Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301920CF364A. Matrix000.000%
301927CF365C. Matrix000.000%
301939CF367E. Sereja and Intervals000.000%
301944CF368E. Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers000.000%
301964CF372E. Drawing Circles is Fun000.000%
301971CF374B. Inna and Nine000.000%
302005CF380D. Sereja and Cinema000.000%
302016CF382E. Ksenia and Combinatorics000.000%
302021CF383E. Vowels000.000%
302070CF392C. Yet Another Number Sequence000.000%
302083CF396A. On Number of Decompositions into Multipliers000.000%
302086CF396D. On Sum of Number of Inversions in Permutations000.000%
302090CF397C. On Number of Decompositions into Multipliers000.000%
302111CF401D. Roman and Numbers000.000%
302121CF403D. Beautiful Pairs of Numbers000.000%
302140CF407C. Curious Array000.000%
302171CF414B. Mashmokh and ACM000.000%
302172CF414C. Mashmokh and Reverse Operation000.000%
302178CF415D. Mashmokh and ACM000.000%
302243CF431D. Random Task000.000%
302280CF438E. The Child and Binary Tree000.000%
302285CF439E. Devu and Birthday Celebration000.000%
302333CF449D. Jzzhu and Numbers000.000%
302344CF451E. Devu and Flowers000.000%
302347CF452C. Magic Trick000.000%
302358CF454C. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302374CF457D. Bingo!000.000%
302380CF458D. Bingo!000.000%
302384CF459B. Pashmak and Flowers000.000%
302385CF459C. Pashmak and Buses000.000%
302421CF466D. Increase Sequence000.000%
302471CF476B. Dreamoon and WiFi000.000%
302481CF478B. Random Teams000.000%
302489CF479E. Riding in a Lift000.000%
302492CF480C. Riding in a Lift000.000%
302498CF482D. Random Function and Tree000.000%
302533CF489D. Unbearable Controversy of Being000.000%
302535CF489F. Special Matrices000.000%
302588CF500D. New Year Santa Network000.000%
302596CF501E. Misha and Palindrome Degree000.000%
302611CF506E. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift000.000%
302669CF518D. Ilya and Escalator000.000%
302671CF518F. Pasha and Pipe000.000%
302681CF520E. Pluses everywhere000.000%
302684CF521C. Pluses everywhere000.000%
302765CF535B. Tavas and SaDDas000.000%
302822CF547C. Mike and Foam000.000%
302846CF551D. GukiZ and Binary Operations000.000%
302851CF552D. Vanya and Triangles000.000%
302853CF553A. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302854CF553B. Kyoya and Permutation000.000%
302860CF554C. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302876CF557D. Vitaly and Cycle000.000%
302885CF559C. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302886CF559D. Randomizer000.000%
302892CF560E. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302914CF568B. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302927CF570E. Pig and Palindromes000.000%
302928CF571A. Lengthening Sticks000.000%
302935CF572C. Lengthening Sticks000.000%
302955CF575H. Bots000.000%
302963CF577B. Modulo Sum000.000%
303001CF584B. Kolya and Tanya 000.000%
303009CF585E. Present for Vitalik the Philatelist 000.000%
303061CF596C. Wilbur and Points000.000%
303095CF603B. Moodular Arithmetic000.000%
303102CF604D. Moodular Arithmetic000.000%
303120CF608B. Hamming Distance Sum000.000%
303130CF610A. Pasha and Stick000.000%
303147CF612E. Square Root of Permutation000.000%
303171CF617B. Chocolate000.000%
303189CF621B. Wet Shark and Bishops000.000%
303190CF621C. Wet Shark and Flowers000.000%
303203CF623E. Transforming Sequence000.000%
303217CF626D. Jerry's Protest000.000%
303233CF629A. Far Relative’s Birthday Cake000.000%
303237CF629E. Famil Door and Roads000.000%
303240CF630C. Lucky Numbers000.000%
303243CF630F. Selection of Personnel000.000%
303244CF630G. Challenge Pennants000.000%
303245CF630H. Benches000.000%
303246CF630I. Parking Lot000.000%
303333CF645F. Cowslip Collections000.000%
303361CF652C. Foe Pairs000.000%
303371CF653G. Move by Prime000.000%
303377CF655F. Cowslip Collections000.000%
303402CF659G. Fence Divercity000.000%
303407CF660E. Different Subsets For All Tuples000.000%
303440CF666C. Codeword000.000%
303487CF674F. Bears and Juice000.000%
303501CF677C. Vanya and Label000.000%
303541CF685A. Robbers' watch000.000%
303548CF686C. Robbers' watch000.000%
303563CF689C. Mike and Chocolate Thieves000.000%
303565CF689E. Mike and Geometry Problem000.000%
303576CF690D2. The Wall (medium)000.000%
303594CF695F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303598CF696C. PLEASE000.000%
303606CF697E. PLEASE000.000%
303613CF698F. Coprime Permutation000.000%