Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306154CF1154F. Shovels Shop000.000%
306179CF1158C. Permutation recovery000.000%
306187CF1159E. Permutation recovery000.000%
306207CF1163D. Mysterious Code000.000%
306242CF1166E. The LCMs Must be Large000.000%
306248CF1167E. Range Deleting000.000%
306308CF1176F. Destroy it!000.000%
306347CF1183F. Topforces Strikes Back000.000%
306351CF1184A2. Heidi Learns Hashing (Medium)000.000%
306362CF1184E2. Daleks' Invasion (medium)000.000%
306370CF1185F. Two Pizzas000.000%
306371CF1185G1. Playlist for Polycarp (easy version)000.000%
306382CF1187E. Tree Painting000.000%
306428CF1195E. OpenStreetMap000.000%
306464CF1201D. Treasure Hunting000.000%
306479CF1203F1. Complete the Projects (easy version)000.000%
306485CF1204D2. Kirk and a Binary String (hard version)000.000%
306504CF1207F. Remainder Problem000.000%
306555CF1213F. Unstable String Sort000.000%
306577CF1216F. Wi-Fi000.000%
306581CF1217D. Coloring Edges000.000%
306592CF1218I. The Light Square000.000%
306601CF1219I. The Light Square000.000%
306620CF1223E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306714CF1241E. Paint the Tree000.000%
306796CF1252G. Performance Review000.000%
306810CF1254B2. Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version)000.000%
306819CF1255E2. Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version)000.000%
306867CF1263E. Editor000.000%
306880CF1265E. Beautiful Mirrors000.000%
306886CF1266E. Spaceship Solitaire000.000%
306924CF1271D. Portals000.000%
306925CF1271E. Common Number000.000%
306962CF1278D. Segment Tree000.000%
306998CF1284D. New Year and Conference000.000%
307070CF1296F. Berland Beauty000.000%
307089CF1299C. Water Balance000.000%
307096CF1300E. Water Balance000.000%
307166CF1312E. Array Shrinking000.000%
307281CF1332E. Height All the Same000.000%
307287CF1333D. Challenges in school №41000.000%
307349CF1343E. Weights Distributing000.000%
307417CF1354E. Graph Coloring000.000%
307424CF1355E. Restorer Distance000.000%
307473CF1360H. Binary Median000.000%
307489CF1363D. Guess The Maximums000.000%
307495CF1364D. Ehab's Last Corollary000.000%
307502CF1365F. Swaps Again000.000%
307508CF1366E. Two Arrays000.000%
307516CF1367F1. Flying Sort (Easy Version)000.000%
307537CF1370E. Binary Subsequence Rotation000.000%
307550CF1372D. Omkar and Circle000.000%
307648CF1389D. Segment Intersections000.000%
307661CF1392E. Omkar and Duck000.000%
307669CF1393D. Rarity and New Dress000.000%
307760CF1409F. Subsequences of Length Two000.000%
307764CF1411D. Grime Zoo000.000%
307772CF1413E. Solo mid Oracle000.000%
307795CF1418D. Trash Problem000.000%
307804CF1419E. Decryption000.000%
307809CF1420C2. Pokémon Army (hard version)000.000%
307894CF1431F. Neural Network Problem000.000%
307895CF1431G. Number Deletion Game000.000%
307910CF1433F. Zero Remainder Sum 000.000%
307911CF1433G. Reducing Delivery Cost000.000%
307914CF1434C. Solo mid Oracle000.000%
307921CF1435E. Solo mid Oracle000.000%
307983CF1446C. Xor Tree000.000%
307992CF1447E. Xor Tree000.000%
307997CF1450C1. Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version)000.000%
308030CF1454F. Array Partition000.000%
308097CF1466F. Euclid's nightmare000.000%
308143CF1472F. New Year's Puzzle000.000%
308144CF1472G. Moving to the Capital000.000%
308186CF1479B2. Painting the Array II000.000%
308194CF1480D2. Painting the Array II000.000%
308206CF1482E. Skyline Photo000.000%
308212CF1483C. Skyline Photo000.000%
308220CF1484E. Skyline Photo000.000%
308232CF1486D. Max Median000.000%
308283CF1493D. GCD of an Array000.000%
308320CF1499D. The Number of Pairs000.000%
308391CF1511E. Colorings and Dominoes000.000%
308424CF1516D. Cut000.000%
308558CF1538E. Funny Substrings000.000%
308560CF1538G. Gift Set000.000%
308595CF1544E. Minimax000.000%
308618CF1547G. How Many Paths?000.000%
308643CF1551D2. Domino (hard version)000.000%
308673CF1555E. Boring Segments000.000%
308706CF1560F2. Nearest Beautiful Number (hard version)000.000%
308796CF1575L. Longest Array Deconstruction000.000%
308902CF1593F. Red-Black Number000.000%
308965CF1605D. Treelabeling000.000%
308972CF1606E. Arena000.000%
309030CF1614D1. Divan and Kostomuksha (easy version)000.000%
309080CF1621D. The Winter Hike000.000%
309113CF1626D. Martial Arts Tournament000.000%
309125CF1628D1. Game on Sum (Easy Version)000.000%
309134CF1629F1. Game on Sum (Easy Version)000.000%