Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102231[AtCoder]ABC223 B - String Shifting0140.000%
102234[AtCoder]ABC223 E - Placing Rectangles090.000%
102235[AtCoder]ABC223 F - Parenthesis Checking0120.000%
102236[AtCoder]ABC223 G - Vertex Deletion000.000%
102241[AtCoder]ABC224 B - Mongeness010.000%
102242[AtCoder]ABC224 C - Triangle?000.000%
102243[AtCoder]ABC224 D - 8 Puzzle on Graph000.000%
102244[AtCoder]ABC224 E - Integers on Grid000.000%
102245[AtCoder]ABC224 F - Problem where +s Separate Digits000.000%
102246[AtCoder]ABC224 G - Roll or Increment000.000%
102250[AtCoder]ABC225 A - Distinct Strings000.000%
102255[AtCoder]ABC225 F - String Cards000.000%
102256[AtCoder]ABC225 G - X000.000%
102261[AtCoder]ABC226 B - Counting Arrays000.000%
102266[AtCoder]ABC226 G - The baggage000.000%
102271[AtCoder]ABC227 B - KEYENCE building000.000%
102273[AtCoder]ABC227 D - Project Planning000.000%
102275[AtCoder]ABC227 F - Treasure Hunting000.000%
102276[AtCoder]ABC227 G - Divisors of Binomial Coefficient000.000%
102283[AtCoder]ABC228 D - Linear Probing000.000%
102284[AtCoder]ABC228 E - Integer Sequence Fair000.000%
102285[AtCoder]ABC228 F - Stamp Game000.000%
102286[AtCoder]ABC228 G - Digits on Grid000.000%
102287[AtCoder]ABC228 H - Histogram000.000%
102290[AtCoder]ABC229 A - First Grid000.000%
102293[AtCoder]ABC229 D - Longest X000.000%
102294[AtCoder]ABC229 E - Graph Destruction000.000%
102296[AtCoder]ABC229 G - Longest Y010.000%
102302[AtCoder]ABC230 C - X drawing000.000%
102306[AtCoder]ABC230 G - GCD Permutation000.000%
102312[AtCoder]ABC231 C - Counting 2000.000%
102313[AtCoder]ABC231 D - Neighbors000.000%
102316[AtCoder]ABC231 G - Balls in Boxes000.000%
102317[AtCoder]ABC231 H - Minimum Coloring000.000%
102322[AtCoder]ABC232 C - Graph Isomorphism090.000%
102326[AtCoder]ABC232 G - Modulo Shortest Path000.000%
102327[AtCoder]ABC232 H - King's Tour000.000%
102336[AtCoder]ABC233 G - Strongest Takahashi000.000%
102341[AtCoder]ABC234 B - Longest Segment000.000%
102345[AtCoder]ABC234 F - Reordering000.000%
102346[AtCoder]ABC234 G - Divide a Sequence000.000%
102351[AtCoder]ABC235 B - Climbing Takahashi000.000%
102355[AtCoder]ABC235 F - Variety of Digits000.000%
102356[AtCoder]ABC235 G - Gardens000.000%
102357[AtCoder]ABC235 Ex - Painting Weighted Graph000.000%
102361[AtCoder]ABC236 B - Who is missing?010.000%
102364[AtCoder]ABC236 E - Average and Median000.000%
102366[AtCoder]ABC236 G - Good Vertices000.000%
102374[AtCoder]ABC237 E - Skiing000.000%
102376[AtCoder]ABC237 G - Range Sort Query000.000%
102382[AtCoder]ABC238 C - digitnum000.000%
102384[AtCoder]ABC238 E - Range Sums000.000%
102386[AtCoder]ABC238 G - Cubic?000.000%
102387[AtCoder]ABC238 Ex - Removing People000.000%
102391[AtCoder]ABC239 B - Integer Division000.000%
102392[AtCoder]ABC239 C - Knight Fork000.000%
102393[AtCoder]ABC239 D - Prime Sum Game000.000%
102395[AtCoder]ABC239 F - Construct Highway000.000%
102396[AtCoder]ABC239 G - Builder Takahashi000.000%
102400[AtCoder]ABC240 A - Edge Checker000.000%
102401[AtCoder]ABC240 B - Count Distinct Integers000.000%
102402[AtCoder]ABC240 C - Jumping Takahashi000.000%
102403[AtCoder]ABC240 D - Strange Balls000.000%
102404[AtCoder]ABC240 E - Ranges on Tree000.000%
102406[AtCoder]ABC240 G - Teleporting Takahashi000.000%
102407[AtCoder]ABC240 Ex - Sequence of Substrings000.000%
102410[AtCoder]ABC241 A - Digit Machine000.000%
102414[AtCoder]ABC241 E - Putting Candies000.000%
102416[AtCoder]ABC241 G - Round Robin000.000%
102421[AtCoder]ABC242 B - Minimize Ordering000.000%
102422[AtCoder]ABC242 C - 1111gal password000.000%
102426[AtCoder]ABC242 G - Range Pairing Query000.000%
102427[AtCoder]ABC242 Ex - Random Painting000.000%
102434[AtCoder]ABC243 E - Edge Deletion000.000%
102436[AtCoder]ABC243 G - Sqrt000.000%
102441[AtCoder]ABC244 B - Go Straight and Turn Right020.000%
102442[AtCoder]ABC244 C - Yamanote Line Game020.000%
102444[AtCoder]ABC244 E - King Bombee000.000%
102445[AtCoder]ABC244 F - Shortest Good Path000.000%
102446[AtCoder]ABC244 G - Construct Good Path000.000%
102450[AtCoder]ABC245 A - Good morning050.000%
102454[AtCoder]ABC245 E - Wrapping Chocolate090.000%
102456[AtCoder]ABC245 G - Foreign Friends000.000%
102461[AtCoder]ABC246 B - Get Closer000.000%
102466[AtCoder]ABC246 G - Game on Tree 3000.000%
102470[AtCoder]ABC247 A - Move Right000.000%
102476[AtCoder]ABC247 G - Dream Team000.000%
102477[AtCoder]ABC247 Ex - Rearranging Problem000.000%
102483[AtCoder]ABC248 D - Range Count Query000.000%
102486[AtCoder]ABC248 G - GCD cost on the tree000.000%
102490[AtCoder]ABC249 A - Jogging000.000%
102491[AtCoder]ABC249 B - Perfect String000.000%
102495[AtCoder]ABC249 F - Ignore Operations000.000%
102496[AtCoder]ABC249 G - Xor Cards000.000%
102501[AtCoder]ABC250 B - Enlarged Checker Board000.000%
102506[AtCoder]ABC250 G - Stonks000.000%
102507[AtCoder]ABC250 Ex - Trespassing Takahashi000.000%
102511[AtCoder]ABC251 B - At Most 3 (Judge ver.)000.000%
102512[AtCoder]ABC251 C - Poem Online Judge000.000%
102515[AtCoder]ABC251 F - Two Spanning Trees000.000%