Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
201272[AtCoder]ARC127 C - Binary Strings000.000%
201273[AtCoder]ARC127 D - Sum of Min of Xor000.000%
201274[AtCoder]ARC127 E - Priority Queue000.000%
201275[AtCoder]ARC127 F - ±AB000.000%
201292[AtCoder]ARC129 C - Multiple of 7000.000%
201355[AtCoder]ARC135 F - Delete 1, 4, 7, ...000.000%
201370[AtCoder]ARC137 A - Coprime Pair000.000%
201371[AtCoder]ARC137 B - Count 1's000.000%
201372[AtCoder]ARC137 C - Distinct Numbers000.000%
201373[AtCoder]ARC137 D - Prefix XORs000.000%
201374[AtCoder]ARC137 E - Bakery000.000%
201375[AtCoder]ARC137 F - Overlaps000.000%
201470[AtCoder]ARC147 A - Max Mod Min000.000%
201471[AtCoder]ARC147 B - Swap to Sort000.000%
201472[AtCoder]ARC147 C - Min Diff Sum000.000%
201473[AtCoder]ARC147 D - Sets Scores000.000%
201474[AtCoder]ARC147 E - Examination000.000%
201475[AtCoder]ARC147 F - Again ABC String000.000%
201485[AtCoder]ARC148 F - 998244353 → 1000000007000.000%
201570[AtCoder]ARC157 A - XXYYX000.000%
201571[AtCoder]ARC157 B - XYYYX000.000%
201572[AtCoder]ARC157 C - YY Square000.000%
201573[AtCoder]ARC157 D - YY Garden000.000%
201574[AtCoder]ARC157 E - XXYX Binary Tree000.000%
201575[AtCoder]ARC157 F - XY Ladder LCS000.000%
300014CF4D. Mysterious Present000.000%
300025CF7A. Kalevitch and Chess000.000%
300026CF7B. Memory Manager000.000%
300027CF7C. Line000.000%
300028CF7D. Palindrome Degree000.000%
300029CF7E. Defining Macros000.000%
300059CF13E. Holes000.000%
300062CF14C. Four Segments020.000%
300075CF17A. Noldbach problem010.000%
300076CF17B. Hierarchy000.000%
300077CF17C. Balance000.000%
300078CF17D. Notepad000.000%
300079CF17E. Palisection000.000%
300081CF18B. Platforms000.000%
300090CF20A. BerOS file system000.000%
300099CF22C. System Administrator000.000%
300122CF27A. Next Test000.000%
300123CF27B. Tournament000.000%
300124CF27C. Unordered Subsequence000.000%
300125CF27D. Ring Road 2000.000%
300126CF27E. Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors000.000%
300134CF29C. Mail Stamps000.000%
300138CF30B. Codeforces World Finals000.000%
300144CF31C. Schedule000.000%
300149CF32C. Flea000.000%
300163CF35B. Warehouse000.000%
300165CF35D. Animals000.000%
300172CF37A. Towers000.000%
300173CF37B. Computer Game000.000%
300174CF37C. Old Berland Language000.000%
300175CF37D. Lesson Timetable000.000%
300176CF37E. Trial for Chief000.000%
300207CF42B. Game of chess unfinished000.000%
300210CF42E. Baldman and the military000.000%
300221CF44F. BerPaint000.000%
300223CF44H. Phone Number000.000%
300243CF47A. Triangular numbers000.000%
300244CF47B. Coins000.000%
300245CF47C. Crossword000.000%
300246CF47D. Safe000.000%
300247CF47E. Cannon000.000%
300258CF49C. Disposition000.000%
300261CF50A. Domino piling000.000%
300262CF50B. Choosing Symbol Pairs000.000%
300263CF50C. Happy Farm 5000.000%
300264CF50D. Bombing000.000%
300265CF50E. Square Equation Roots000.000%
300267CF51B. bHTML Tables Analisys000.000%
300276CF53B. Blog Photo000.000%
300284CF54E. Vacuum Сleaner000.000%
300292CF56C. Corporation Mail000.000%
300295CF57A. Square Earth?000.000%
300296CF57B. Martian Architecture000.000%
300297CF57C. Array000.000%
300298CF57D. Journey000.000%
300299CF57E. Chess000.000%
300315CF61A. Ultra-Fast Mathematician000.000%
300316CF61B. Hard Work000.000%
300317CF61C. Capture Valerian000.000%
300318CF61D. Eternal Victory000.000%
300319CF61E. Enemy is weak000.000%
300324CF62E. World Evil000.000%
300327CF63C. Bulls and Cows000.000%
300340CF65B. Harry Potter and the History of Magic000.000%
300347CF66D. Petya and His Friends000.000%
300349CF67A. Partial Teacher010.000%
300350CF67B. Restoration of the Permutation000.000%
300351CF67C. Sequence of Balls000.000%
300352CF67D. Optical Experiment000.000%
300353CF67E. Save the City!000.000%
300364CF70A. Cookies000.000%
300365CF70B. Text Messaging000.000%
300366CF70C. Lucky Tickets000.000%
300367CF70D. Professor's task000.000%
300368CF70E. Information Reform000.000%