Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
402103GYM100645 C Decompressing in a GIF000.000%
402104GYM100645 D Flipper000.000%
402105GYM100645 E The Flood000.000%
402106GYM100645 F Here’s a Product Which Will Make You Tensor000.000%
402107GYM100645 G Trip the Lights Fantastic000.000%
402108GYM100645 H Windows000.000%
402109GYM100646 A Bordering on Madness000.000%
402110GYM100646 B Jack of All Trades000.000%
402111GYM100646 C LCR000.000%
402112GYM100646 D Party Party Party000.000%
402113GYM100646 E Su-Su-Sudoku000.000%
402114GYM100646 F Tanks a Lot000.000%
402115GYM100646 G The Worm Turns000.000%
402116GYM100646 H You’ll be Working on the Railroad000.000%
402117GYM100647 A CIVIC DILL MIX000.000%
402118GYM100647 B A Foldy but a Goody000.000%
402119GYM100647 C Give Me an E000.000%
402120GYM100647 D Lemmings, Lemmings Everywhere. But Not For Long.000.000%
402121GYM100647 E Once Around the Lock000.000%
402122GYM100647 F A Puzzling Problem000.000%
402123GYM100647 G And Now, a Remainder from Our Sponsor000.000%
402124GYM100647 H Target Practice000.000%
402125GYM100648 A Caterpillar000.000%
402126GYM100648 B Hie with the Pie000.000%
402127GYM100648 C Mahershalalhashbaz, Nebuchadnezzar, and Billy Bob Benjamin Go to the Regionals000.000%
402128GYM100648 D The Mastermind Master’s Mind000.000%
402129GYM100648 E Plaque Pack000.000%
402130GYM100648 F Roofing It000.000%
402131GYM100648 G Snakes on a Plane000.000%
402132GYM100648 H Stake Your Claim000.000%
402133GYM100650 A ACM (ACronym Maker)000.000%
402134GYM100650 B Countdown000.000%
402135GYM100650 C The Game of Efil000.000%
402136GYM100650 D Queens, Knights and Pawns000.000%
402137GYM100650 E Reliable Nets000.000%
402138GYM100650 F Square Count000.000%
402139GYM100650 G Swamp Things000.000%
402140GYM100650 H Two Ends000.000%
402141GYM100651 A Alphacode000.000%
402142GYM100651 B Anti-prime Sequences000.000%
402143GYM100651 C Hit or Miss000.000%
402144GYM100651 D I Conduit!000.000%
402145GYM100651 E Roll Playing Games000.000%
402146GYM100651 F Team Rankings000.000%
402147GYM100651 G To and Fro000.000%
402148GYM100651 H Translations000.000%
402153GYM100676 A A. Relational Operator000.000%
402154GYM100676 B B. Three Angles000.000%
402155GYM100676 C C. Memory is Full000.000%
402156GYM100676 D D. Sudoku000.000%
402157GYM100676 E E. Time Limit Exceeded?000.000%
402158GYM100676 F F. Palindrome000.000%
402159GYM100676 G G. Training Camp000.000%
402160GYM100676 H H. Capital City000.000%
402164GYM100685 A Ariel000.000%
402165GYM100685 B Billy, Willy and Moscow Underground000.000%
402166GYM100685 C Cinderella000.000%
402167GYM100685 D Darkwing Duck000.000%
402168GYM100685 E Epic Fail of a Genie000.000%
402169GYM100685 F Flood000.000%
402170GYM100685 G Gadget Hackwrench000.000%
402171GYM100685 H Hunt for Treasure!000.000%
402172GYM100685 I Innovative Business000.000%
402173GYM100685 J Just Another Disney Problem000.000%
402174GYM100685 K Key to Magica's diary000.000%
402183GYM100687 I ACM Student Chapter (A)000.000%
402184GYM100687 J ACM Student Chapter (B)000.000%
402243GYM100712 A Who Is The Winner000.000%
402244GYM100712 B Rock-Paper-Scissors000.000%
402245GYM100712 C Street Lamps000.000%
402246GYM100712 D Alternating Strings000.000%
402247GYM100712 E Epic Professor000.000%
402248GYM100712 F Travelling Salesman000.000%
402249GYM100712 G Heavy Coins000.000%
402250GYM100712 H Bridges000.000%
402251GYM100712 I Bahosain and Digits000.000%
402252GYM100712 J Candy000.000%
402253GYM100712 K Runtime Error000.000%
402254GYM100712 L Alternating Strings II000.000%
402255GYM100714 A Alien Visit000.000%
402256GYM100714 B Big Number000.000%
402257GYM100714 C Contest000.000%
402258GYM100714 D Distance000.000%
402259GYM100714 E Efficient Cartography000.000%
402260GYM100714 F Finance000.000%
402261GYM100714 G Golden Spire000.000%
402262GYM100714 H Hometask000.000%
402263GYM100714 I Interest Targeting000.000%
402264GYM100714 J Joke000.000%
402265GYM100714 K KMC Attacks000.000%
402266GYM100714 L Lanes000.000%
402305GYM100725 A Artinals000.000%
402306GYM100725 B Banal Tickets000.000%
402307GYM100725 C Crankshaft000.000%
402308GYM100725 D Destroying The Graph000.000%
402309GYM100725 E Experiment "X": Explosions Expected000.000%
402310GYM100725 F Factoring a Polynomial000.000%
402311GYM100725 G Greatest Common Increasing Subsequence000.000%
402312GYM100725 H Highways000.000%
402313GYM100725 I Invariant Polynomials000.000%