302107: CF400E. Inna and Binary Logic

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Inna and Binary Logic


Inna 有一个一个长度为 $n$ 的数列 $a_1 [1],a_1 [2],\dots,a_1 [n]$。 她会进行如下操作,分为 $n$ 个阶段: 在第一阶段,Inna 从数组 $a_1$中写出所有数字,在第 $i$ 个 $(i \ge 2)$ 阶段 Inna 会写出数组的所有元素 $a_i$ ,由 $n - i + 1$ 个整数组成; 数组 $a_i$ 的第 $k$ 个数定义如下:$a_{i} [k] = a_{i-1} [k]\ \mathrm{AND}\ a_{i-1} [k + 1]$ 。 这里 $\mathrm{AND}$ 是二进制的逐位与运算。 Dima 决定检验 Inna 的技能。 他要求 Inna 改变阵列,进行练习并说出她在当前练习中写出的所有元素的总和,即: $\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^{n-i+1} a_i[j]$ 请帮助Inna回答问题!


Inna is fed up with jokes about female logic. So she started using binary logic instead. Inna has an array of $ n $ elements $ a_{1}[1],a_{1}[2],...,a_{1}[n] $ . Girl likes to train in her binary logic, so she does an exercise consisting of $ n $ stages: on the first stage Inna writes out all numbers from array $ a_{1} $ , on the $ i $ -th $ (i>=2) $ stage girl writes all elements of array $ a_{i} $ , which consists of $ n-i+1 $ integers; the $ k $ -th integer of array $ a_{i} $ is defined as follows: $ a_{i}[k]=a_{i-1}[k] AND a_{i-1}[k+1] $ . Here AND is bit-wise binary logical operation. Dima decided to check Inna's skill. He asks Inna to change array, perform the exercise and say the sum of all ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF400E/150441d31156a32e0b2da63844d600138a543898.png) elements she wrote out during the current exercise. Help Inna to answer the questions!



The first line contains two integers $ n $ and $ m $ $ (1<=n,m<=10^{5}) $ — size of array $ a_{1} $ and number of Dima's questions. Next line contains $ n $ integers $ a_{1}[1],a_{1}[2],...,a_{1}[n] $ $ (0<=a_{i}<=10^{5}) $ — initial array elements. Each of next $ m $ lines contains two integers — Dima's question description. Each question consists of two integers $ p_{i},v_{i} $ $ (1<=p_{i}<=n; 0<=v_{i}<=10^{5}) $ . For this question Inna should make $ a_{1}[p_{i}] $ equals $ v_{i} $ , and then perform the exercise. Please, note that changes are saved from question to question.


For each question print Inna's answer on a single line.


输入样例 #1

3 4
1 1 1
1 1
2 2
3 2
1 2

输出样例 #1




Inna 有一个一个长度为 $n$ 的数列 $a_1 [1],a_1 [2],\dots,a_1 [n]$。 她会进行如下操作,分为 $n$ 个阶段: 在第一阶段,Inna 从数组 $a_1$中写出所有数字,在第 $i$ 个 $(i \ge 2)$ 阶段 Inna 会写出数组的所有元素 $a_i$ ,由 $n - i + 1$ 个整数组成; 数组 $a_i$ 的第 $k$ 个数定义如下:$a_{i} [k] = a_{i-1} [k]\ \mathrm{AND}\ a_{i-1} [k + 1]$ 。 这里 $\mathrm{AND}$ 是二进制的逐位与运算。 Dima 决定检验 Inna 的技能。 他要求 Inna 改变阵列,进行练习并说出她在当前练习中写出的所有元素的总和,即: $\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^{n-i+1} a_i[j]$ 请帮助Inna回答问题!


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