Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
402141GYM100651 A Alphacode000.000%
402142GYM100651 B Anti-prime Sequences000.000%
402143GYM100651 C Hit or Miss000.000%
402144GYM100651 D I Conduit!000.000%
402145GYM100651 E Roll Playing Games000.000%
402146GYM100651 F Team Rankings000.000%
402147GYM100651 G To and Fro000.000%
402148GYM100651 H Translations000.000%
404197GYM101461 A Period000.000%
404198GYM101461 B Corporative Network000.000%
404199GYM101461 C Cave Exploration000.000%
404200GYM101461 D City Game000.000%
404201GYM101461 E Cube Root000.000%
404202GYM101461 F Cable TV Network000.000%
404203GYM101461 G Alibaba000.000%
404204GYM101461 H Booklets000.000%
404205GYM101461 I Count on Cantor000.000%