302578: CF498D. Traffic Jams in the Land

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Traffic Jams in the Land


一些国家由n+1个城市组成,这些城市位于一个笔直的路上,我们把按照他们在路上的顺序把这些城市编号为1-(n+1),这样,第i个线段连接着第i和和第i+1个城市。每一个城市有一个拥堵值a[i],如果当前时间能被a[i]整除,那么通过这条公路需要两分钟,否则需要一分钟。 给出每条公路的a[i],以及m次操作 操作有两种: 1、 C x d:把第x条路的拥堵时刻改成d 2、 A x y:问x到y城市所需要的时间


Some country consists of $ (n+1) $ cities, located along a straight highway. Let's number the cities with consecutive integers from $ 1 $ to $ n+1 $ in the order they occur along the highway. Thus, the cities are connected by $ n $ segments of the highway, the $ i $ -th segment connects cities number $ i $ and $ i+1 $ . Every segment of the highway is associated with a positive integer $ a_{i}>1 $ — the period of traffic jams appearance on it. In order to get from city $ x $ to city $ y $ ( $ x<y $ ), some drivers use the following tactics. Initially the driver is in city $ x $ and the current time $ t $ equals zero. Until the driver arrives in city $ y $ , he perfors the following actions: - if the current time $ t $ is a multiple of $ a_{x} $ , then the segment of the highway number $ x $ is now having traffic problems and the driver stays in the current city for one unit of time (formally speaking, we assign $ t=t+1 $ ); - if the current time $ t $ is not a multiple of $ a_{x} $ , then the segment of the highway number $ x $ is now clear and that's why the driver uses one unit of time to move to city $ x+1 $ (formally, we assign $ t=t+1 $ and $ x=x+1 $ ). You are developing a new traffic control system. You want to consecutively process $ q $ queries of two types: 1. determine the final value of time $ t $ after the ride from city $ x $ to city $ y $ ( $ x<y $ ) assuming that we apply the tactics that is described above. Note that for each query $ t $ is being reset to $ 0 $ . 2. replace the period of traffic jams appearing on the segment number $ x $ by value $ y $ (formally, assign $ a_{x}=y $ ). Write a code that will effectively process the queries given above.



The first line contains a single integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=10^{5} $ ) — the number of highway segments that connect the $ n+1 $ cities. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} $ ( $ 2<=a_{i}<=6 $ ) — the periods of traffic jams appearance on segments of the highway. The next line contains a single integer $ q $ ( $ 1<=q<=10^{5} $ ) — the number of queries to process. The next $ q $ lines contain the descriptions of the queries in the format $ c $ , $ x $ , $ y $ ( $ c $ — the query type). If $ c $ is character 'A', then your task is to process a query of the first type. In this case the following constraints are satisfied: $ 1<=x&lt;y<=n+1 $ . If $ c $ is character 'C', then you need to process a query of the second type. In such case, the following constraints are satisfied: $ 1<=x<=n $ , $ 2<=y<=6 $ .


For each query of the first type output a single integer — the final value of time $ t $ after driving from city $ x $ to city $ y $ . Process the queries in the order in which they are given in the input.


输入样例 #1

2 5 3 2 3 5 3 4 2 4
C 10 6
A 2 6
A 1 3
C 3 4
A 3 11
A 4 9
A 5 6
C 7 3
A 8 10
A 2 5

输出样例 #1




一些国家由n+1个城市组成,这些城市位于一个笔直的路上,我们把按照他们在路上的顺序把这些城市编号为1-(n+1),这样,第i个线段连接着第i和和第i+1个城市。每一个城市有一个拥堵值a[i],如果当前时间能被a[i]整除,那么通过这条公路需要两分钟,否则需要一分钟。 给出每条公路的a[i],以及m次操作 操作有两种: 1、 C x d:把第x条路的拥堵时刻改成d 2、 A x y:问x到y城市所需要的时间

