Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
4464ABC213 A - Bitwise Exclusive Or (数据未验证)010.000%
6454BZOJ2454:TopCoder SRM 463 RabbitPuzzle
7661BZOJ3661:Hungry Rabbit
7662BZOJ3662:Clever Rabbit
7663BZOJ3663:Crazy Rabbit
8233BZOJ4233:[Cerc2013]Captain Obvious and the Rabbit-Man
8660BZOJ4660:Crazy Rabbit
100951[AtCoder]ABC095 B - Bitter Alchemy000.000%
101311[AtCoder]ABC131 B - Bite Eating000.000%
101504[AtCoder]ABC150 E - Change a Little Bit000.000%
102130[AtCoder]ABC213 A - Bitwise Exclusive Or010.000%
103013[Atcoder]ABC301 D - Bitmask0150.000%
201383[AtCoder]ARC138 D - Differ by K bits000.000%
300032CF8C. Looking for Order000.000%
300048CF11D. A Simple Task000.000%
300074CF16E. Fish000.000%
300096CF21D. Traveling Graph000.000%
300123CF27B. Tournament000.000%
300279CF53E. Dead Ends000.000%
300329CF63E. Sweets Game000.000%
300373CF71E. Nuclear Fusion000.000%
300401CF76C. Mutation000.000%
300418CF79D. Password000.000%
300439CF83E. Two Subsequences000.000%
300501CF96B. Lucky Numbers (easy)000.000%
300508CF97D. Robot in Basement000.000%
300562CF107C. Arrangement000.000%
300582CF111C. Petya and Spiders000.000%
300589CF112E. Petya and Spiders000.000%
300596CF114B. PFAST Inc.000.000%
300657CF125C. Hobbits' Party000.000%
300700CF132E. Bits of merry old England000.000%
300799CF152E. Garden000.000%
300869CF165E. Compatible Numbers000.000%
301064CF201D. Brand New Problem000.000%
301066CF202A. LLPS000.000%
301138CF212B. Polycarpus is Looking for Good Substrings000.000%
301165CF217D. Bitonix' Patrol000.000%
301198CF224B. Array000.000%
301205CF225D. Snake000.000%
301238CF232B. Table000.000%
301241CF232E. Quick Tortoise000.000%
301245CF233D. Table000.000%
301287CF241B. Friends000.000%
301297CF242E. XOR on Segment000.000%
301298CF243A. The Brand New Function000.000%
301304CF244B. Undoubtedly Lucky Numbers000.000%
301305CF244C. The Brand New Function000.000%
301344CF251D. Two Sets000.000%
301376CF258A. Little Elephant and Bits000.000%
301383CF259C. Little Elephant and Bits000.000%
301467CF276D. Little Girl and Maximum XOR000.000%
301482CF279D. The Minimum Number of Variables000.000%
301494CF282A. Bit++000.000%
301498CF282E. Sausage Maximization000.000%
301512CF285D. Permutation Sum000.000%
301542CF291C. Network Mask000.000%
301626CF309C. Memory for Arrays000.000%
301732CF327E. Axis Walking000.000%
301765CF333D. Characteristics of Rectangles000.000%
301766CF333E. Summer Earnings000.000%
301782CF336E. Vasily the Bear and Painting Square000.000%
301796CF339D. Xenia and Bit Operations000.000%
301811CF342D. Xenia and Dominoes000.000%
301871CF354B. Game with Strings000.000%
301883CF356D. Bags and Coins000.000%
301938CF367D. Sereja and Sets000.000%
301977CF375C. Circling Round Treasures000.000%
301984CF376E. Circling Round Treasures000.000%
301987CF377C. Captains Mode000.000%
301994CF378E. Captains Mode000.000%
301998CF379D. New Year Letter000.000%
302030CF385D. Bear and Floodlight000.000%
302042CF388B. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302107CF400E. Inna and Binary Logic000.000%
302111CF401D. Roman and Numbers000.000%
302168CF413D. 2048000.000%
302188CF417D. Cunning Gena000.000%
302191CF418B. Cunning Gena000.000%
302216CF425B. Sereja and Table 000.000%
302232CF429C. Guess the Tree000.000%
302243CF431D. Random Task000.000%
302272CF437B. The Child and Set000.000%
302294CF441E. Valera and Number000.000%
302295CF442A. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302302CF443C. Borya and Hanabi000.000%
302333CF449D. Jzzhu and Numbers000.000%
302344CF451E. Devu and Flowers000.000%
302352CF453B. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%
302359CF454D. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%
302424CF467B. Fedor and New Game000.000%
302457CF472G. Design Tutorial: Increase the Constraints000.000%
302471CF476B. Dreamoon and WiFi000.000%
302497CF482C. Game with Strings000.000%
302504CF483E. Game with Strings000.000%
302505CF484A. Bits000.000%
302512CF485C. Bits000.000%
302600CF504D. Misha and XOR000.000%