Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308158CF1475A. Odd Divisor000.000%
308159CF1475B. New Year's Number000.000%
308191CF1480B. The Great Hero000.000%
308228CF1486A. Shifting Stacks000.000%
308242CF1488A. From Zero To Y000.000%
308286CF1494A. ABC String000.000%
308298CF1496A. Split it!000.000%
308348CF1505A. Is it rated - 2000.000%
308464CF1525B. Permutation Sort000.000%
308536CF1535B. Array Reodering000.000%
308548CF1537B. Bad Boy000.000%
308585CF1543A. Exciting Bets000.000%
308586CF1543B. Customising the Track000.000%
308669CF1555A. PizzaForces000.000%
308694CF1559A. Mocha and Math000.000%
308695CF1559B. Mocha and Red and Blue000.000%
308833CF1582B. Luntik and Subsequences000.000%
308850CF1584C. Two Arrays000.000%
308856CF1585B. Array Eversion000.000%
308884CF1591B. Array Eversion000.000%
308897CF1593B. Make it Divisible by 25000.000%
308968CF1606A. AB Balance000.000%
308975CF1607B. Odd Grasshopper000.000%
308997CF1610A. Anti Light's Cell Guessing000.000%
309015CF1612B. Special Permutation000.000%
309021CF1613A. Long Comparison000.000%
309050CF1617B. GCD Problem000.000%
309098CF1624B. Make AP000.000%
309204CF1642B. Power Walking000.000%
309248CF1650B. DIV + MOD000.000%
309340CF1665B. Array Cloning Technique000.000%
309363CF1668B. Social Distance000.000%
309412CF1675B. Make It Increasing000.000%
309440CF1679A. AvtoBus000.000%
309497CF1689B. Mystic Permutation000.000%
309541CF1696B. NIT Destroys the Universe000.000%
309549CF1697B. Promo000.000%
309562CF1699B. Almost Ternary Matrix000.000%
309603CF1705B. Mark the Dust Sweeper000.000%
309627CF1709B. Also Try Minecraft000.000%
309655CF1714A. Everyone Loves to Sleep000.000%
309694CF1720A. Burenka Plays with Fractions000.000%
309764CF1732B. Ugu000.000%
309771CF1733B. Rule of League000.000%
309783CF1735B. Tea with Tangerines000.000%
309794CF1737A. Ela Sorting Books000.000%
309833CF1742C. Stripes020.000%
309861CF1747B. BAN BAN000.000%
309872CF1749B. Death's Blessing000.000%
309908CF1758B. XOR = Average000.000%
309949CF1764B. Doremy's Perfect Math Class000.000%
309985CF1768B. Quick Sort000.000%
310006CF1771A. Hossam and Combinatorics000.000%
310041CF1775A2. Gardener and the Capybaras (hard version)000.000%
310062CF1777B. Emordnilap000.000%
310074CF1779B. MKnez's ConstructiveForces Task000.000%
310186CF1795B. Ideal Point000.000%
310258CF1806B. Mex Master000.000%
310267CF1807D. Odd Queries000.000%
310272CF1808A. Lucky Numbers000.000%
311338CF1971C. Clock and Strings030.000%