Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
5859BZOJ1859:[Zjoi2006]Bowl 碗的叠放
6859BZOJ2859:[Ceoi2012]Sailing Race
7859BZOJ3859:Periodic Binary String
304502CF859A. Declined Finalists000.000%
304503CF859B. Lazy Security Guard000.000%
304504CF859C. Pie Rules000.000%
304505CF859D. Third Month Insanity000.000%
304506CF859E. Desk Disorder000.000%
304507CF859F. Ordering T-Shirts000.000%
304508CF859G. Circle of Numbers000.000%
310264CF1807A. Plus or Minus000.000%
310265CF1807B. Grab the Candies000.000%
310266CF1807C. Find and Replace000.000%
310267CF1807D. Odd Queries000.000%
310268CF1807E. Interview000.000%
310269CF1807F. Bouncy Ball000.000%
310270CF1807G1. Subsequence Addition (Easy Version)000.000%
310271CF1807G2. Subsequence Addition (Hard Version)000.000%
405261GYM101859 A Tourist000.000%
405262GYM101859 B Interception000.000%
405263GYM101859 C Ethan Searches for a String000.000%
407598GYM102859 A Apple Pie000.000%
407599GYM102859 B Double Trouble000.000%
407600GYM102859 C Explorers000.000%
407601GYM102859 D Banquet000.000%
407602GYM102859 E Climbing Trees000.000%
407603GYM102859 F Weights000.000%
407604GYM102859 G Stone Piles000.000%
407605GYM102859 H Number Game000.000%
407606GYM102859 I Heating Rocks000.000%
407607GYM102859 J Calendars000.000%
407608GYM102859 K Cathedral000.000%
407609GYM102859 L Gemstones000.000%