Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302926CF570D. Tree Requests000.000%
302930CF571C. CNF 2000.000%
302944CF574B. Bear and Three Musketeers000.000%
302949CF575B. Bribes000.000%
302981CF580C. Kefa and Park000.000%
303006CF585B. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303014CF586D. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303031CF590C. Three States000.000%
303038CF591E. Three States000.000%
303042CF592D. Super M000.000%
303047CF593D. Happy Tree Party000.000%
303063CF596E. Wilbur and Strings000.000%
303070CF598D. Igor In the Museum000.000%
303083CF600F. Edge coloring of bipartite graph000.000%
303084CF601A. The Two Routes000.000%
303091CF602C. The Two Routes000.000%
303105CF605B. Lazy Student000.000%
303112CF606D. Lazy Student000.000%
303128CF609E. Minimum spanning tree for each edge000.000%
303142CF611H. New Year and Forgotten Tree000.000%
303147CF612E. Square Root of Permutation000.000%
303152CF613D. Kingdom and its Cities000.000%
303160CF615B. Longtail Hedgehog000.000%
303199CF623A. Graph and String000.000%
303206CF624C. Graph and String000.000%
303224CF627D. Preorder Test000.000%
303226CF627F. Island Puzzle000.000%
303232CF628F. Bear and Fair Set000.000%
303266CF632F. Magic Matrix000.000%
303272CF633F. The Chocolate Spree000.000%
303279CF634E. Preorder Test000.000%
303286CF635F. Preorder Test000.000%
303294CF638C. Road Improvement000.000%
303295CF638D. Three-dimensional Turtle Super Computer 000.000%
303297CF639B. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303301CF639F. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303316CF641G. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303319CF643B. Bear and Two Paths000.000%
303331CF645D. Robot Rapping Results Report000.000%
303341CF648C. Путь Робота000.000%
303351CF650C. Table Compression000.000%
303358CF651E. Table Compression000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%
303368CF653D. Delivery Bears000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303375CF655D. Robot Rapping Results Report000.000%
303386CF657A. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303390CF657E. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303400CF659E. New Reform000.000%
303401CF659F. Polycarp and Hay000.000%
303418CF662B. Graph Coloring000.000%
303424CF663C. Graph Coloring000.000%
303430CF664D. Graph Coloring000.000%
303439CF666B. World Tour000.000%
303446CF667D. World Tour000.000%
303452CF668E. Little Artem and 2-SAT000.000%
303453CF668F. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303479CF673D. Bear and Two Paths000.000%
303483CF674B. Bear and Two Paths000.000%
303497CF676D. Theseus and labyrinth000.000%
303502CF677D. Vanya and Treasure000.000%
303513CF679D. Bear and Chase000.000%
303523CF681D. Gifts by the List000.000%
303527CF682C. Alyona and the Tree000.000%
303545CF685E. Travelling Through the Snow Queen's Kingdom000.000%
303551CF687A. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303554CF687D. Dividing Kingdom II000.000%
303555CF687E. TOF000.000%
303558CF688C. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303562CF689B. Mike and Shortcuts000.000%
303573CF690C2. Brain Network (medium)000.000%
303578CF690E1. Photographs (I)000.000%
303579CF690E2. Photographs (II)000.000%
303590CF695B. Break Up000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303617CF699D. Fix a Tree000.000%
303621CF700B. Connecting Universities000.000%
303622CF700C. Break Up000.000%
303629CF701E. Connecting Universities000.000%
303630CF701F. Break Up000.000%
303635CF702E. Analysis of Pathes in Functional Graph000.000%
303643CF704B. Ant Man000.000%
303644CF704C. Black Widow000.000%
303650CF705D. Ant Man000.000%
303658CF707B. Bakery000.000%
303664CF708C. Centroids000.000%
303671CF709E. Centroids000.000%
303681CF711D. Directed Roads000.000%
303699CF715B. Complete The Graph000.000%
303702CF715E. Complete the Permutations000.000%
303706CF716D. Complete The Graph000.000%
303720CF718E. Matvey's Birthday000.000%
303733CF721C. Journey000.000%
303745CF723D. Lakes in Berland000.000%
303746CF723E. One-Way Reform000.000%
303747CF723F. st-Spanning Tree000.000%
303754CF724G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph000.000%
303772CF729E. Subordinates000.000%
303788CF731C. Socks000.000%
303797CF732F. Tourist Reform000.000%