Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307632CF1385G. Columns Swaps030.000%
308005CF1451A. Subtract or Divide000.000%
308006CF1451B. Non-Substring Subsequence000.000%
308007CF1451C. String Equality000.000%
308008CF1451D. Circle Game000.000%
308009CF1451E1. Bitwise Queries (Easy Version)000.000%
308010CF1451E2. Bitwise Queries (Hard Version)000.000%
308011CF1451F. Nullify The Matrix000.000%
308222CF1485A. Add and Divide000.000%
308223CF1485B. Replace and Keep Sorted000.000%
308224CF1485C. Floor and Mod000.000%
308225CF1485D. Multiples and Power Differences000.000%
308226CF1485E. Move and Swap000.000%
308227CF1485F. Copy or Prefix Sum000.000%
308855CF1585A. Life of a Flower000.000%
308856CF1585B. Array Eversion000.000%
308857CF1585C. Minimize Distance000.000%
308858CF1585D. Yet Another Sorting Problem000.000%
308859CF1585E. Frequency Queries000.000%
308860CF1585F. Non-equal Neighbours000.000%
308861CF1585G. Poachers000.000%
309293CF1658D1. 388535 (Easy Version)000.000%
309294CF1658D2. 388535 (Hard Version)000.000%
309398CF1673A. Subtle Substring Subtraction000.000%
309399CF1673B. A Perfectly Balanced String?000.000%
309400CF1673C. Palindrome Basis000.000%
309401CF1673D. Lost Arithmetic Progression000.000%
309402CF1673E. Power or XOR?000.000%
309403CF1673F. Anti-Theft Road Planning000.000%
309472CF1685A. Circular Local MiniMax000.000%
309473CF1685B. Linguistics000.000%
309474CF1685C. Bring Balance000.000%
309475CF1685D1. Permutation Weight (Easy Version)000.000%
309476CF1685D2. Permutation Weight (Hard Version)000.000%
309477CF1685E. The Ultimate LIS Problem000.000%
310118CF1785A. Monsters (easy version)000.000%
310119CF1785B. Letter Exchange000.000%
310120CF1785C. Monsters (hard version)000.000%
310121CF1785D. Wooden Spoon000.000%
310122CF1785E. Infinite Game000.000%
310123CF1785F. Minimums or Medians000.000%
310124CF1786A1. Non-alternating Deck (easy version)000.000%
310125CF1786A2. Alternating Deck (hard version)000.000%
310126CF1786B. Cake Assembly Line000.000%
310127CF1786C. Monsters (easy version)000.000%
310128CF1786D. Letter Exchange000.000%
310129CF1786E. Monsters (hard version)000.000%
310130CF1786F. Wooden Spoon000.000%
310140CF1788A. One and Two000.000%
310141CF1788B. Sum of Two Numbers000.000%
310142CF1788C. Matching Numbers000.000%
310143CF1788D. Moving Dots000.000%
310144CF1788E. Sum Over Zero000.000%
310145CF1788F. XOR, Tree, and Queries000.000%
310146CF1789A. Serval and Mocha's Array000.000%
310147CF1789B. Serval and Inversion Magic000.000%
310148CF1789C. Serval and Toxel's Arrays000.000%
310149CF1789D. Serval and Shift-Shift-Shift000.000%
310150CF1789E. Serval and Music Game000.000%
310151CF1789F. Serval and Brain Power000.000%
310174CF1793A. Yet Another Promotion000.000%
310175CF1793B. Fedya and Array000.000%
310176CF1793C. Dora and Search000.000%
310177CF1793D. Moscow Gorillas000.000%
310178CF1793E. Velepin and Marketing000.000%
310179CF1793F. Rebrending000.000%
310180CF1794A. Prefix and Suffix Array000.000%
310181CF1794B. Not Dividing000.000%
310182CF1794C. Scoring Subsequences000.000%
310183CF1794D. Counting Factorizations000.000%
310184CF1794E. Labeling the Tree with Distances000.000%
310198CF1799A. Recent Actions000.000%
310199CF1799B. Equalize by Divide000.000%
310200CF1799C. Double Lexicographically Minimum000.000%
310201CF1799D1. Hot Start Up (easy version)000.000%
310202CF1799D2. Hot Start Up (hard version)000.000%
310203CF1799E. City Union000.000%
310204CF1799F. Halve or Subtract000.000%
310205CF1799G. Count Voting000.000%
310206CF1799H. Tree Cutting000.000%
310207CF1800A. Is It a Cat?000.000%
310208CF1800B. Count the Number of Pairs000.000%
310209CF1800C1. Powering the Hero (easy version)000.000%
310210CF1800C2. Powering the Hero (hard version)000.000%
310211CF1800D. Remove Two Letters000.000%
310212CF1800E1. Unforgivable Curse (easy version)000.000%
310213CF1800E2. Unforgivable Curse (hard version)000.000%
310214CF1800F. Dasha and Nightmares000.000%
310215CF1800G. Symmetree000.000%
310228CF1801A. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310229CF1801B. Buying gifts000.000%
310230CF1801C. Music Festival000.000%
310231CF1801D. The way home000.000%
310232CF1801E. Gasoline prices000.000%
310233CF1801F. Another n-dimensional chocolate bar000.000%
310234CF1801G. A task for substrings000.000%
310235CF1802A. Likes000.000%
310236CF1802B. Settlement of Guinea Pigs000.000%
310237CF1802C. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310238CF1802D. Buying gifts000.000%