Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
406203GYM102309 E Expectation of Orz Pandas000.000%
406204GYM102309 F Fullerene of Orz Pandas000.000%
406205GYM102309 G Game of Orz Pandas000.000%
406206GYM102309 H Horton and Orz Pandas000.000%
406207GYM102309 I IPv6 Address of Orz Pandas000.000%
406208GYM102309 J Jobless Orz Panda000.000%
406214GYM102317 F Dot the i's and Cross the T's000.000%
406215GYM102317 G Jedi and the Galactic Empire000.000%
406231GYM102319 A Andrew and Efficient Change000.000%
406237GYM102319 G Jonathan and Jason at the Jowling Jalley I000.000%
406240GYM102323 B Soccer Standings000.000%
406251GYM102331 A Apollonian Network000.000%
406252GYM102331 B Bitwise Xor000.000%
406253GYM102331 C Counting Cactus000.000%
406254GYM102331 D Determinant000.000%
406255GYM102331 E Easy Win000.000%
406256GYM102331 F Fast Spanning Tree000.000%
406257GYM102331 G Grammarly000.000%
406258GYM102331 H Honorable Mention000.000%
406259GYM102331 I Interactive Vertex000.000%
406260GYM102331 J Jiry Matchings000.000%
406261GYM102331 K K-pop Strings000.000%
406277GYM102343 D Candy Land000.000%
406295GYM102346 K Keep Calm and Sell Balloons000.000%
406298GYM102348 A Yellow Cards000.000%
406299GYM102348 B Interesting Vertices000.000%
406300GYM102348 C Marbles000.000%
406301GYM102348 D Ticket Game000.000%
406302GYM102348 E Painting The Fence000.000%
406303GYM102348 F The Number of Products000.000%
406304GYM102348 G Swap Letters000.000%
406305GYM102348 H Berland Prospect000.000%
406306GYM102348 I Radio Stations000.000%
406307GYM102348 J Monocarp and T-Shirts000.000%
406308GYM102348 K Moonbound000.000%
406309GYM102348 L Printer000.000%
406310GYM102354 A Square Root Partitioning000.000%
406311GYM102354 B Yet Another Convolution000.000%
406312GYM102354 C Money Sharing000.000%
406313GYM102354 D Magic Strings000.000%
406314GYM102354 E Decimal Expansion000.000%
406315GYM102354 F Cosmic Crossroads000.000%
406316GYM102354 H Defying Gravity000.000%
406317GYM102354 I From Modular to Rational000.000%
406318GYM102354 J Tree Automorphisms000.000%
406362GYM102391 A 6789000.000%
406363GYM102391 B Bigger Sokoban 40k000.000%
406364GYM102391 C Cleaning000.000%
406365GYM102391 D Container000.000%
406366GYM102391 E Dead Cacti Society000.000%
406367GYM102391 F Hilbert's Hotel000.000%
406368GYM102391 G Lexicographically Minimum Walk000.000%
406369GYM102391 H Maximizer000.000%
406370GYM102391 I Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree000.000%
406371GYM102391 J Parklife000.000%
406372GYM102391 K Wind of Change000.000%
406382GYM102392 J Graph and Cycles000.000%
406383GYM102392 K Stranded Robot
406407GYM102397 A Bashar and SHAWERMA!000.000%
406410GYM102397 D Bashar and the bad land (Easy)000.000%
406411GYM102397 E Bashar and the bad land (Hard)000.000%
406414GYM102397 H Mahmoud and the flagstones000.000%
406415GYM102397 I Dr.Hjjawi and the MCQ000.000%
406416GYM102397 J AbuTahun and Flash Memories000.000%
406451GYM102411 L Lengths and Periods000.000%
406478GYM102419 K The Dragon and the Kingdom of Trees000.000%
406519GYM102431 C Mr. Panda and Typewriter000.000%
406524GYM102431 H Mr. Panda and SAD000.000%
406525GYM102431 I Mr. Panda and Blocks000.000%
406545GYM102436 D Subset ``AND''
406548GYM102439 B Varvara and matrix000.000%
406564GYM102441 F Random XOR000.000%
406574GYM102443 E Hide-and-Seek for Robots000.000%
406590GYM102448 I Ivan and the swimming pool000.000%
406604GYM102458 A Daniel and Perpendophobia000.000%
406605GYM102458 B Daniel and gameshow000.000%
406647GYM102471 B Black and White000.000%
406662GYM102482 D Gem Island000.000%
406665GYM102482 G Panda Preserve000.000%
406690GYM102500 J Jackdaws And Crows000.000%
406699GYM102501 H Pseudo-Random Number Generator000.000%
406713GYM102503 J Mildly Irritated Gandhi000.000%
406720GYM102503 Q Og and Ug000.000%
406754GYM102535 K Kim Possible and the Mooks000.000%
406755GYM102535 L Kim Possible and the Mooks and the Swappinator000.000%
406756GYM102535 M Kim Possible and the Mooks and the Reversinator000.000%
406769GYM102536 H Maggie and Dana's Mass Supper000.000%
406785GYM102556 A A - Rank Riana and One Punch000.000%
406786GYM102556 B Riana and the Blind Date000.000%
406787GYM102556 C Riana and Commute000.000%
406788GYM102556 D Riana and Distribution of Pie000.000%
406790GYM102556 F Riana and Fiber Chatroom000.000%
406791GYM102556 G Riana and Gallant Guards000.000%
406792GYM102556 H Riana and Humongous Numbers000.000%
406793GYM102556 I Riana and the Illuminous Triangles000.000%
406794GYM102558 A День рождения Васи000.000%
406795GYM102558 B Закрытый ключ000.000%
406796GYM102558 C Программист на пляже000.000%
406797GYM102558 D Перемещение чанков000.000%
406798GYM102558 E Разделение графа000.000%