Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
201293[AtCoder]ARC129 D - -1+2-1000.000%
201294[AtCoder]ARC129 E - Yet Another Minimization000.000%
201295[AtCoder]ARC129 F - Let's Play Tag000.000%
201371[AtCoder]ARC137 B - Count 1's000.000%
201390[AtCoder]ARC139 A - Trailing Zeros000.000%
201391[AtCoder]ARC139 B - Make N000.000%
201392[AtCoder]ARC139 C - One Three Nine000.000%
201393[AtCoder]ARC139 D - Priority Queue 2000.000%
201394[AtCoder]ARC139 E - Wazir000.000%
201395[AtCoder]ARC139 F - Many Xor Optimization Problems000.000%
201485[AtCoder]ARC148 F - 998244353 → 1000000007000.000%
201490[AtCoder]ARC149 A - Repdigit Number000.000%
201491[AtCoder]ARC149 B - Two LIS Sum000.000%
201492[AtCoder]ARC149 C - Avoid Prime Sum000.000%
201493[AtCoder]ARC149 D - Simultaneous Sugoroku000.000%
201494[AtCoder]ARC149 E - Sliding Window Sort000.000%
201495[AtCoder]ARC149 F - Rational Number System000.000%
300008CF3B. Lorry000.000%
300017CF5C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence000.000%
300020CF6A. Triangle000.000%
300024CF6E. Exposition000.000%
300035CF9A. Die Roll000.000%
300036CF9B. Running Student000.000%
300037CF9C. Hexadecimal's Numbers000.000%
300038CF9D. How many trees?000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300040CF10A. Power Consumption Calculation000.000%
300045CF11A. Increasing Sequence000.000%
300063CF14D. Two Paths030.000%
300064CF14E. Camels000.000%
300071CF16B. Burglar and Matches000.000%
300073CF16D. Logging000.000%
300074CF16E. Fish000.000%
300079CF17E. Palisection000.000%
300085CF19A. World Football Cup000.000%
300086CF19B. Checkout Assistant000.000%
300087CF19C. Deletion of Repeats000.000%
300088CF19D. Points000.000%
300089CF19E. Fairy000.000%
300092CF20C. Dijkstra?010.000%
300093CF21A. Jabber ID000.000%
300100CF22D. Segments000.000%
300114CF25C. Roads in Berland000.000%
300115CF25D. Roads not only in Berland000.000%
300117CF26A. Almost Prime010.000%
300124CF27C. Unordered Subsequence000.000%
300132CF29A. Spit Problem000.000%
300133CF29B. Traffic Lights000.000%
300134CF29C. Mail Stamps000.000%
300135CF29D. Ant on the Tree000.000%
300136CF29E. Quarrel000.000%
300158CF34B. Sale000.000%
300174CF37C. Old Berland Language000.000%
300185CF39A. C*++ Calculations000.000%
300186CF39B. Company Income Growth000.000%
300187CF39C. Moon Craters000.000%
300188CF39D. Cubical Planet000.000%
300189CF39E. What Has Dirichlet Got to Do with That?000.000%
300190CF39F. Pacifist frogs000.000%
300191CF39G. Inverse Function000.000%
300192CF39H. Multiplication Table000.000%
300193CF39I. Tram000.000%
300194CF39J. Spelling Check000.000%
300195CF39K. Testing000.000%
300196CF40A. Find Color000.000%
300197CF40B. Repaintings000.000%
300198CF40C. Berland Square000.000%
300199CF40D. Interesting Sequence000.000%
300200CF40E. Number Table000.000%
300204CF41D. Pawn000.000%
300205CF41E. 3-cycles000.000%
300216CF44A. Indian Summer000.000%
300226CF45A. Codecraft III000.000%
300228CF45C. Dancing Lessons000.000%
300256CF49A. Sleuth000.000%
300257CF49B. Sum000.000%
300258CF49C. Disposition000.000%
300259CF49D. Game000.000%
300260CF49E. Common ancestor000.000%
300272CF52A. 123-sequence000.000%
300275CF53A. Autocomplete000.000%
300276CF53B. Blog Photo000.000%
300277CF53C. Little Frog000.000%
300278CF53D. Physical Education000.000%
300279CF53E. Dead Ends000.000%
300287CF55C. Pie or die000.000%
300297CF57C. Array000.000%
300305CF59A. Word000.000%
300306CF59B. Fortune Telling000.000%
300307CF59C. Title000.000%
300308CF59D. Team Arrangement000.000%
300309CF59E. Shortest Path000.000%
300319CF61E. Enemy is weak000.000%
300325CF63A. Sinking Ship000.000%
300326CF63B. Settlers' Training000.000%
300327CF63C. Bulls and Cows000.000%
300328CF63D. Dividing Island000.000%
300329CF63E. Sweets Game000.000%
300343CF65E. Harry Potter and Moving Staircases000.000%
300352CF67D. Optical Experiment000.000%