Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
100981[AtCoder]ABC098 B - Cut and Count000.000%
100982[AtCoder]ABC098 C - Attention000.000%
100983[AtCoder]ABC098 D - Xor Sum 2000.000%
101980[AtCoder]ABC198 A - Div000.000%
101981[AtCoder]ABC198 B - Palindrome with leading zeros000.000%
101982[AtCoder]ABC198 C - Compass Walking000.000%
101983[AtCoder]ABC198 D - Send More Money000.000%
101984[AtCoder]ABC198 E - Unique Color000.000%
101985[AtCoder]ABC198 F - Cube000.000%
102980[Atcoder]ABC298 A - Job Interview040.000%
102981[Atcoder]ABC298 B - Coloring Matrix040.000%
102982[Atcoder]ABC298 C - Cards Query Problem0120.000%
102983[Atcoder]ABC298 D - Writing a Numeral0110.000%
102984[Atcoder]ABC298 E - Unfair Sugoroku040.000%
102985[Atcoder]ABC298 F - Rook Score030.000%
102986[Atcoder]ABC298 G - Strawberry War000.000%
102987[Atcoder]ABC298 Ex - Sum of Min of Length000.000%
200980[AtCoder]ARC098 C - Attention000.000%
200981[AtCoder]ARC098 D - Xor Sum 2000.000%
200982[AtCoder]ARC098 E - Range Minimum Queries000.000%
200983[AtCoder]ARC098 F - Donation000.000%
201485[AtCoder]ARC148 F - 998244353 → 1000000007000.000%
300510CF98A. Help Victoria the Wise000.000%
300511CF98B. Help King000.000%
300512CF98C. Help Greg the Dwarf000.000%
300513CF98D. Help Monks000.000%
300514CF98E. Help Shrek and Donkey000.000%
300722CF137A. Postcards and photos000.000%
300723CF137B. Permutation000.000%
300724CF137C. History000.000%
300725CF137D. Palindromes000.000%
300726CF137E. Last Chance000.000%
301046CF198A. About Bacteria000.000%
301047CF198B. Jumping on Walls000.000%
301048CF198C. Delivering Carcinogen000.000%
301049CF198D. Cube Snake000.000%
301050CF198E. Gripping Story000.000%
301575CF298A. Snow Footprints000.000%
301576CF298B. Sail000.000%
301577CF298C. Parity Game000.000%
301578CF298D. Fish Weight000.000%
301579CF298E. Splitting the Uniqueness000.000%
301798CF340A. The Wall000.000%
301799CF340B. Maximal Area Quadrilateral000.000%
301800CF340C. Tourist Problem000.000%
301801CF340D. Bubble Sort Graph000.000%
301802CF340E. Iahub and Permutations000.000%
301803CF341A. Tourist Problem000.000%
301804CF341B. Bubble Sort Graph000.000%
301805CF341C. Iahub and Permutations000.000%
301806CF341D. Iahub and Xors000.000%
301807CF341E. Candies Game000.000%
302093CF398A. Cards000.000%
302094CF398B. Painting The Wall000.000%
302095CF398C. Tree and Array000.000%
302096CF398D. Instant Messanger000.000%
302097CF398E. Sorting Permutations000.000%
302575CF498A. Crazy Town000.000%
302576CF498B. Name That Tune000.000%
302577CF498C. Array and Operations000.000%
302578CF498D. Traffic Jams in the Land000.000%
302579CF498E. Stairs and Lines000.000%
302758CF534A. Exam000.000%
302759CF534B. Covered Path000.000%
302760CF534C. Polycarpus' Dice000.000%
302761CF534D. Handshakes000.000%
302762CF534E. Berland Local Positioning System000.000%
302763CF534F. Simplified Nonogram000.000%
303067CF598A. Tricky Sum010.000%
303068CF598B. Queries on a String010.000%
303069CF598C. Nearest vectors000.000%
303070CF598D. Igor In the Museum000.000%
303071CF598E. Chocolate Bar000.000%
303072CF598F. Cut Length000.000%
303608CF698A. Vacations000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303610CF698C. LRU000.000%
303611CF698D. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303612CF698E. Cron000.000%
303613CF698F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303987CF767A. Snacktower000.000%
303988CF767B. The Queue000.000%
303989CF767C. Garland000.000%
303990CF767D. Cartons of milk000.000%
303991CF767E. Change-free000.000%
304166CF798A. Mike and palindrome000.000%
304167CF798B. Mike and strings000.000%
304168CF798C. Mike and gcd problem000.000%
304169CF798D. Mike and distribution000.000%
304170CF798E. Mike and code of a permutation000.000%
304706CF898A. Rounding000.000%
304707CF898B. Proper Nutrition000.000%
304708CF898C. Phone Numbers000.000%
304709CF898D. Alarm Clock000.000%
304710CF898E. Squares and not squares000.000%
304711CF898F. Restoring the Expression000.000%
305144CF980A. Links and Pearls000.000%
305145CF980B. Marlin000.000%
305146CF980C. Posterized000.000%
305147CF980D. Perfect Groups000.000%