Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303224CF627D. Preorder Test000.000%
303260CF631E. Product Sum000.000%
303272CF633F. The Chocolate Spree000.000%
303279CF634E. Preorder Test000.000%
303286CF635F. Preorder Test000.000%
303352CF650D. Zip-line000.000%
303370CF653F. Paper task000.000%
303419CF662C. Binary Table000.000%
303426CF663E. Binary Table000.000%
303529CF682E. Alyona and Triangles000.000%
303544CF685D. Kay and Eternity000.000%
303570CF690B2. Recover Polygon (medium)000.000%
303571CF690B3. Recover Polygon (hard)000.000%
303579CF690E2. Photographs (II)000.000%
303590CF695B. Break Up000.000%
303591CF695C. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303611CF698D. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303619CF699F. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303622CF700C. Break Up000.000%
303630CF701F. Break Up000.000%
303641CF703E. Mishka and Divisors000.000%
303713CF717F. Heroes of Making Magic III000.000%
303759CF725E. Too Much Money000.000%
303844CF741C. Arpa’s overnight party and Mehrdad’s silent entering000.000%
303851CF742E. Arpa’s overnight party and Mehrdad’s silent entering000.000%
303895CF750E. New Year and Old Subsequence000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303920CF755F. PolandBall and Gifts000.000%
303939CF758E. Broken Tree000.000%
303958CF761F. Dasha and Photos000.000%
303967CF763C. Timofey and remoduling000.000%
303974CF764E. Timofey and remoduling000.000%
304165CF797F. Mice and Holes000.000%
304190CF802C. Heidi and Library (hard)000.000%
304243CF809C. Find a car000.000%
304250CF810E. Find a car000.000%
304255CF811E. Vladik and Entertaining Flags000.000%
304264CF813D. Two Melodies000.000%
304271CF814E. An unavoidable detour for home000.000%
304294CF818G. Four Melodies000.000%
304357CF832E. Vasya and Shifts000.000%
304409CF843C. Upgrading Tree000.000%
304416CF844E. Upgrading Tree000.000%
304445CF848C. Goodbye Souvenir000.000%
304452CF849E. Goodbye Souvenir000.000%
304597CF875E. Delivery Club000.000%
304698CF896C. Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious000.000%
304705CF897E. Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious000.000%
304817CF917D. Stranger Trees000.000%
304829CF919F. A Game With Numbers000.000%
304872CF925D. Aztec Catacombs000.000%
304927CF935F. Fafa and Array000.000%
304956CF940F. Machine Learning000.000%
304997CF951D. Mobile Phone Network000.000%
305030CF955D. Scissors000.000%
305032CF955F. Heaps000.000%
305059CF958F3. Lightsabers (hard)000.000%
305090CF963C. Cutting Rectangle000.000%
305097CF964E. Cutting Rectangle000.000%
305106CF966D. Aztec Catacombs000.000%
305114CF967F. Aztec Catacombs000.000%
305119CF975E. Hag's Khashba000.000%
305162CF982E. Billiard000.000%
305304CF1004F. Sonya and Bitwise OR000.000%
305372CF1016F. Road Projects000.000%
305412CF1027G. X-mouse in the Campus000.000%
305438CF1031E. Triple Flips000.000%
305524CF1045J. Moonwalk challenge000.000%
305544CF1051E. Vasya and Big Integers000.000%
305603CF1061E. Politics000.000%
305614CF1063D. Candies for Children000.000%
305622CF1064F. Candies for Children000.000%
305638CF1067C. Knights000.000%
305646CF1068F. Knights000.000%
305662CF1071C. Triple Flips000.000%
305669CF1072E. Triple Flips000.000%
305677CF1073G. Yet Another LCP Problem000.000%
305727CF1081F. Tricky Interactor000.000%
305805CF1091F. New Year and the Mallard Expedition000.000%
305900CF1107F. Vasya and Endless Credits000.000%
305920CF1110F. Nearest Leaf000.000%
305926CF1111D. Destroy the Colony000.000%
305934CF1112G. The very same Munchhausen000.000%
305994CF1120E. The very same Munchhausen000.000%
306063CF1140F. Extending Set of Points000.000%
306148CF1153F. Serval and Bonus Problem000.000%
306180CF1158D. Winding polygonal line000.000%
306188CF1159F. Winding polygonal line000.000%
306279CF1172C2. Nauuo and Pictures (hard version)000.000%
306288CF1173E2. Nauuo and Pictures (hard version)000.000%
306317CF1178F2. Long Colorful Strip000.000%
306372CF1185G2. Playlist for Polycarp (hard version)000.000%
306511CF1208F. Bits And Pieces000.000%
306583CF1217F. Forced Online Queries Problem000.000%
306586CF1218C. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306597CF1219E. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306621CF1223F. Stack Exterminable Arrays000.000%
306639CF1227G. Not Same000.000%
306688CF1237F. Balanced Domino Placements000.000%
306707CF1240D. Stack Exterminable Arrays000.000%