310270CF1807G1. Subsequence Addition (Easy Version)000.000%
310271CF1807G2. Subsequence Addition (Hard Version)000.000%
400171GYM100085 A ASCII Area000.000%
400172GYM100085 B Binary Encoding000.000%
400173GYM100085 C Caption000.000%
400174GYM100085 D Dictionary Size000.000%
400175GYM100085 E Eve000.000%
400176GYM100085 F Flights000.000%
400177GYM100085 G GCD Guessing Game000.000%
400178GYM100085 H Huzita Axiom 6000.000%
400179GYM100085 I Interactive Permutation Guessing000.000%
400180GYM100085 J Journey000.000%
400181GYM100085 K Kingdom Roadmap000.000%
400182GYM100085 L Lanes000.000%
400440GYM100185 A Car Game000.000%
400441GYM100185 B Peragrams000.000%
400442GYM100185 C Vacuum Tubes000.000%
400443GYM100185 D Chicken Joggers000.000%
400444GYM100185 E Hogwarts000.000%
400445GYM100185 F Bank Queue000.000%
400446GYM100185 G Forest Highway000.000%
400447GYM100185 H FreeCell000.000%
400448GYM100185 I Flag Quiz000.000%
400919GYM100285 A Podracing000.000%
400920GYM100285 B The battle near the swamp000.000%
400921GYM100285 C CVS000.000%
400922GYM100285 D This cheeseburger you don't need000.000%
400923GYM100285 E The Emperor's plan000.000%
400924GYM100285 F Illegal spices000.000%
400925GYM100285 G Cipher Message 3000.000%
400926GYM100285 H Those are not the droids you're looking for000.000%
400927GYM100285 I The old Padawan000.000%
400928GYM100285 J The secret module000.000%
401318GYM100385 A Maximal Difference000.000%
401319GYM100385 C Polygon Construction000.000%
401320GYM100385 E Beautiful Patterns000.000%
401321GYM100385 G String without repetitions000.000%
401322GYM100385 I Beans gathering000.000%
401323GYM100385 K Reverse beans gathering000.000%
401324GYM100385 M Equation000.000%
401325GYM100385 O Competition000.000%
401326GYM100385 Q The incircle000.000%
401327GYM100385 S The dividing line000.000%
401328GYM100385 U Stringangulation000.000%
401329GYM100385 W Building a cube000.000%
402164GYM100685 A Ariel000.000%
402165GYM100685 B Billy, Willy and Moscow Underground000.000%
402166GYM100685 C Cinderella000.000%
402167GYM100685 D Darkwing Duck000.000%
402168GYM100685 E Epic Fail of a Genie000.000%
402169GYM100685 F Flood000.000%
402170GYM100685 G Gadget Hackwrench000.000%
402171GYM100685 H Hunt for Treasure!000.000%
402172GYM100685 I Innovative Business000.000%
402173GYM100685 J Just Another Disney Problem000.000%
402174GYM100685 K Key to Magica's diary000.000%
402679GYM100851 A Adjustment Office000.000%
402680GYM100851 B Binary vs Decimal000.000%
402681GYM100851 C Cactus Jubilee000.000%
402682GYM100851 D Distance on Triangulation000.000%
402683GYM100851 E Easy Problemset000.000%
402684GYM100851 F Froggy Ford000.000%
402685GYM100851 G Generators000.000%
402686GYM100851 H Hypercube000.000%
402687GYM100851 I Iceberg Orders000.000%
402688GYM100851 J Jump000.000%
402689GYM100851 K King's Inspection000.000%
402690GYM100851 L Landscape Improved000.000%
402691GYM100854 A Сенсор
402692GYM100854 B Приближенное значение
402693GYM100854 C Преподавательские причуды
402694GYM100854 D Ох, уж эти девушки...
402695GYM100854 E Подготовка к олимпиаде
402800GYM100885 A Имена собственные000.000%
402801GYM100885 B Железная дорога000.000%
402802GYM100885 C The Last Number000.000%
402803GYM100885 D Взять все остатки000.000%
402804GYM100885 E Передача опыта000.000%
402805GYM100885 F Светофоры000.000%
403050GYM100985 A MaratonIME helps Pablito000.000%
403051GYM100985 B MaratonIME plays Cîrokime000.000%
403052GYM100985 C MaratonIME plays Nim000.000%
403053GYM100985 D MaratonIME plays Chess000.000%
403054GYM100985 E MaratonIME rides the university bus000.000%