Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
8812BZOJ4812: [Ynoi2017]由乃打扑克
304256CF812A. Sagheer and Crossroads000.000%
304257CF812B. Sagheer, the Hausmeister000.000%
304258CF812C. Sagheer and Nubian Market000.000%
304259CF812D. Sagheer and Kindergarten000.000%
304260CF812E. Sagheer and Apple Tree000.000%
309649CF1713A. Traveling Salesman Problem000.000%
309650CF1713B. Optimal Reduction000.000%
309651CF1713C. Build Permutation000.000%
309652CF1713D. Tournament Countdown000.000%
309653CF1713E. Cross Swapping000.000%
309654CF1713F. Lost Array000.000%
310302CF1812A. Are You a Robot?000.000%
310303CF1812B. Was it Rated?000.000%
310304CF1812C. Digits000.000%
310305CF1812D. Trivial Conjecture000.000%
310306CF1812E. Not a Geometry Problem000.000%
310307CF1812F. Factorization000.000%
310308CF1812G. Colour Vision000.000%
310309CF1812H. Expected Twist000.000%
310310CF1812I. Mountain Climber000.000%
310311CF1812J. Unmysterious Language000.000%
402574GYM100812 A Tale of Debt
402575GYM100812 B Set of Tasks000.000%
402576GYM100812 C Story of Princess000.000%
402577GYM100812 D Dream of Sum000.000%
402578GYM100812 E World of Knights000.000%
402579GYM100812 F Graveyard of Bandits000.000%
402580GYM100812 G Short Path000.000%
402581GYM100812 H Sheep in the Garden000.000%
402582GYM100812 I Dragon Delivers000.000%
402583GYM100812 J Feeling of Comradeship000.000%
402584GYM100812 K Might and Magic000.000%
402585GYM100812 L Knights without Fear and Reproach000.000%