Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
405643GYM102020 J Joseph and Tests000.000%
405661GYM102028 B Ultraman vs. Aodzilla and Bodzilla000.000%
405662GYM102028 C Supreme Command000.000%
405666GYM102028 G Shortest Paths on Random Forests000.000%
405684GYM102035 H Zuhair and the Dag000.000%
405696GYM102040 G Techland000.000%
405700GYM102051 A Nate and Actual 3D Girls000.000%
405701GYM102051 B Nate and Bones000.000%
405702GYM102051 C Nate and Contest Invitation000.000%
405703GYM102051 D Nate and Dimension-Hopping Money000.000%
405704GYM102051 E Nate and Enigmatic Torches000.000%
405705GYM102051 F Nate and Fan Meet-and-Greet000.000%
405706GYM102051 G Nate and Game000.000%
405707GYM102051 H Nate and High School Nakama000.000%
405708GYM102051 I Nate and Integer Coefficient000.000%
405716GYM102055 C GCD Land000.000%
405718GYM102055 E Mr. Panda and Cactus000.000%
405723GYM102055 J Mr. Panda and Sequence Puzzle
405724GYM102055 K Mr. Panda and Kakin
405732GYM102056 G Omnipotent … Garland000.000%
405738GYM102058 A Dumae000.000%
405739GYM102058 B Electronic Circuit000.000%
405740GYM102058 C Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405741GYM102058 D Fascination Street000.000%
405742GYM102058 E Fractions000.000%
405743GYM102058 F Game on Plane000.000%
405744GYM102058 G Histogram Sequence000.000%
405745GYM102058 H Timsort000.000%
405746GYM102058 I Utilitarianism000.000%
405747GYM102058 J Rising Sun000.000%
405748GYM102058 K Voronoi Diagram Returns000.000%
405749GYM102058 L Repetitive Palindrome000.000%
405750GYM102058 M Coke Challenge000.000%
405751GYM102059 A Coloring Roads000.000%
405752GYM102059 B Dev, Please Add This!000.000%
405753GYM102059 C Dstorv000.000%
405754GYM102059 D Dumae000.000%
405755GYM102059 E Electronic Circuit000.000%
405756GYM102059 F Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405757GYM102059 G Fascination Street000.000%
405758GYM102059 H Fractions000.000%
405759GYM102059 I Game on Plane000.000%
405760GYM102059 J Histogram Sequence000.000%
405761GYM102059 K Interesting Drug000.000%
405762GYM102059 L Timsort000.000%
405763GYM102059 M Utilitarianism000.000%
405764GYM102062 A Bob and BoB000.000%
405767GYM102062 D Palindrome and Chocolate000.000%
405809GYM102114 H Hills And Valleys000.000%
405819GYM102129 A Tritwise Mex000.000%
405820GYM102129 B Associativity Degree000.000%
405821GYM102129 C Medium Hadron Collider000.000%
405822GYM102129 D Basis Change000.000%
405823GYM102129 E Scored Nim000.000%
405824GYM102129 F Milliarium Aureum000.000%
405825GYM102129 G Permutant000.000%
405826GYM102129 H Game Of Chance000.000%
405827GYM102129 I Incomparable Pairs000.000%
405828GYM102129 J The Zong of the Zee000.000%
405829GYM102129 K Expected Value000.000%
405843GYM102134 D Viktoria and resentments000.000%
405855GYM102135 H Large and even000.000%
405873GYM102141 D DarkCity, CrimsonCity of FlightLand000.000%
405899GYM102155 A Ability Draft000.000%
405900GYM102155 B Short Random Problem000.000%
405901GYM102155 C Block, Stock and Two Smoking Galaxy Notes000.000%
405902GYM102155 D Lunch Queue000.000%
405904GYM102155 F Shuffle000.000%
405906GYM102155 H Sketch000.000%
405907GYM102155 I $\leq$ or $\geq$000.000%
405908GYM102155 J Stairways000.000%
405909GYM102155 K Hiding a Tree000.000%
405910GYM102156 A Takeover000.000%
405911GYM102156 B Unfair Card Deck000.000%
405912GYM102156 C Diverse Singing000.000%
405913GYM102156 D Pick Your Own Nim000.000%
405914GYM102156 E Permutasino000.000%
405915GYM102156 F Planar Max Cut000.000%
405916GYM102156 G Battle Royale000.000%
405917GYM102156 H Jeopardy000.000%
405918GYM102156 I Slippers000.000%
405919GYM102156 J The Good, the Bad and the Ugly000.000%
405928GYM102163 C Hasan and his lazy students000.000%
405930GYM102163 E Adnan and the Burned drivers000.000%
405932GYM102163 G Ali and the Breakfast000.000%
405933GYM102163 H Mr. Hamra and his quantum particles000.000%
405934GYM102163 J Bashar and daylight saving time000.000%
405995GYM102215 A Rooms and Passages000.000%
406013GYM102218 F Freddy and the Chocolate Factory000.000%
406087GYM102263 I Bashar and Hamada000.000%
406094GYM102264 C Ladders and Snakes000.000%
406149GYM102279 G Get Higher and Higher000.000%
406157GYM102297 C Brownies vs. Candies vs. Cookies000.000%
406158GYM102297 D Lemonade Stand000.000%
406168GYM102299 D Buildings and rockets
406186GYM102302 K Candies000.000%
406199GYM102309 A APA of Orz Pandas000.000%
406200GYM102309 B Brute Force of Orz Pandas000.000%
406201GYM102309 C Cai Xukun and Orz Pandas000.000%
406202GYM102309 D Director of Orz Pandas000.000%