Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303320CF643C. Levels and Regions000.000%
303321CF643D. Bearish Fanpages000.000%
303322CF643E. Bear and Destroying Subtrees000.000%
303323CF643F. Bears and Juice000.000%
303327CF644C. Hostname Aliases000.000%
303332CF645E. Intellectual Inquiry000.000%
303333CF645F. Cowslip Collections000.000%
303343CF648E. Собери число000.000%
303348CF649E. Автобус000.000%
303351CF650C. Table Compression000.000%
303352CF650D. Zip-line000.000%
303358CF651E. Table Compression000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%
303364CF652F. Ants on a Circle000.000%
303368CF653D. Delivery Bears000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303370CF653F. Paper task000.000%
303376CF655E. Intellectual Inquiry000.000%
303377CF655F. Cowslip Collections000.000%
303381CF656C. Without Text000.000%
303382CF656D. Rosetta Problem000.000%
303383CF656E. Out of Controls000.000%
303387CF657B. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303388CF657C. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303389CF657D. Bear and Paradox000.000%
303394CF658D. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303395CF658E. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303401CF659F. Polycarp and Hay000.000%
303402CF659G. Fence Divercity000.000%
303407CF660E. Different Subsets For All Tuples000.000%
303408CF660F. Bear and Bowling 4000.000%
303411CF661C. Array Sum000.000%
303412CF661D. Maximal Difference000.000%
303413CF661E. Divisibility Check000.000%
303415CF661G. Hungarian Notation000.000%
303416CF661H. Rotate Matrix000.000%
303418CF662B. Graph Coloring000.000%
303419CF662C. Binary Table000.000%
303420CF662D. International Olympiad000.000%
303423CF663B. International Olympiad000.000%
303424CF663C. Graph Coloring000.000%
303426CF663E. Binary Table000.000%
303429CF664C. International Olympiad000.000%
303430CF664D. Graph Coloring000.000%
303436CF665E. Beautiful Subarrays000.000%
303437CF665F. Four Divisors000.000%
303439CF666B. World Tour000.000%
303440CF666C. Codeword000.000%
303446CF667D. World Tour000.000%
303450CF668C. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303451CF668D. Little Artem and Time Machine000.000%
303453CF668F. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303458CF669E. Little Artem and Time Machine010.000%
303465CF670F. Restore a Number000.000%
303467CF671B. Robin Hood000.000%
303468CF671C. Ultimate Weirdness of an Array000.000%
303469CF671D. Roads in Yusland000.000%
303474CF672D. Robin Hood000.000%
303475CF672E. Ultimate Weirdness of an Array000.000%
303480CF673E. Levels and Regions000.000%
303481CF673F. Bearish Fanpages000.000%
303484CF674C. Levels and Regions000.000%
303485CF674D. Bearish Fanpages000.000%
303486CF674E. Bear and Destroying Subtrees000.000%
303491CF675C. Money Transfers000.000%
303493CF675E. Trains and Statistic000.000%
303497CF676D. Theseus and labyrinth000.000%
303498CF676E. The Last Fight Between Human and AI000.000%
303502CF677D. Vanya and Treasure000.000%
303503CF677E. Vanya and Balloons000.000%
303508CF678E. Another Sith Tournament000.000%
303509CF678F. Lena and Queries000.000%
303511CF679B. Bear and Tower of Cubes000.000%
303512CF679C. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303513CF679D. Bear and Chase000.000%
303518CF680D. Bear and Tower of Cubes000.000%
303519CF680E. Bear and Square Grid000.000%
303523CF681D. Gifts by the List000.000%
303524CF681E. Runaway to a Shadow000.000%
303529CF682E. Alyona and Triangles000.000%
303538CF683I. Loader000.000%
303543CF685C. Optimal Point000.000%
303544CF685D. Kay and Eternity000.000%
303545CF685E. Travelling Through the Snow Queen's Kingdom000.000%
303550CF686E. Optimal Point000.000%
303554CF687D. Dividing Kingdom II000.000%
303555CF687E. TOF000.000%
303564CF689D. Friends and Subsequences000.000%
303565CF689E. Mike and Geometry Problem000.000%
303567CF690A2. Collective Mindsets (medium)000.000%
303568CF690A3. Collective Mindsets (hard)000.000%
303570CF690B2. Recover Polygon (medium)000.000%
303571CF690B3. Recover Polygon (hard)000.000%
303574CF690C3. Brain Network (hard)000.000%
303577CF690D3. The Wall (hard)000.000%
303579CF690E2. Photographs (II)000.000%
303581CF690F2. Tree of Life (medium)000.000%
303588CF691F. Couple Cover000.000%
303589CF695A. LRU000.000%
303590CF695B. Break Up000.000%